Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Agnes Nixon on AMC Today!

And she wasn't half bad of an actress!! Nice to see her... she's such a legend. I so hope she gets a hand in the CyberSoap stuff. Angie and Jessie had another great day.  AMC was dark today--forever since 1970. sniff.
 Bride BOOKS! 

OLTL:  Don't DIE TODD NUMBER TWO!!  cause I loves TSJ. Wahhh. He needs to get on GH somehow, or PRIMETIME. Tea screamed like a dang banshee!! LOL wow. Earpluggin' time. Booooooooooooooooo. Just boo. Flo is such a wonderful actress, she should have won at least 77 Emmys by now!
Jack's in the hospital?  Someone finally crack his head with a frying pan?? Too bad he woke up. heh.
Nora was being such a meanie-- I understand her because of Matthew's situation. She's a bit out of control. Well, more than a bit!! eesh.

GENERAL HOSPITAL: total Miz chem-test. Drug talk. Two bottles vs one of Vicodin.
Some of the hospital scenes really confused me... just the whole Jason/Matt/Pat thing--and Maxie?? Oy.

Why doesn't Lucky just say he was injected?? Hmmm I don't get it. OMG Lulu was on my LAST NERVE. Good Gravy!! STFU!!

Bob the Badger is as big as Kristina.
BEST PART OF TODAY'S show was Alexis yelling and telling the truth to Carly! YOU GO LEXI! Loved how she told Carly to stop the smirk. Laura Wright tweeted this about today's show:
Told u guys a few weeks ago Nancy Killed it!!! That was a great day at work! =) now at the beach with the kiddos

*******other stuff*****

NANCY Lee Grahn Tweets:
grandma & I taking lake break, having a sandwich & ice tea & watching our soap, just like we did 30 yrs ago. Touchtone moments. #soapsmatter

Tomorrow Port Chuck will be in Rochester!! The Venue tweeted this to me:
@wubsnet Just in case you want to listen or watch @PortChuckBand will be on @theweaseshow @ 9. Web cam & streaming here:
I will try to tweet about the interview tomorrow.
Thank you for clicking on the ads on wubsnet..we raised $80 for Bradford Anderson's Bday Project for Lupus!! You guys are great. Next up: AIDS WALK LA for team Pretty the Series!! 

OMG, I swear I have more headaches than anything else...damn it! I have since I was a kid. I just met someone that said "I've had like 2 in my lifetime" bitch. LOL. I'd be so much nicer, energetic -- ugh. wahhhhhhh.

Franco, Bloody Franco!

This is over on EW.. you have to wonder if they wanted this leaked. Wonder if Jason Shoots Franco then Franco has some secret to whisper (don't they always??) LOL.. will he fake his death again?? We shall see!!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Garin Wolf; Unmasked???

If you believe the mags, THIS is the face of Garin Wolf... Hmmmm he certainly has been a wiley one. I personally think this is Vicky's hubby DON from Real Housewives of OC. heh..OR the Chopper guy. I still like to think of him as a cy-borg. (Controlled by Guza/Frons) That's my story and I like it!! BTW, I'd say most people are liking the changes on GH. Not everyone, but most. At least that's how it is on twitter.

I have to mention the kick-ass scene today between Angie/Jessie--wow. WOW, that's acting.. Frantic/hysterical without going over the top. Bravo. Debbi is going to Y&R and I'm happy for her! 

How was GH?! I liked Skye/Johnny and Alexis yelling at her blue boobie dress!! LOL

NEW SCOOPS ARE UP  --Luke's going to be lurking around town, Liz gets nabbed and Steve has a secret. Other than Sam's wedding dress (I'm a sucker for those) they seem a bit zzzzzzzz inducing.

GoodBye-All My...

 LaLUCCI in her "Mahogany" Phase.

Today is the last taping date for cast/crew on ABC's All My Children. Just think....they moved the whole shee-bang to LA,   disrupting lives, families and a whole NYC vibe only to cancel the show. They also paid for HD conversion. 
Great "business sense" right? :P

 My fave AMC villian..Ray Gardner..scared the hey out of me!! 

You'll probably hear this story again at the end of Sept, but what the hell, I'll tell it now too. I saw my first AMC show on day ONE it aired while sitting in Patty Andolina's basement. We were so excited because it looked 'young and hip'...LOVED Tara and Phil! I also remember when Brooke came on the show, she was the like Paris Hilton of Daytime heh. Phoebe hated she and Benny the limo driver's relationship! WOW.. it just was the best soap on. 

Best of luck to everyone on the show, you deserve success, whether it be online or in primetime! I will have more fun with AMC stuff all during the month. 

Liza goes New Wave

Now we can watch JR Martinez on Dancing with the Stars!! (he's Brot).

For great stuff, new and old visit the Pine Valley Bulletin. They also have details on SoapNet's weeklong tribute to the show in September.

"An Affair of the Heart" Rick Springfield Documentary

A new movie documentary who's subject is well known to GH watchers hits the festival circut Sept 26th with a screening in Malibu, CA. 
 Yellow Rick Road Productions, an independent production company, presents the first official screening of the new feature documentary, AN AFFAIR OF THE HEART: The Journey of Rick Springfield and his Devoted Fans. The private screening will take place on Monday, September 26, 2011 from 6:30pm – 11:00pm at the Malibu Screening Room (Malibu Jewish Center Complex) in Malibu, CA.  A limited number of tickets are available to purchase for this once-in-a-lifetime event, which will include a short acoustic performance by Rick Springfield.
“We decided to expand our regular ‘Cast & Crew’ screening and offer a limited amount of tickets to the general public,” said Melanie Lentz-Janney, Executive Producer of the film. “As independent filmmakers, we are always looking for creative ways to garner funding. To offer an opportunity to watch the film for the very first time along with Rick Springfield and some other celebrity guests in an intimate setting seemed like a win/win scenario for everyone. In fact, we are keeping our attendance list at 165 people.”

