Saturday, August 6, 2011

RUMOR:The Lady In White??

Could it be Siobhan's twin/look alike?? Word is Erin Chambers  is staying on GH but not as Siobhan-- who will die later in August. Ethan starts to see someone -- The Lady In White. Gothic Story-- eerie... Seems he sees her and she's elusive. Perhaps that's why they had their "nosebleed" scene together?? We shall see!!  I'm hoping she's a Cassadine and has a nice American accent LOL


  1. Wow, that's AMAZING!!!!!! I love Erin, she's soooo talented and beautiful, I really hope she can stay and get a good storyline! Maybe even some lovin' with Ethan or at least Ronan? I gave up on my LuSh hopes, it's way too clear they want a Lucky and Liz reunion.
    I was never bothered by her accent, what I always found extremely annoying were people complaining about her accent and making fun of her being "Oyrish". I read comments on Youtube wishing Siobhan would die just to get rid of her "Irish stew" accent. How racist can people be???

  2. I don't think it is racism, I think people (including me) can't stand how fake her accent is. It's like portraying people from Ireland as a cartoon.

  3. Trust me, the posts I read were racist.

    Take this one for example (and it's the nicest one I could find):

    Liz shut Carly up do the same to the damn leprechaun.

  4. Trust me, the posts I read were racist.

    Take this one for example (and it's the nicest one I could find):

    Liz shut Carly up do the same to the damn leprechaun.

  5. I wouldn't call Siobhan and Lucky LuSh. I would call them Sucky.

    I have no interest in seeing them together. I'm not necessarily hoping for a Lucky and Liz reunion either. I have to see how that all plays out. I just really dislike Siobhan BECAUSE her accent is so bad. If her accent was well done I would absolutely love her.

    If she gets rid of the accent, I would love to see her stay and be paired with Ethan. I think she's absolutely gorgeous and a great actress. And I don't want to see Ethan with Kristina, because I have no interest in seeing Ethan bullied by Sonny, regardless of whether Ethan has chemistry with Kristina or not. Find him somebody his own age without a mob boss for a father.

  6. Quite frankly I don't like Siobahn (the carachter) with Lucky. I think the relationship was really rushed. There was absolutely no sexual tension created between them before they got together. That always spoils a relationship for me. There should be a bit of repressed desire between a couple. They should be trying to stay away from each other for some reason. Then when they finally get together - it's a big aaaaaah. At this point, I just don't see any spark between Lucky and Siobahn - at all.

    The reason that the actress irks me is that I still remember her as a mean Genni (not sure on spelling)Warrior on Stargate Atlantis.

    Here are some more Scifi tidbits: DZ was also on Stargate Atlantis. LL was on Star Trek Voyager. Constance Towers was on StarnTrek: Deep Space Nine. Well that's it for my SciFi fun facts.

  7. On OLTL DNA results prove nothing.

  8. I don't like the irish lass either. Never have. Would be very open to her if she spoke in her normal voice though. She is very pretty. It's hard to tell her acting ability when the accent is soooo bad. JMO

  9. I dislike Liz with Lucky and much prefer him with Siobhan. I don't mind Erin's accent - anything is better than Lucky and Liz in my opinion. They make me tired and I guess I will do a lot of fast forwarding.

  10. Anonymous, Karen is spoiler free for OLTL. Please do not post spoilers. And yes, previous posters were complaining about comments spoiling the show for them, but they hae the option not to read. This is Karen's blog and she does not have that option.

  11. Ethan should be with Kristina, thanks. They have a huge fanbase who like them together and Wolfe, et al would be foolish to split them up. I'm sure they know they have a great thing going on with them.

  12. Since when should a fanbase determine a couple? I'd love to see Ethan with NuSiobhan, much more interesting than the cliched older bad boy with a spoiled brat of a teenager.

    I hope they keep Erin around, she is a great actress!

  13. I agree, they need to keep Ethan and Kristina together and ignore the haters. Love them together. Loads of chem that can't be replaced or duplicated. GH, hope you're listening! ♥

  14. I don't think they're going to split Kristina and Ethan up just because a few people don't like them together. Anon, I'm sure they know they do have a good thing going with them. :-)

  15. I dislike both Siobhan and LL2. The accent is awful! Ethan and Lucky can fight for the Lady in white, I want LiRic!!!

  16. I'm pretty sure it helped couples like Luke and Laura, Robert and Holly, Brenda and Sonny, Lucky and Liz, Jasam, etc. to have big fanbases. I don't think Ethan and Kristina have as many fans (yet), but I do know they have a big, vocal established one as well. I wouldn't discount them.

  17. Why are they keeping Erin? She's awful! She's pretty, but she's not intruiging and she's not good enough to be kept on as a new character! In the meantime, they got rid of IR and TC instead? Say what?

  18. Ethan and Kristina may have a some chemistry, but heat-not really. Can you imagine them in an actual love scene? I think it might make me feel a little dirty. Kristina still comes off as a little young to me. Maybe I'm in the minority...

  19. During her last stint we saw Helena with a mystery birth certificate. Could this be the Lady in White's? If so, it's possible the Lady in White is a Cassadine? Perhaps a relative of Alexis? Also, then a relative of Kristina? A love triangle with Ethan, Kristina and her new mystery family member?

  20. I think Ethan and Kristina could be hot, if they write them that way. I know LA is "hot" in K Mc's movie, so I'm pretty sure it could be done. *shrugs*

  21. I've already imagined Ethan and Kristina in an actual love scene. Or two. LOL

  22. BTW, I think the stuff WOULD be racist if Erin was really Irish. Although, married to a Brit me knows that the UK people welcome all sarcasm, and tom-foolery leveled at them.


  23. I met a lady last week that was actually Irish. Let tell you, she sounded nothing like Sioban. Her accent was beautiful, not like this character! That is what turned me off from liking Sioban.

  24. My husband is British, and I know a lot of people from Ireland. If anything her accent is 'racist'...LOL some have a thick Irish brogue but not many and they don't sound like that. I am just saying that she needs to go back to her AMERICAN accent or tone it down to make it believable for me

  25. So, I don't actually believe this will work.

  26. Quite useful piece of writing, thanks for this post.

  27. Pretty useful information, thank you for your article.



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