Sunday, August 28, 2011

Sunday Surgery: Storm Surge and Dashboard Dreams

Well, not a lot to say today as I'm moving my son into college and most of the East Coast is in hurricane Irene's path. Hope you are all safe and your belongings are ok. (Especially your computers!) 

This week's GH was up/down for me. Still too much Carly yelling for my taste-- she's just driving me insane. Of course, there were some great JaSam scenes for those fans--and Liason dreams for those. Maybe Garin could write a parallel universe show, with every other day Jason either being with Liz or Sam. Then we'd have real ratings race. 
AZ was around town crazy as usual. Abner argues. Johnny/Abby cup-cake chem test. Lots of hospital stuff and of course, Skye in her aqua dress.  Sonny did his best angst-acting. I wonder what it would be like to see Mo play happy, light, singing and dancing? heh... 
The dreams were a highlight of course. All the ladies thinking of Jason in their own special ways... (and glowing!!) 

We are going to have NuKate coming, Morgan off to military school (which cracks me up)--Kristina getting ill. The "aftermath" of Dashboard Operation when Jason wakes up. We know they at least attempt to marry and Franco comes to take Sammy away to do some art with. 

SCENE OF THE WEEK: Say it with me people: THE Q's including ALAN!! All happy and at Christmas time-- even Tracy banter. Ahhhhhhhhhh bliss. I still say killing Alan off was one of Guza's biggest idiot moves. (that and Georgie). No reason for it, none. Just plain stupid. Could Dr. David in Pine Valley have saved him?? Please!!?

See who won "Take a Vacation, Please" poll and Vote in First "Soapy-Death Match"!!! I did put that up yesterday, needed to get ready to leave early today.

SCENE OF THE WEEK: uh.. come on, I have to go with the Q's and Jason--especially the Tracy banter. *sigh* bliss... thank you Stuart Damon for coming back for a short time!! 

Here in Western NY It's cloudy, rainy and really windy--just great weather for dorm moving-in. NOT! HOPE you are all safe, sound and have power in the East!! Goodnight IRENE! 


  1. Yay for Stuart. I dso agree they shouldn't have killed him. Loved those scenes. I have to say I didn't like the scene going sour however. Rumors abound about Robin dieing. Will not be happy if that happens. Some hinted at Edward but I thought maybe Molly since they said they would have to recast someone (a male). Hmmmm. Karen I like your idea of Jasam one day, liason the next. He could have split personalities. I do like Matt but I like him WITH MAXIE. They're just cute. The spin stuff is a bore. Even AZ is boring me and that was usually hard to do since I love the actor.

  2. It was so nice seeing the Quartermaines in action again. I can understand Monica's dream of wanting her son to be the doctor he initially started out to be. Sam's dream was just another day in the life of JaSam. That Hawaiian adventure is SO them. Carly's dream is a little out there, but not too far out of the realm of possibility. I honestly just don't get Elizabeth's dream. Granted, it was cute. I will grudgingly admit that. But the Jason in her dream was in no way related to any version of who Jason used to be, who he is now, or who he ever could be. To me, this dream shows why LIason just can't work on GH .... because Jason just isn't the man Elizabeth wants him to be. And that even in her wildest dreams, her ideal Jason is a man he can't be. And even then, he doesn't want the settled down family life with her. So maybe that was the point of Elizabeth's dream, to show her once and for all that Jason isn't the man for her.

  3. Did you see Mo playing Desi Arnaz in the movie about Lucy and Desi? He was really good in it, imo. Light, and no mob in sight.

  4. I really wish Georgie could come back. And maybe have a Georgie/Dillon reunion.

    I also loved Spinelli and the real reason why he's not or he doesn't want to be himself anymore. Caring too much doesn't pay.

  5. I guess you're right Nicky. The Liason dream wasn't anything we imagined. They should have showed Elizabeth in the Q dream and included Jake. Monica could have been holding him and Liason walks in together announcing he's the new chief of staff. And if what you said is true than Guza, GW & anyone else has successfully killed one of the most natural connections on GH. I do think Sam is Jason's match, but I still love the Liason friendship, always have.

