Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Look Up in the Skye!

 Given his past with "Red" Tracy's not gonna be happy!

There she is...Robin Christopher!! LOVE the tie in with "The City"!! Way too long to let Tracy off the mobular hook.

I came in at the 30 minute mark, long enough to see Lucky junking out big time. JJ plays strung out so well. His fascination with his shoe is still awesome heh. 

LOVED Tracy and Lulu!! Tracy saying she wanted him to come ho
me and vow not to leave. :)  Awesome to have those two have a coffee chat!

Robin and Sonny-- Sonny's off his meds. Whoops. They actually made Robin act like a doctor! I missed Sonny trashing his bedroom though. Dang.

Heck, we even got a montage at the end... Tracy clearing off Luke's desk wahhhh. ;/ Packing, throwing away and Lulu's even cleaning the dang fridge!! Wow... haven't seen anyone even do that since Bobbie in like 1992. 


  1. Lucky, Liz, and Dante: I am so glad that Liz believes Lucky!! :) And I bet Shivon won't! Dante do you really believe Lucky? WOAH LUCKY HITS DANTE WITH A PIPE!!!! I did NOT see that one coming!

    Lucky: No Lucky! No! Don't jump in the water!!!! :(

    Sonny and Robin: Woah Sonny you gotta start taking your pills again!!!! You got to take care of yourself!!!

    Michael and Abby: This is just a tad big boring! This handsome guy shows up and wants them to have dinner. Wait Michael is worried about his father, but yet he is going to stay for dinner?!!?! Uh okay.

    Drug dealer Pauly Shore and Papa Z: Papa Z chokes him ROFL! Johnny comes in and asks friend of yours? ROFL! Pauly Shore runs away when Papa Z lets him go! ROFL!

    Papa Z, Tracy, and Johnny: ROFL! Tracy tells Johnny that his father is stalking her ROFL! Great stuff! :)

    Papa Z and Skye: WOAH SKYE! Love seeing you but you belong on AMC! So Skye is working for Papa Z? Where is Lila Raye!?!?! Will she be sorassed to be a teenager? :)

    Dante and Lulu: HOT HOT HOT! :) And something is growing in the fridge! ROFL! Oh look it's detective Demestico! And he says they are family (since Lulu is naked in bed) and Dante says like hell you are ROFL! Lulu had to clean the fridge all by herself! ROFL! Woah and they showed Lulu cleaning the fridge!!!! SO REAL!!!! :)

  2. Anyone else think that Johnny was majorly attractive when he was threatening AZ (:


  4. Dude, I always think Johnny is attractive! I love how he picked up the ELQ perspective and was thinking about it!

  5. Sonya - i always love your comments but enough with the "ROFL!" 's after every sentence!!!!!

  6. Hey Anonymous! It's not on every sentence! Go look again!

  7. can we please bring someone besides sky back? i can't stand her, especially since she set zem up, causing em to break her back & leave town!!

    i only watch for jj & rh. he does druggie way better than greg vaughn ever could.

  8. OMG, Sonya, ROFL all you WANT baby!!

  9. Karen hahaha well okay! :)

    P.S. ROFL!

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. those of us on the West Coast get the show three hours later than you do.

  12. Loved the "coffee chat" , but did anyone else notice there was no water coming from the sink faucet? They'd placed a pasta jar or something so we couldn't see...but I could (or could not) hear it, lol...when she put the tea kettle on the stove, it clanked as if it were empty, which I think it was, hahahaha...ohhhh it's the little things that aren't changing, guys, and the devil is in the details... the writing has improved greatly, and I'm enjoying the change... Gooooo Wolfie!

  13. Unless Karen isn't around, I'd rather not have recaps done either. Comments, yes,but not a complete rerun. I'd rather watch it myself and figure out what is what. thanks

  14. Personally I love Sonya's recaps/comments they're hilarious (:

    Ignore the haters Sonya, ignore the haters!!

  15. Hey Anonymous trolls! I didn't write recaps! They are my thoughts. If you don't like my thoughts, then don't read them. Go back to your troll home and eat your dinner.

  16. OMG..come on-- can't people just GET THE HELL ALONG?? Sonya, I like your comments you know that..if people don't want to read them, they can skip it!!
    I am on my last nerve tonight. Just got a load of the "Best Smile" poll on the wubsnet.
    People are such asses when it comes to Liz vs Sam.

  17. I too find Sonya's ROFL annoying but really people? asking her not to type it? Wow. I just skip over it. geesh. Karen, I would stop the polls, it isn't worth your efforts. obviously people from other sites are coming over just to bash Becky or Kemo. Both women are beautiful with beautiful smiles. They're on a soap people, usually they're all gorgeous. You can still have your personal favs, so grow up!

  18. If you're on the west coast, then don't read this site until after the show airs! That's just common sense for crying out loud!

    Sonya, type all you want with as many ROFL's as you want. People need to get a life- it's a Soap for Pete's Sake!

  19. mosbp2003 yeah it's a soap! It's a soap that is funny! Funny with great one liners. :)

  20. Karen another option for the polls is to just leave Liz & Sam off of them. That will really tick the haters off, but solve the problem. I like your idea of no comments tho.

  21. Loved Lulu and Dante. I think it is time to end Michael and Abby - he just always has that dumb look on his face which makes him look even younger than he is. I don't think CD is the best choice for a romantic relationship with an older woman - maybe a recast is needed in my opinion. JJ is doing a bang up job. Johnny needs a romantic interest - maybe Abby?

  22. I can't believe I had my post removed. KD apparently it isn't okay for people to speak their mind if you don't agree with them. At one time I complained about someone's post and you told me everyone had the right to say what they thought.I guess only your friends fall into that catagory. Sorry I upset you so. Just goes to show what kind of bias you have.

  23. That's BS-- you called Sonya's writing "Special Needs"-- I don't tolerate other people's calling people stupid crap.
    You obviously don't like the blog,complain about her RECAPS-- so why bother comin' in here?Don't get it

  24. Oh my god, there's a lot of useful information in this post!

  25. For my part everybody ought to glance at this.



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