Sunday, August 21, 2011

New Franco Media Photos from GH UP

If you go to General Hosptial Franco on Facebook, you can see new pics from the set!! Here's my fave because it has a GORILLA Fronkey in the back!! Homage to the Rise o' the Apes. Plus, we know James loves the Fronkeys. Can't you totally picture Alberta sitting on tha gorilla's head?! heh.

You feeling excited for him to return? I love my Franco-Frenia-- even if it makes no sense, interrupts the story and can be chopped up. I DON'T CARE's FRANCO!! Late-stage Girl Fan, what can I say?


  1. So, let me understand this. GH is nothing more than a one hour promo for James Franco's other projects?

  2. Oh of course. PLUS he's making a behind the scenes documentary on it!! Heh....
    To be fair, Franco pays for his production time

  3. Karen,
    I still think you should check into the most underrated show in TV history (me-drama queen ) and that is "Freaks and Geeks". It's where I first saw him and loved him as Daniel. Adorable! Not only a show that launched a lot of careers, but great writing as well. If you already have watched F&G, please just toss this into your cyber trash can. ;-)

  4. Hey Karen, I'm with you. I love me some Franco, don't care what he does, it can only be good for GH. Glad to hear he doesn't cost them a fortune!

  5. This will not have effect in reality, that is what I believe.



  Well, it's sunny and cooler here... I'm your official weather girl for Western NY, that's for sure.  I'm ready for the sho...