The 97-minute film brings viewers face-to-face with Grammy® award-winning musician, songwriter, actor, and best-selling author Rick Springfield shedding light on his life and the lives of a few of his most fervent fans. The film showcases what it is about Rick Springfield that inspires his fans and drives them to be lifelong devotees. On the journey, we meet some of his fans and witness the unique connection he shares with each of them.

“It’s actually really amazing,” Springfield said of the documentary. “The director’s incredible. … She’s done an amazing job on this thing. When they first came to me, I thought it would be a film about us playing our songs and fans going, ‘How great,’” he said. “But she went really deep. There’s some things in there that people might go, ‘Wow, why would you want that in the documentary?’ But it’s very real. It’s an amazing story. … I’m actually very excited about it now.

This film looks great, especially because it's about the FANS... we know all about that! 

Tickets are available at  The Malibu Screening Room is located at the Malibu Jewish Center Complex – 24855 Pacific Coast Highway.
For more information and updates visit and follow the Yellow Rick Road on Facebook:

Follow the film on twitter: @yellowbrickroad and on facebook: 

Monday, August 29, 2011

"Why Did You Have To Go and Dig Mom Up"?? **

**Lines you only hear on soaps..heh... Shane to Rex... 

OLTL was a goodie... although Jack needs to GO... he could give his scholarship to an acting school.  :) hee hee. Yes, I said it. 
OMG... Jess and Natalie were on my LAST damn NERVE! They were totally "Carly" today!!  Good grief. 
Yep, Stacy's alive by the looks of what Kimmy's saying.
Trevor's face when his Mom was saying he was nothing? Emmy worthy. Just the look--that face. Perfection! 

GENERAL HOSPITAL: The dreams turn bad for the ladies... I finally noticed that Jason had on "Sonny's Suit" in Carly's dream. Michael gets killed. 
Liz hears imaginary Italian violins right before Jason falls ... and he's in a wheelchair. 
Monica's fantasy ends in a car crash...
JaSam's dream was actually the only cute one with the father photo.

What-- was the point? That what happened to Jason after AJ's car crash was a "good thing"??  That he only wants to wear his black tshirt?? That JaSam deserves a baby? Maybe that's it. 

Thing to take away today: The Ladies realize they can't change Jason without changing destiny..(cue music) Sam is the only one that didn't want to change him-- and ergo, her's is the only dream to come out happy. Wonder if that will be the irony when he wakes up?? 

As @zarqa said on Twitter it's "A Wonderful Life" and "A Christmas Carol" rolled into one!

Jason has his own "Flashback Montage" with Sex, Sam, Jake/ motorcycles, Franco. Note that Franco was the only villain he dreamed of! LOL 

I'll say it again: STUART DAMON should never have been KILLED OFF -- 

Are you having fun with the First "Soapy Death Match" on Wubs Net?? Love it!! Can't wait to see who you pic to win. I'm trying to get the scoops up but I've been so busy with LIFE it's just gone on the wayside---not that they are HUGE. The rumors are better.  (as always) Big question is: Who comes back with Luke? All sorts of gossip on that one. 

Rumor Patrol: Kodi Kitchen On Contract for General Hospital

Kodi Kitchen: Photo Credit Stephanie Vovas 

Kodi Kitchen was supposedly  given a contract on GH  and people are predicting she'll play "The Lady in White" involved with the Cassadines and Spencers. For listed credits go to her Official Web Page.   
This is the tweet that started the buzz: 
Great job to client Krystal Kodi Kitchen for booking a four year contract on General Hospital!!! Congrats--you'll be awesome!
Once this is confirmed, I'll get it up!! (does she look like Abby enough or what?)

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Sunday Surgery: Storm Surge and Dashboard Dreams

Well, not a lot to say today as I'm moving my son into college and most of the East Coast is in hurricane Irene's path. Hope you are all safe and your belongings are ok. (Especially your computers!) 

This week's GH was up/down for me. Still too much Carly yelling for my taste-- she's just driving me insane. Of course, there were some great JaSam scenes for those fans--and Liason dreams for those. Maybe Garin could write a parallel universe show, with every other day Jason either being with Liz or Sam. Then we'd have real ratings race. 
AZ was around town crazy as usual. Abner argues. Johnny/Abby cup-cake chem test. Lots of hospital stuff and of course, Skye in her aqua dress.  Sonny did his best angst-acting. I wonder what it would be like to see Mo play happy, light, singing and dancing? heh... 
The dreams were a highlight of course. All the ladies thinking of Jason in their own special ways... (and glowing!!) 

We are going to have NuKate coming, Morgan off to military school (which cracks me up)--Kristina getting ill. The "aftermath" of Dashboard Operation when Jason wakes up. We know they at least attempt to marry and Franco comes to take Sammy away to do some art with. 

SCENE OF THE WEEK: Say it with me people: THE Q's including ALAN!! All happy and at Christmas time-- even Tracy banter. Ahhhhhhhhhh bliss. I still say killing Alan off was one of Guza's biggest idiot moves. (that and Georgie). No reason for it, none. Just plain stupid. Could Dr. David in Pine Valley have saved him?? Please!!?

See who won "Take a Vacation, Please" poll and Vote in First "Soapy-Death Match"!!! I did put that up yesterday, needed to get ready to leave early today.

SCENE OF THE WEEK: uh.. come on, I have to go with the Q's and Jason--especially the Tracy banter. *sigh* bliss... thank you Stuart Damon for coming back for a short time!! 