    As for Spinelli I FF thru it all. Can't stomach that guy whether he's the Jackal or Spinelli it doesn't matter. It's just plain bad IMO. Same with michael & Abby. I think the actress is just dull or something.

  6. To be fair, Mrs. B, I think Elizabeth's dream would have made a lot more sense if her Jason was the Jason she danced with at Kelly's or perhaps the one who ran the motorcycle shop. I have NEVER been a fan of Liason, but I will admit there was a time on the show before Sam came on when they could have had a real chance.

  7. I got teary eyed when Dr Alan walked in. Awww...class act.

    Mrs B...I too FF thru anything Spinelli. Though I have been for almost 2 years now!!

    Joan..not sure I see Robin dying.
    I do see her leaving the show though.

    RUMOR-is that we will need tissue the week of labor day.
    My first thought was Edward. Then I started to think Krissy, since she has some health issues coming up.
    I use to ADORE Matt.
    Now he is behaving like an idiot.
    Why they doing that to him?

    And lastly, Jason, COS with coke up his nose!! NOPE I didn't see that coming!

  8. @Nicky That's why it's a dream. As a Liason fan, that bit of allowed interaction made me extremely happy. At this point, I'll take what I can get. Sad I know, but its the cards we've been dealt. Now, initially a ton of Liason fans were a little bothered when we first heard of these dream scenes. For one, why couldn't it have been Jason to experience these dreams about these four women who held/hold the most stock in his life (w/ Robin OF COURSE being included... making it five)? Why is it always Jason that gets to escape tough scenarios? It's always up to the women, and then they have to deal w/ the flack or whatever fallout that comes. It would have made more sense for Jason, in a coma, to reflect on life or what could be, than have women like Liz reek random/nonsensical desperation in the middle of her intense Lucky fandom.

    This brings me to my second point. What purpose did the dreams serve? To prop Sam and speak to Jasam's relationship. It sickened me that Monica, Carly, and Liz were all thrown under the bus so it can be instilled in us that Sam is the only one who accepts Jason the way he is, therefore meaning she is the only true one for him. Honestly, we could have done w/o the dream scenes to get that biased point. It was just another jab to the Liason fanbase. We get it. TPTB have made it very clear time and time again that Jasam is supposed to be endgame. To top it off, just when we thought TPTB were throwing us a bone, they give us a dream that Liz never hoped for Jason. Granted, it was all in the essence of creativity and some aspects were definitely true-to-form, but Jason as an architect? When did Liz EVER wish that? All Liz ever wanted was to not have to worry about Jason and her children's safety, and always felt Jason was much more than Sonny's hitman and Carly's habit. If that's what makes Liz bad for wanting that for Jason in her life, then...

  9. According to soapzone rumors, GW may already be out.

  10. Well, I survived Irene here in Brooklyn with everything intact, hope you all did the same!

  11. SoapZone states he may be out????

    OK, now that my mouth is closed from SHOCK, why am I not shocked??
    The writing, has not been what I had hoped.......

  12. Karen says Say it with me people: THE Q's including ALAN!!
    OKAY! The Q's!!! Including Alan!!!!! WOOT WOOT! :) I LOVE YOU ALAN! :) He has gray hair. :) Love it! :)

  13. I wonder if they find out Lucky is dead in late september instead of robin dying and then the double ronan heads back to ireland. Just guessing.

  14. I am thinking, that Lucky goes back to Ireland with Sio's ash's.
    But what do I know?

  15. lost power for 2.5 hours last night when a transformer blew outside my house. then, we had 6-8 ft of water out in the street. should have been evacuated like the Rockaways, but Mayor Bloomberg didn't think that we needed to be evacuated. we had to bale out the basement. it was absolutely horrible. i hope everyone else is safe.

  16. that GARIN WOLF rumor came out of the DD...and was around last week. the studio is dark until sept 12th so getting any dirt right now is impossible. LOL
    If he is "Fired" it's strange timing.. really strange. I don't know. Ron C may even end up staying with OLTL because it's going online. Who knows... why they'd WANT to fire him now when he's just getting going would make no sense.

