Monday, March 17, 2014

Who's NOTLuke?

Ok, so some make a great case for Anthony Zacchara...especially with the dialog... also the Letch stuff with Kiki. Now I'm thinking it's HIM not Bill Eckert. One reason that's hard to go there is because it would take like SUPER HUMAN everything to think AZ could be the same physically as Luke. Duke and Faison were more matched. Even O..although heavier was the same size as Anna in height.

TG is clearly wearing contacts. His eyes are dark. Tracy doesn't  notice? WTF. Come on. That's another reason I so want to go with Bill Eckert. At least he was similar enough to Luke to make it somewhat possible.

Spoilers say NED is the one that says Luke reminds him of someone they used to know. Was he around when Anthony was? He was when Bill was on.  

Oy to the VEY!!

IF he is Anthony the following clues will come in: Tending Plants..eating pasta
IF he is Bill Eckert, they'll throw Scotty, Lucy and Kevin in there. He was pals with them-- and there's that newbie coming that could be Sly. 

Good Mystery though! 

OR of course, we can go with Harlan Barrett--or Caleb the Vampire shape/shifing. LOL.. Let's not go there. OR Faison. I will stop watching if it's Faison. Period. Seriously. I said it.


  1. I'd read of the stuff of Ned saying Fluke reminded him of someone as well, which ALSO got me thinking of Anthony. Considering how much time they "Weekend At Bernie's"d him around, its a little far-fetched to think he somehow survived (though, in the end, no more unbelievable than a weather machine or Lumina crystals, I guess).

    As far as height/weight, I never take those into account. When we can simply accept SORAS as well as recasts and not go "this character is now 3" taller/shorter, or five years younger/older than they were before" with physical appearance and just accept they were 'always' that way, that argument kind of gets thrown out the window.

  2. A friend said she read that it is Luke and the torture at Miscavage brought on Alzheimer's or split personality disorder! Please no . Let him be anybody else. I cannot endure another multiple personality story and don't want to deal with a dementia storyline. Ugh.

  3. It just occurred to me. With the rumors I've seen online of Johnny reappearing to warn Sonny about whatever, it could be a great lead-in to Anthony's return.

  4. I just wrote this idea on Daytime Confidential: This is connected to Heather. They dragged Luke away according to Scotty and subjected him to some type of mind control. The big mystery is who's behind it?! We could learn that Heather has also been under the spell of this mind control which would allow Frank and Ron to redeem Heather when she's deprogrammed. What do you think?

  5. They implanted Anthony Z's brain into Luke.

  6. Whate ever happened to Lord Ashton?

    1. As far as I can recall, Larry Ashton just left town. I think that's who "Luke" is.

    2. Hmmmm. I need to some more research on Larry Ashton.

  7. Only one problem with the Bill Eckert theory. The man has been dead for more than 20 years. He was shot and died in Luke's arms. Yeah, yeah, I know...people come back from the dead all the time on GH. However, why would Bill go to such lengths to take over Luke's life? Makes no sense to me. Then again, RC has written a lot of crap that makes no sense. LOL!

  8. I don't think it is Bill Eckert because Bill was a GOOD guy, not a lecherous perv lusting after younger ladies.....sounds like Anthony Z to me...


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...