Here in Western NY It's cloudy, rainy and really windy--just great weather for dorm moving-in. NOT! HOPE you are all safe, sound and have power in the East!! Goodnight IRENE! 

Lisa LoCicero Cast on TNT show!


TNT’s Rizzoli & Isles will serve up a deadly take on “dance moms” this season, with an episode in which the mother of a dancer is murdered backstage. For the episode “Don’t Stop Dancing, Girl,” slated to air this December, LoCicero will play Yvonne Smith, a woman whose own daughter is involved in a heated dance competition. When the aforementioned offing occurs just beyond the curtains, Yvonne lands squarely in Rizzoli’s crosshairs.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Hurricane Watch: Soapy Friday

Happy Birthday SkeeBOB! ;) 
BTW, if you haven't see the birthday homage to me on GH Puppet Theater, get there!! It's too fun. 

 this is too easy.. LOL only a million captions could go here! heh

I hope everyone on the east coast is hunkering down or leaving town. It's not supposed to get this far..but I do move my kid into the dorms Sunday-- so it had better not even rain!! Dang it.

OLTL: Blair has on my pants from 1978. Starr/Dorian flashback. awww, she was so little!! I wish the Todds would just SHARE!! GEESH! 
They are going to dig up Gigi (which would take a LONG time to get excavation orders but ok) -- and Shane threatens New Face. Same time as Brody does (sort of). 
Blair to Tea: "You're a pain in my ass"...  
Can't believe that they didn't have the Gigi reveal today and NOT Monday! Wow.. and Shane sees it? OY. So, what's goin' on with that. Maybe GHOST Gigi is warning Rex about Stacey's face? LOL I have no idea. 
Two Todds are better than one, keep them both!!
Boo Hisss.

GENERAL HOSPITAL:  Dashboard dreams today!! 
Carly and Michael just stood around and bitched about Sonny. blah, blah....

Didn't realize that Jason could have a month to wait for the surgery. hmmm. Sam wants to make love "like the bunnies"...then she smells his pillow LOL

Matt/Patt...more bickering. They are the new CarJax. 

Sam/Jason in the tropics on a Honeymoon, playing scuba divers. LOL

Carly/Jason in Jake's playing pool.
Liz/Jason at her art studio..he's an architect..uh, okay..(where did that come from?!) Liz just wants his shirt off LOL
Monica...sniff... he's a DOCTOR..and there's Alan. Jason's the Chief of Staff
everyone wants Jason!!  
They are totally enjoying this..all the actors love doing the Q stuff!! If only Alan hadn't been killed off. So stupid. SO STUPID!! 

So then things get darker because his brain is being messed with?? The frontal lobe.  Ah, the frontal Lobe. Guns..cocaine... Michael screetching LOL.

WOW, I see lower Manhattan is under a mandatory evac...BE SAFE!!!!

"Dirty Soap" First Photo from E!

Wowza.... Dirty Soap airs on E! Sept. all about it on the EW Site.
That's our Kirsten Storms and KeMo in there!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Soapy Birthday To ME!!

I usually don't do a giant BDAY post for myself but people sent the most fun pics I had to!! Make sure you look down a post to see the Pretty Message to me from Denise Alexander! 
Here's a great one from TL Contessa:

FROM Geddy..Lobster Cake!

Scotty Scooter-Man sent this Franco-Frenia:

Now Come on, how AWESOME IS THIS!!?

Ah, I love it.. :) My dinner is tomorrow-when people can get here so today is more relaxo. We had a terrrible storm here, hail and everything last night. I'm still tired. 

OLTL: Viki and Dorian!! wahhhh!! geesh... *sniff* they are just powerhouses. LOVE. 
David Vickers is off to the sunset too, but he's never gone for long! 
OMG!! WHO ELSE GOT YESTERDAY'S EPPY right in the middle of the show!??????? WHAT!!
Thank goodness it got back after the commercial break...if I would have missed the Dorian/Viki love-in!
"I think I'm going to miss you" says Viki...
"I know I'm going to miss you" says Dorian
DORIAN MONTAGE!! OLTL Kept them as they aged, kept the stories up and didn't let them languish like some other soaps *cough*

GENERAL HOSPITAL:  Um... poor Matt he's all happy and then finds out  Siobhan is dead. whoops. 
Spinelli is still dumpster diving. *sigh*
Ethan and Lucky (and a couple of loose Vicodin on the carpet!!) 

JaSam talk about Centerpieces, food, no pink... and then Robin sees something weird under the microscope examining Jason's brainmatter. hmmmmmmmmm. It's PART OF AJ's dashboard that flew up his nose and they never saw it. ahahaaaa.  Okay.
Um... on to Diane dumping a dumpster. Spinelli mentions "no doorbells in this town" again. He finally finds a STAR on one bag..and not on another!! Wow.. get out your decoder rings! 
I just wish there was a spark with Mac/Alexis.... they are friends but just don't have that 'oomph'. Maybe because I saw NLG say she and JJY were good friends and it was weird they were trying to push them together. 
The Pillow..they think it says LU but upside down that's.. umm. something 7 heh

NEW SCOOPS are up!! Please hit an ad link for the BAnderson project for Gwaddy and Lupus charity!! Fall Previews including these from SOD: 

Robin/Patrick: "Robin/Patrick: "Robin and Patrick will become embroiled in a story that involves eight other people; several of them are from the hospital; and people you thought were gone.It's a dangerous situation for a lot of people."

Ethan/Kristina/johnny: "Ethan is going to be pulled into a interesting situation that is going to haunt both [he and Kristina], heavy on the word 'haunt', Sonny will be involved heavily, as will Johnny."


"the drug ring is a diver-sion for Anthony.lucky and Elizabeth's interaction is not going to turn out the way she expected. It will turn Lucky in a whole new direction and send him back to Ireland.Matt is trying to escape his brother's shadow,and Spinelli will become a hero."