  17. I was so happy to see Stuart Damon back as Alan. I agree that it was a huge mistake to kill him off and have often wondered why they don't allow Dr. David Hayward to cross over to bring Alan back. As for the fantasies, I loved seeing the Q's all together. Or what was left of them, I should say. As for Liz's I would have rather seen a fantasy where she and Jason are being parents to Jake. I didn't understand her fantasy. I liked that Carly's took place at Jake's. However I didn't think that it rang true for Michael to be against them. Sonny yes, Michael no. As for Sam's, I hated hers. Admittedly I am not a JsSam fan and would be happy if Sam was killed off. Sorry Sam fans. It seemed to me that she wants to control the relationship and call the shots. She just wants Jason along for the ride. The people in charge are trying to hard to make JaSam the only pairing that we should root for. Let's just say that I am a Jarly fan who doesn't trust the writers to get them right. So I enjoy them being best friends.

  18. I do think it is Robin dying...the wound from getting shot gets infected. I think that the person Luke brings back with him is either Anna or Robert. They will stay and help buffer for the fans but Robin will die.

  19. Being parents to Jake would have been the BEST scenerio for Liz & Jason. Good thinking.....:)

    As far as GW goes, honestly, is the show going as well as we all had hoped?? For me no. I was hoping that GW would come in and save the day. Not at this pace it won't happen.

    As far as Robin dying, WOW.
    That would be a shocker.

  20. I would have loved to have seen Liason with Jake as well but we all know it would upset too many fans still pissed that they killed him off in the first place

  21. I would much rather of seen them in that scene with Jake.
    Instead of a sex scene with Jason.

    I don't know, if my son died, and I was dreaming about the father, it would certainly contain my child and his father.
    But thats me.

  22. A Liason/Jake dream probably couldn't happen since the actor playing Jake has grown so much, unless they used some special technology with past scenes. Poor Matt can't win - people hated him for being so bland and now that he has become somewhat obnoxious, he still gets panned. I like JC and am glad to see him doing something.

  23. Jake hasn't grown that much.
    It would have been a tasteful recognition for Liz. JMO

    I have wanted Matt to have a storyline for 2 years!! But not this. Withholding information? Screaming about how good he is in the hallway?? Not to mature is he??

  24. Kami no!!!! :( I would love to see Anna and/or Robert but not if Robin is gonna die! :'(

  25. I'm no fan of Liason, but I agree w/ the comments about the Liason dream being about Jason, Liz, and Jake. That would have made SO much more sense.

  26. Now where did these Robin rumors come from?

    That really has me curious, since she has been on the show since she was a tiny tot.

  27. Oh, Oh..If the rumor is true and Robin does die, due to an infection from the cut caused from SONNY shooting off a weapon in her house. Can we then gleefully expect Robert or Anna to come back and FINALLY dispose of Sonny Corinthos forever!!!

    Robin's demise would then not be in vain...

  28. ohh, oh ..OR Patrick can then lose it and shoot Sonny.

    Or JASON can finally turn on Sonny and take him out. Him and Robin were madly in love back in the day and she did bring in the brilliantly skilled surgeon Patrick Drake to save Jason's a few years back. It would seem only fair that Jason be the one to end Sonny, if Robin dies.

    Oh, I'm positively giddy over the many many possibilities that can arise out of this "rumored" tragedy if it happens, that could finally lead to the END OF SONNY CORINTHOS...

    okay I'm done with that rant. LOL

  29. Why am I getting the impression people want to see Sonny DIE??

  30. I was really surprised that Robin didn't have a fantasy with jason. As far as the other fantasies go, I just think TIIC want to shove it down our throats that JaSam is/will be the couple to root for and every other fan/couple base should just go away. I just hated Sam's fantasy, she didn't want to change Jason my foot. She wanted to be completely in charge of the relationship and have Jaosn neutered.



  Well, it's sunny and cooler here... I'm your official weather girl for Western NY, that's for sure.  I'm ready for the sho...