you know you grew up in port charles when.. pizza is served at thanksgiving.
You know you grew up in Port Charles because the local dock is always empty and ready for an open conversation for someone to overhear!

You know you grew up in PC when you had to hide in the catacombs under China Town.
You know you grew up in PC when you spent a lot of time at a boat house but never on a boat
historyiseveryday said...
you know you grew up in PC when your brother accidentally erased your love for your girlfriend by waving around a huge diamond.
you know you grew up in PC when every few months there was an explosion or a health crisis or a shooting on the steps of the police department...
you know you grew up in PC when 1 in 2 women all slept with the same psychotic mobster...and had children with him.

Twitter: you know you grew up in Port Charles when the only place to get a cup of coffee was the GH cafeteria.
Wubqueen: You know you grew up in PC when you recognize the name "Satan" not as a demon, but as a dog...
On to the show!! I realize that am struggling to get into it this week. OLTL has been knocking my socks off so it's just been hard to really WANT to watch GH. Even with the new writer, I'm seeing people shot in their livingrooms (with kids present), planes going down (not really dead) and Carly screaming her head off every 2 minutes!! The best part of the week by FAR were the Tracy/Skye interactions. If TG didn't take vacation every other damn month, he'd be right in there in the thick of things too!! The Jake bar stuff was fun but they cut it up too much to make an impact. I'm still waiting for the editing to catch up.
Prospect Park "CyberSoap Vision 2012"looks good. If they can make the stars stay, great-- if not, well, let's hope they bring on the stories. I think it's really rich and fitting that OLTL is surpassing the ratings for GH in so many ways and for so many weeks and yet, ABC canned it. heh.. oh, they just look like idiots, don't they?? Best place to learn a lot about the online soaps already ON...and updates is at We Love Soaps. They are the ones that even do the cyber-awards.
Hey, if you click on the ol' ad links these next few weeks, the revenue will go towards Bradford Anderson's Bday project in honor of Wubby Gwaddie an the Lupus foundation. Thanks so much. Gwaddy has been so great taking Alberta all over to GH events in the past--she really wants to help!
Check to see who won the hilarious next "Wacky Couple Poll"!! I think you'll love it! Go to WUBS NET and get clickin' !!
Question: What do you think about the upcoming Sonny/NuKate "reconnection-Bensonhurst history-angst"?? Will you give NuKate a chance? Are you done with Brooklyn-Bensonhurst? This will be VERY interesting to watch. I still say they missed the boat on having Megan Ward come back to helm "Crimson" again and the pass it off to someone else. Having a newbie on that looks nothing like "Kate"..and is way younger makes no dang sense, imo.
Could David from AMC move on over to Port Charles and bring back Georgie, AJ, Alan, etc. I would also like to see Stefan Cassadine brought back with Nicolas...Rick can come back now too!
ReplyDeleteFirst time posting! Had to chime in and say that I'll totally be clicking some ads this week, as my mom just passed away from complications of Lupus in May. What a great cause!
ReplyDeleteAs for the Kate recast- I say blah to it. If they were going to do a recast I think they should've snatched up Gina Tognoni. She's closer to the right age, she's *gasp* Italian, and I think she could pull off the attitude. And she looks great with the haircut. Just sayin'.
Oh Karen, that new poll is going to ruffle some feathers esp since Sam is in the lead. I may take a vaca for a bit until this one is over, and hopefully you didn't allow folks to make comments! lol
ReplyDeleteThe whole Sonny - Kate story is based on the idea that they were together in high school. That was hard to believe with Megan Ward. With someone even younger it will be impossible.
I am GLAD GLAD GLAD Luke is not around or the Tracey - Skye storyline would be all about him. It is great to see these thwo amazing actresses shine on their own without the dead weight of Luke being shoved at us.
ReplyDeleteI have no interest in Nu-Kate and hope NuSKate tanks.
ReplyDeleteOh, Nu-Kate, an even younger version of the already-too-young Kate, is a HORRIBLE IDEA!! I heard the build-up to it this week by Olivia, that Kate was Sonny's greatest love, etc. NO, THAT WAS, AND ALWAYS WILL BE, BRENDA--I don't care who came first.
ReplyDeleteGive me my S & B or leave Sonny solo, please!
Your poll is ridiculous and the result simply shows this blog is mainly read by Sam-haters. Well done.
ReplyDeleteHow come you didn't put Liz instead of Sam?
If David can bring Stefan, Alan and Georgie back I will off to go to Pine Valley and drive him to Port Charles myself!!
ReplyDeleteI will probably FFD through the whole Sonny redemption/nonKate story...not interested.
ReplyDeleteSO, is Jax going to be back for a while? Have I missed something?
anonymous at 1:12,liz is not a main character that is why she is not on the list. she gets very little air time. the list is main characters.
ReplyDeleteI have to add just one more please, you know you live in PC if on Friday you are a blonde 6 foot male and on monday you are a brunette 5/8!
ReplyDeleteActually, the tittle of the poll doesn't mention that those are main characters: Give One Character a 3month Vacation
ReplyDeletePlus, are you actually telling me that Liz is not one of the main characters???
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ReplyDeleteThank you about the ad hits and sorry to hear about your mom JayB..;/
ReplyDeleteI think karen was only putting Sam on since she is part of the "jason/Sonny/carly" show. It had nothing to do with Liz, JMO.
ReplyDeleteI think many folks would not vote for Sam if they showed her more with her sisters and other storylines. Again, JMO
I'm THISCLOSE to banning the damn polls again.
ReplyDeleteI put Sam on because of all the airtime. NOTHING against her. But no matter what I say I'm either a Liason Hater or JaSam hater or something else.
Karen, these polls are supposed to be fun. Obviously we all have our favorite characters, but I don't find that you show any partiality to speak of. It's too bad that these are taken so seriously. I for one enjoy them and hope you will continue, but not if it causes you unnecessary grief.
ReplyDeleteWith all the crap you have taken from (a very small) minority on this site lately, I am nothing but thankful that you have stuck with us. I don't know what is wrong with people lately- the nastiness is so unnecessary. Give it a rest! This is a blog- Karen's blog. You did not have to join, it costs you no money to be here-why can't you be civil? If you don't like it, don't read the blog. On that note, I am going to be following Andrea's lead and I am going to take a "vacation" from this site for a while. Karen, I love this site and all that you do, but I get enough nastiness in the real world, I don't need it during my "escape" time...I'll still read the blog, but I am going to keep away from the comments for a little while.
Jaybeezer, I am very sorry to hear about your Mom.