All My Children Heads to NYC Stage!!

On October 25th New York City's Town Hall will become home to A Tribute to Pine Valley, where we're told "fans will be up close and personal with their favorite stars in this wildly entertaining event that features audience interaction, lively question and answers, behind the scene stories and secrets, trivia, photos and autograph signings. The event concludes with a highly emotional walk down memory lane, as fans relive moments of joy, sorrow, tragedy and triumph from the past 41 years of this beloved soap with their favorite actors." Bring your hankies!

All My Children cast members will include: Michael E. Knight (Tad), Walt Willey (Jackson), Cameron Mathison (Ryan), Vincent Irizarry (David), Julia Barr (Brooke) and Jacob Young (JR).  Following the NYC show, the troupe will hit up New Brunswick, NJ and Long Island.

The Town Hall Box Office:
123 West 43rd Street.
212-840-2824 24/7 Hotline (Recording Only)
Events at The Town Hall Box Office are usually available three weeks prior to the performance date. Tickets may be available on Ticketmaster earlier than three weeks prior.
Box Office Hours:
Mon - Sat: 12:00pm - 6:00pm

WOW..Just Wow: From Pretty the Series/Denise Alexander

BEST BIRTHDAY EVER!! thanks to Pretty The Series, Funniest WebSeries out there!

People Mag Wants to Cash in on Your Love for AMC!

GO TO SON FOR FULL details...

People Magazine has spent the summer working on a Special Collector’s issue for fans of “AMC.” The issue is now available for pre-order at for a discounted price. The publication date for the issue is September 27, 2011, which means it should be on newsstands as early as the first week of September for the price of $19.95. The following is a description of the issue provided by the editors of the popular magazine:
A commemoration of the long-running soap opera that ends in September, 2011 after 41 years. With dozens of pages of brand new, exclusive photographs and interviews, the book visits Pine Valley and all the characters that made the show an American institution. Chock full of favorite moments, story lines, and insights from star Susan Lucci, creator Agnes Nixon and many others, it’s a collector’s book that will satisfy millions of fans.
Cameron Mathison will host a one-hour special on the TV Guide Network honoring “AMC” on Sunday, September 11 at 8:00 PM EST. Mathison has played Ryan Lavery on the ABC daytime drama since December 1997, save a one year break. Mathison posted on his Twitter page that among other past and present “AMC” stars that he has interviewed Kim Delaney (ex-Jenny Gardner) and Josh Duhamel (ex-Leo du Pres) for the special.

My comments: Why TV Guide Network and not SOAPNET or ABC?? (I don't get TV Guide channel) -- and, btw, thanks for the great collector's item, but we'd rather have our SHOW!!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Bye Bye Dorian.. sniff...Wed. Soap-Tacular

Oh the party for Dorian was so cool..all the Cramer women!! ADDIE was there!! The scrapbook and giggles. ahhhhhh. Addie loves to text.. 
I think Robin Strasser really was sad in those scenes!! "I've never been prouder in my entire life"!
David to Kimmy: "I didn't think you'd show your cleavage in this town again"!! ahaha
AND RENEE was even on talking to BO!
Rex and Clint doing the "Asa Tribute"-and BO walks in! He even drank!! yeah!!
"Don't panic, I brought the Bourbon....uh, don't panic, I brought the photo"!!
NOSTALGIA day galore. wow. Just wow. Even Joey didn't skeeve me out today, although I would have LOVED for Nathan Fillion to have filled in heh. 

Dorian "We owe it to ourselves and OUR AUDIENCE -- to take care of ourselves"!! 
AH... I think Kassie was really crying saying goodbye to Robin!! gah! *sniff* 
TOMORROW will be Dorian/Viki goodbye!!! 

GENERAL HOSPITAL:  When's the LAST TIME GH did anything to send their people away or say goodbye? Uh.. hmmmm. Ric and the elevator exit?? Ummm, Nik and his angst filled "Greek Isle" thing?? Audrey's big party? Nope. GH just lets people fade away or kills them. 

Spinelli.. I needed closed captioning for this today it was driving me insane. Bradford did a great job with the lines about not being able to go through heartache again. He was awesome. 

HELLO editing!'s still the same night, and yet some people have changed clothes, Michael/Abby are back, in the OFFICE, all dressed. 

Olivia is wandering around with coffee, (changed clothes) in the middle of the night? I am so confused. It's just sloppy.
I thought AZ called Johnny "Jeremy"-- ????? I even rewound it and it sounded just like Jeremy! 

Tracy and Skye do save the show, but they need them to change clothes so the block taping is not to stupidly obvious. Asher was on with spiffy shoes that was fun. They have to be a clue. Were they Vuitton??They showed the bottom TWICE. hmmmm  I thought Tracy heard him on the phone but I guess not.

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. it's only 3:19 lol They could have at least shown Georgie flashbacks. zzzzzzzzzzz

Did you catch the Johnny/Abby scene? Was that a literal "run in" LOL I'm calling them JoBner 

I still think Olivia and Sonny would be hot. She'd be a mob wife--with a heart. Mo and she have great chem. I'm just saying-- if I can't have JoLivia then hell. I just am not a Stevia fan. He's too boring for her.
Carly had to come on around 3:40--thought I'd be without her yelling face today. 

Cupcakes, they looked yummy! Are you vanilla or chocolate? I am a lemon!!

congrats to Greg Vaughn! He and his wife are expecting baby number 3!! Take a gander at SOD for details

One Life To Live: The Little Soap That Could

I keep waiting for the 'mainstream' press to pick up on this story, but alas-- I guess it shall be I that  writes about the little miracle that is OLTL on ABC. 
Sit back and listen ..

Once upon a time, the evil heads of the studio took a look at the daytime lineup and declared it was "dead in the moat" and should be replaced with other riff-raf (ie: cheaper) programming. They sealed their fate and walked away. Turned a blind eye to the millions of "peasants' protesting the cuts, basically calling them insignificant and too "old" to matter. 

 Knight in Shining Armor

A curious thing happened though. Under the helm of Frank Valenti and Ron Carlivati, (above) the soap One Life to Live refused to just lay down and die. Not only didn't it die, it gained defying the odds and adding viewers after decades of decline for soaps across the board. They did this without any promotion from ABC, despite being canceled and overlooked for years on well deserved Daytime Emmys. They were also the soap not chosen to move to LA when AMC picked up to go HD. OLTL was left behind in NYC to fend for itself. And did it ever. 

The soap is, as they say, "The Step-Child" of the ABC daytime line up. My mother used to call it  "that show with Vicki right after All My Children". Sandwiched between AMC and GH, it seemed to be a time filler. Sure, it had it's moments. The famous Judith Light courtroom scene is used as one  of the finest examples of daytime angst-acting there is. Agnes Nixon created the soap but over the years it has proven to be a bit more wacky than her other, less campy AMC. We had "Eterna" city under the ground, time travel and various other weird story lines.  Dorian and Vicky have always been a highlight, as has the "Dallas Style" Buchanan family. What Ron has begun to do however, is actually create a drama-camp that's somewhere between the "Xfiles" and "Mystery Theater 3000", making the soap a must see in the afternoon.

It's interesting that ABC dismisses this rating spike  as a "fluke" because, according to head man Brian Frons, if the numbers on General Hospital rose, they wouldn't cancel that show. (Which, we know is probably a total lie since The Katie Couric Chat-fest is slanted to move right into GH's time slot.) I don't think it's a "fluke" that One Life's ratings have risen steadily over months and months. More people are watching because the show is that good. Twitter has a steady stream of fans and many of us bloggers out here in cyber-space have encouraged people to watch. I've heard from viewers that left and come back but I've also heard from new viewers that are digging the show. Isn't that exactly what ABC wants? 

One Life beat the powerhouse The Young and the Restless last week one day for women viewers (hit the link for full ratings breakdown). Imagine that. A canceled show, putting up numbers to rival daytime's best. One Life even beat “The Talk,”  by 865,000 viewers last week. Uh, knock, knock--but doesn't that tell you anything?? 

I have to give it to the actors on screen because they bring it--every dang day. They always have. No one phones it in-- not once. I can't imagine year after year being passed over for the Emmy and still hanging in there like they have. The humor is infectious as well. Older vets are used and because so many are still around, it's natural to have history pop up in your face when you least expect it. It's the only soap on my DVR right now. For me, that's huge. I don't DVR for hardly anything; daytime or primetime!

I can't imagine what must be going on in Anne Sweeney's mind right about now where this is concerned. We know she's washed her hands of scripted daytime programming. There has to be a bit of uncomfortable silence at the table when the ratings come in each week though. With AMC and OLTL going cyber, I can only hope that the shows remain something of themselves when the transition happens. Oprah missed such an opportunity to bring viewers to OWN when she dismissed soapers pleas to consider putting them on her network. We are a built in, loyal and powerful fanbase. People are missing the boat left and right. Not to mention the uncounted views online, DVR and SoapNet. If ABC had a brain, they'd demand the ratings counts be changed to bring in the real numbers and advertisers with them. Instead, they just go along like dinosaurs and plug in cheap recycled "reality" for us to watch. Do we really need to know how to use "mismatched plates" to create a "fun-table" or that shrimp come in 3 different sizes? Er.. no. Not even close.

Despite plunging a sword into the heart of the show, OLTL just keeps delivering day after day, and bringing viewers right along. If these numbers can't save it, what can? Someone needs to call out the decision of this crew before it's all over. I honestly hope the ratings keep soaring to the point where no one can ignore them anymore. That, and they sweep the Emmys next year (ha, right like that would ever happen).  

Right now, ABC's needs to step-up and justify canceling shows who's ratings are going UP. Nothing against GH as that's my show, but their numbers? Not going up so much--and it's the one that's saved. Ah, Hollyweird. 

*note: Hit the Ron Carlivati link for a stellar interview with Michael Fairman

Sorry, Sorry, So Sorry!!

Yesterday was my "little" brother's bday and I decided to hop in the car and surprise him in Buffalo... I didn't get time to get something up about the soaps. Whoops. 

Were they good?? I have OLTL on my DVR-- I have to watch later. I figure I knew what was happening on GH, so-- nothing HUGE there.

NOTE: I've heard from several people there are big cast changes coming soon, so hold on to your seats and we'll see how it pans out.  I'll keep you posted, well unless I shuffle off to Buffalo again. LOL.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Carol Burnett, BRAVO Drop and... it's MONDAY!!

TVGuide  has first photos of Ms Burnett reprising her role as Verla Grubbs. She'll be on the soap Sept early Sept! I can only hope for a Tarzan yell. 

Erroll Lewis from SON Dropped a bit of a bomb on twitter saying that BRAVO may be interested in AMC and OLTL. NICE--- can you even imagine Bravo Andy interviewing the soap stars? woot!! No idea how far this is--but I thought I'd let you know it's out there.  He's also reporting that there will be repeats on ABC for all soaps on Labor Day, Sept 5th.  If you want to find out the eppies that are airing, hit this LINK.

OLTL: Did you know it tied Y&R last week one day in ratings??? WOWZA --Trevor St. John is astounding, I loved his first scene with Tea. GREAT stuff.. I am so happy. I really hope they stay together... I know he's leaving but still. There's hope in my heart!! And stupid OLD FACE Todd has a gun? ;/. booo
Jack calls Todd Scar Face...heh. The "actor" Jack is so bad he just ruins the scenes.  I hate to say that about a kid but man, it's true.
KIMMY! KIMMY! KIMMY!! you know I was a HUGE Kimmy/Stacey fan! woot!  Wonder how Rama knows about the Painted Pony!! WHO'S IN THE BED??!! is it Stacey!!!? Gigi? WHAT!! Oh I love OLTL. Don't tell me... 
THEN OLD FACE stomps in with a gun.. ugh... way to kill the moment. Oh phew, he left.
Who else wanted Jess to just rip Ford's shirt right off? GO For it!! 
another stellar OLTL!!

news break for Libya...wish it was during GH.. that's all. 

Oh please don't bore me to tears, thank you. 

Jax is alive and all wet... Robin is pissed at Sonny...Skye has on the same dress as 66 days running. NOTE: It's night where Skye/Jax are..and Day where Shawn/Carly are.

Carly has to come in yappin' it up. I used to LOVE Carly and her crazy yawn (insert earplugs)  Carly actually proved/said Jax's point right to Sonny. Lord.

AZ AND Siobhan... "Last Dance" Why didn't Siobhan scream her face off? LOL Oh wow, So, AZ likes L&L2-- love it. He's so hooked up with Helena!! He says he'll kill Lucky "one pill at a tiem" Bye Bye Siobhan...Liz had a giant nursing FAIL JUST THEN..ahaha. whoops. Poor Lucky, talking to her, not realizing she's as dead as a doornail.

MAXIE and Lucky are all kinds of CUTENESS together!! LOL  Spin's in a dumpster. heh.. okay. With FLOUR on his face. This needs to stop soon, I'm saying.

Line o the day: LMFAO "morgan's cyber pet.....spinelli"


New Cop "Dolores" Cast on GH

 Rebeka Montoya cast in recurring role of Delores Padilla according to SON

PA GH Fans! Screening of Kim McCollough's Movie in Pittston!

If you're in the area, what a GREAT CHANCE to meet Kim, see her movie AND have dinner at a great restaurant!! Palazzo 53 in Pittston will hold the dinner and screening on August 28th

Kimberly McCullough - who plays the character “Robin Scoprio-Drake” on the long-running daytime soap opera General Hospital - will host the dinner and a screening of her short film Nice Guys Finish Last staring Danielle Harris and Lexi Ainsworth.
McCullough wrote and directed the film.
Pre registration is required. Limited tickets are available at $40 per person, which includes a question and answer session with the actress, an autograph session, the first East Coast screening of her movie and dinner.

Call Palazzo 53 at (570) 299-7571 for ticket information.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

New Franco Media Photos from GH UP

If you go to General Hosptial Franco on Facebook, you can see new pics from the set!! Here's my fave because it has a GORILLA Fronkey in the back!! Homage to the Rise o' the Apes. Plus, we know James loves the Fronkeys. Can't you totally picture Alberta sitting on tha gorilla's head?! heh.

You feeling excited for him to return? I love my Franco-Frenia-- even if it makes no sense, interrupts the story and can be chopped up. I DON'T CARE's FRANCO!! Late-stage Girl Fan, what can I say?

Sunday Surgery: Port Charles Archive Room

Last week, Gedstern asked the question "You know you grew up in Port Charles when...." and did we get a lot of answers!! Have you seen this question asked about YOUR hometown on Facebook yet? My hometown of about 6,500 people all seem to have the same answers. (long john donuts, texas hots, Bud Hill...ah..the skating rink). How would the residents of PC answer?? here are some of the ones we found fun from last week and a few more added from twitter.

You know you grew up in PC when you went to Amy Vining for any of the latest gossip!!

Anonymous said... 

you know you grew up in port charles when.. your father would go on vacation every three months!
you know you grew up in port charles when.. pizza is served at thanksgiving.
Anonymous said... 
You know you grew up in Port Charles when you could wear short sleeves every day of the year!

You know you grew up in Port Charles because the local dock is always empty and ready for an open conversation for someone to overhear!


CampusDisco said... 

You know you grew up in Port Charles when your aerobics class was led by Richard Simmons.
You know you grew up in PC when you had to hide in the catacombs under China Town.
You know you grew up in PC when you spent a lot of time at a boat house but never on a boat

you know you grew up in PC when the cops couldn't solve a case and if there was ever a disaster, they were completely useless.

you know you grew up in PC when your brother accidentally erased your love for your girlfriend by waving around a huge diamond.

you know you grew up in PC when every few months there was an explosion or a health crisis or a shooting on the steps of the police department...
you know you grew up in PC when 1 in 2 women all slept with the same psychotic mobster...and had children with him.  

AntJoan said...  You know you grew up in Port Charles when you periodically get to meet a long-lost child, father, mother, brother or sister; or if you have an evil twin or identical cousin (unless you are Patty Duke).

Aubrey said...  You know you grew up in PC when your parents (and their friends) were spies who worked for the WSB.

Twitter:  you know you grew up in Port Charles when the only place to get a cup of coffee was the GH cafeteria.

Wubqueen:  You know you grew up in PC when you recognize the name "Satan" not as a demon, but as a dog...

On to the show!! I realize that am struggling to get into it this week.  OLTL has been knocking my socks off so it's just been hard to really WANT to watch GH. Even with the new writer, I'm seeing people shot in their livingrooms (with kids present), planes going down (not really dead) and Carly screaming her head off every 2 minutes!! The best part of the week by FAR were the Tracy/Skye interactions. If TG didn't take vacation every other damn month, he'd be right in there in the thick of things too!! The Jake bar stuff was fun but they cut it up too much to make an impact. I'm still waiting for the editing to catch up.

Prospect Park "CyberSoap Vision 2012"looks good. If they can make the stars stay, great-- if not, well, let's hope they bring on the stories. I think it's really rich and fitting that OLTL is surpassing the ratings for GH in so many ways and for so many weeks and yet, ABC canned it. heh.. oh, they just look like idiots, don't they?? Best place to learn a lot about the online soaps already ON...and updates is at We Love Soaps. They are the ones that even do the cyber-awards.

Hey, if you click on the ol' ad links these next few weeks, the revenue will go towards Bradford Anderson's Bday project in honor of Wubby Gwaddie an the Lupus foundation. Thanks so much. Gwaddy has been so great taking Alberta all over to GH events in the past--she really wants to help!
Check to see who won the hilarious next "Wacky Couple Poll"!! I think you'll love it! Go to WUBS NET and get clickin' !!

Question: What do you think about the upcoming Sonny/NuKate "reconnection-Bensonhurst history-angst"?? Will you give NuKate a chance? Are you done with Brooklyn-Bensonhurst? This will be VERY interesting to watch. I still say they missed the boat on having Megan Ward come back to helm "Crimson" again and the pass it off to someone else. Having a newbie on that looks nothing like "Kate"..and is way younger makes no dang sense, imo.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Soapy, Frothy, Friday!!

I need a rest. I know I just took a break but I really need not to watch GH today. Carly's getting on my last nerve-not to mention other things!! I did DVR OLTL and GH both--so I'll watch later. My laptop (larger one) finally quit and I'm transferring my photos--or attempting to. What a pain. 

NEW SCOOPS are up. See's who's taking care of Jax -- and who's leaving messages on pillowcases. 

Hope you have a fab Friday, see you for Sunday Surgery or if any news comes up! 

 You know Tracy wishes that was Grey Goose!!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Erin Chambers Let Go From GH?

Soap Opera Weekly is reporting that Erin was let go from GH and will leave in a dramatic fashion according to Daytime Confidential. 

Looks like she's fired-- and NOT returning as her own twin as reported earlier on several net sites. OR is  SOW playing word games? "Erin Chambers out as Siobhan"??  (Meaning in as a different character??) 

Right now, it looks like she's gone. 
Oh, Oyrish what will we do widt out cher accent? 

NOTE: I'm still hearing she's going to play Ethan's "Lady in White"-- or another character... plot thickens!! Got 3 emails last night about it! 

I Married a Mobster, You Got Knocked up by One!


OLTL: Ooooooooooooooo lah-lah. I can't wait for the "Spotted Pony" stuff... heh. Poor New Todd. OMG, I knew he would lie. It's all so crazy!! WHY did they  have Susan Haskell leave? Marty would be so great in this. 
I don't get why Jack is all of a sudden contrite. Hmmmm, weird. 
OH THE END was awesome!!

 Oh, so many captions for this!! ahahaaa.

Take a gander at Dylan Cash now!!! WOW... he's all growed up! 

Gino mention!!!! WOW, Nice use of "The City" history!! (circa 1996)  It's about damn time to let Tracy's mobular ties come into play. "I married a mobster, you just got knocked up by one"!!! Tracy to Skye. Hahahaaa!! For info on "The City" hit the link to the Wiki. Skye mentioned Carla, Gino Jr. and Gina-- heh..they are all Gino's kids. Will they ALL COME to GH?? So far we know Gina will. That's enough. There will be more mob stuff!!

Carly slappin' Sonny again. That looked REAL. REALLY REAL! LMAO. 

Siobhan..I am so hoping her 'twin' or whoever is AMERICAN!! I am going to call her "Neobhan" and I bet boots Ethan is going to see her!!! YOU Wait I AM RIGHT!! 

The drug thing isn't going far with me. zzzzzzzzzzzzz about the story. I don't care right now. 

AZ is a crazyman LMAO--- hahahaa. He's a cutter!  heh 

Dante: "move to that private island of yours, where you pay to have people like you"...and he mentions Bensonhurst to Sonny.

Nancy Lee Grahn tweets (after working together 16 hours with castmates): --taping JaSam wedding
Lexi to Nancy " OMG im slap happy and delirious. I think Im going crazy. Good God I'm turning into you!

Steve 2 Mo "dude, that's worst acting I have ever seen you do..ever!"

Haley to stage manager " Where's my mom and dad? I think they left me here. Arent there Child labor laws? I want to go home"

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

One Face, Two Face, Red Face, Blue Face!!

 Maybe he's SWEENY TODD!

Oh, OLTL you slay me!!! It was just an awesome ride. Between Delphina..Dorian's leaving...Rex, David and  the TODDs. Good Gravy with that story!! Such Sci-Fi fun. Maybe she gave New Face the scar so he'd remember having a scar all along?! TSJ is SO GOOD with this!! His face as he's realizing he's "Todd the Lesser" was priceless.  He's so under-valued. Maybe we can get him on GH as another long lost Q?? Please? OR AJ?? Oh, he'd just rock as AJ!!
Dorian is leaving because of A Sexting Scandal!! She's taking off for the Senate.
If David Vickers doesn't get his own show on the web, it's a crime!! Rex and the "Creed" ahhhaa. I so want to produce "David Vickers: The Web Series"!! It would be a gem. 
ABC IS A FAIL MACHINE!! this show is so damn good and delivers such great ratings..they are IDIOTS for dumping it!! 

GENERAL HOSPITAL: I'm popping in and out today, I'm still not diggin' GH as much as I should be. 
Siobhan and Lucky-- well, JJ's eyes are some red. They must put salt in them. heh
Like the Dante/Sonny dynamic .... Dante finally having some Police Power. Liked their dialog. MB plays "Trapped" so well.
Carly's so stupid. SHAWN watching Joss? Uh...duh. He almost shot her when she walked in.
Thank God they are making Patrick/Matt argue and be brothers. It's about time. They were fun with the sandwich and the morgue!!
Sam and Carly--another bickering bickersons. Carly has to have someone to bitch at/with. She did say thank you to Robin.
Skye/Tracy/Edward-- wonder if the meds are being tampered with when it comes to Edward. 
Jax and Sonny in the jail...told you he'd hallucinate Jax...Ingo and Maurice were awesome. 
Hope they show it tomorrow!

LOL, have you seen who's winning in the "wacky couple poll" on The Wubs Net?? Pretty hysterical!!

Amber Tamblyn Engaged!

Congrats to one of my fave actresses and GH alumni!! People is reporting that AmTam is engaged to long time beau, David Cross!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Cyber Soaps Getting Heavy Duty Players!!

Soaps In Depth (and a ton of others) is reporting the news that Prospect Park is hiring some big guns for it's soap venture. Read it all on the link excerpt:

In preparation to continue production ALL MY CHILDREN and ONE LIFE TO LIVE after they end their run on ABC, Prospect Park is beefing up their online television network venture. The company announced today that Stratton Sclavos, former president and CEO of VeriSign Inc. (which provides Internet authentication services to companies) has been named a Prospect Park partner, and will advise the network on technology, infrastructure and overall content delivery. Additionally, technology analyst Mike Kwatinetz has been named to the online television network venture's board of directors, to provide strategic guidance.

Franco Frenzy Building.. stuff has been taped!

HOW GORGE are they together??!! Scoops are filing out of the background regarding Franco's return--looks like he takes ol' Sam hostage and does some "art" with her. Heh. CO77x!!! We know they go to Hawaii-- that's where it looks like the tropical nabbing takes place.

My weekend was long, sad and I'm glad to be back. Things are moving slowly--it seems like it takes me twice as long to do anything. OY. I'll get back into the swing. I'll try to get some new scoops up on the Wubs Net later, so check the page. 

AMC:  Why the heck do Angie and Jessie live in that tiny urban apt? I mean, come on..the stove is next to the front door. At least get them a colonial. Angie's a dang doctor.  Greenlee/Ryan...zzzzzzz Bianca and Marissa--don't care ....  Just change Angie out of that DRESS already--it's killing my eyes! 

OLTL: Twin Toddies!! But who's face is the real one? LOL..?? Maybe she went to Todd-Mart for them. HA! ( we have a Todd-Mart here, so inside joke)!! The Todd thing was so X-files. Two Todd Mannings-- and then one was substituted for the other.  "One was special"....uh, ok!! Then, Todd gave "Victor" his memories..but we still don't know who the FIRST Todd was.
I can accept this because I watched a hell of a lot of Sci-Fi Twilight Zones when I was  kid.

Kelly's crying about her kid--Zane, who she never mentions!! And, btw, they can kill off Aubrey at ANY time, thank you.
Gigi has such a "Death Pout" !!!!
LOVED Roxy and Nat--drinking coffee, puttin on lip gloss! so fun. 
Awesome use of history with Irene's diary! 

GENERAL HOSPITAL:  LORD, Diane in her Fredrick's of Hollywood!! Getting Mac bombed. But typical of GH, this "Jake's scene" was chopped up so much (last time we saw them was Thursday) it's languishing. 
Coleman talking about all the Kate stuff we never saw!! 

Just get Ned back.
I think Jason is still on the damn hospital floor!!

Abner..ughhhhhhhhhhh Sorry I hate this storyline!! get them off the island of 1,000 dresses! And fluffy white robes.

And..who else thought that guy was going to spray Siobhan with bug killer?! ahahahah. I did. heh Liz told Lucky about Siobhan's accident. 

Sonny thinks he tampered with the plane, but Jax did notice it was messed with, so he can save himself. 

EDITING CRAP: On Friday, Robin said it was 3am... TODAY, Diane says it's 2am-- ergo, we went back in time.

Great Interview with Bradford Anderson!!

**NOTE: VMG is gone from the opening credits


John Stamos: Hell Ya, I'd Come back to General Hospital!

John Stamos tweeted Wubber Frank that he'd come back to the show!'s the tweet:

ABSOLUTELY cameo from jail RT @FrankStrovel If GH ends its run next year would you consider a quick re-visit of Blackie Parrish?

Now get this... he's also promoting Greek Yogurt now... so could it be-- he's a CASSADINE? lol!!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Sunday Surgery: Gedstern Attending Physician!

Well-- I am off for the weekend, so I am leaving the Surgery in the capable hands of Geddy!! Have fun.  New Poll will be  up Tuesday for your fun.

Have you seen the "You Know You Grew Up In" Facebook pages for cities and towns all over the country? They've gone viral.  I'm very active in the group for my hometown and thought it would be fun for you to post your thoughts about growing up in Port Charles. Post away in the comments!  I'll start.

"You Know You Grew Up In Port Charles, NY When...."

One or both of your parents worked at the hospital and you got to go to the annual reading of the Christmas story. Especially when Dr. Steve Hardy read it.

You had a worm farm and tried to sell them to others to make compost.

You found yourself on the run from the mob, and if you were lucky, your Mom had a carpet bag full of everything you could possibly ever need.

The Fourth of July picnic was a big deal at the park.

Your parents took you to the Nurses Ball every June, where funds were raised for AIDS awareness and research.

Ruby was always at the diner, ready to take care of your boo-boos.


Wubqueen's Scenes of the Week:  Carly Faces:

OH you slay me with the face!!

Rock Solid Show Today!

  I had the 2 year olds today and I'm SO TIRED so.. buckle up!!  Carly is telling Jason that he can't tell her what to do regarding ...