Monday, March 17, 2014

And...........He's GONE!

Sean Kanan is leaving GH-- going to Bold and The Beautiful. His last taping date is March 28th. Not sure the last day he'll air. It was a rumor--and lord knows they've tried to ruin AJ from his first time back so... what did we expect.
Waste of a character, imo.

Source: TV Guide  

UPDATE: From Daytime Confidential:
"I was utterly thrilled to be brought back to GH for the 50th anniversary and really enjoyed working with [executive producer] Frank Valentini, but I was not over the moon about the writing," Kanan says. "Doing stories about panic attacks and relish was not what I thought I'd signed up for. I feel I brought everything I could to the character yet it was obvious they weren't going to give me a great love story, which I found very disappointing."

. His comments are like school in the summertime. No class.

WOW, HARSH! What Sean said was SO NOT nasty in ANY way!!! That was uncalled for, imo. He can say what he wants.


  1. so dang ticked off about his. What a waste is right. Wonder if he'll die or go into a long coma like "nina" and be in some home faraway.... hopefully he tells Michael who shot him before he goes away...

  2. This news Breaks my heart. He had such potential and Michael needed him--now the poor kid is back in slimey Sonny's hands.

    TPTB simply didn't want to have to put the brakes on Ava and Sonny and actually make them pay for something. It would have warmed my heart to see Michael find out Sonny had betrayed him. Well, it is simply too bad. Maurice must have one of the best soap contracts ever, and Maury is good, but they have had her killing people!

    I hope Sean does well on B&B. Wasn't that where he was before?

  3. I have to be honest, I find SK unlikable. I don't think he has romantic chemistry with anyone. I know that's not a popular opinion. And it's not an AJ thing because I loved Billy Warlock. SK comes across as cocky and self important in interviews and in his performance. I won't miss him. I'll take Ric any day.

  4. While I think Ron's reply might be a bit much, I try to sympathize. After all, how would you feel if you were the head writer and an actor who was exiting blew off story beats you'd written for him as well as brushing off his return as being disappointing. RC could've handled it better, though.

    It's difficult to judge really. I mean when AJ was brought back there might've been plans for bigger things for him. But apparently Jason's departure impacted part of his storyline. Between exits, entrances and story changes, everything got turned around. SK's departure has been rumored for quite a while now, and for him to already be lined up to return to B&B, there had to be a good amount of time that the writing was on the wall.

  5. What I find horrific about this entire thing is that Ron is supposed to be this brilliant writer and yet he has to PLAYGERIZE his response.

    That was SOOOOO from Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids Saturday Morning cartoon.

  6. RC is getting on my nerves. Problem with social media I guess. I hope they don't kill him and maybe let Billy come back because this is awful. There are no Qs left.

  7. Love 1sean Kanan and sorry to see him go but not surprised!! RC thinks he's this great writer but his stories are recycled from OLTL and he favors his OLTL 3. He's exploiting KM playboy days with his writing for Sam Morgan. He seems like a srx maniac now with Silas

  8. It is sad that AJ is has never been shown any respect from the writers. I agree with SK there should have been a romantic relation ship with Liz and or Carly. I thought Carly and SK were great together.

    Ron needs to realize that most actors do not like to play in comic relief goofy stories, where they are made a fool out of everyday. THe , ELQ story could have been done well.A battle between AJ and Tracy of ELQ would have been awesome, but they played it as a joke, with this relish storyline, which they completely dropped after the Chew thing.

    This show has sold AJ down the river for years to prop other characters. And they never even made him a fun villain. He kidnapped kids, he stole money he was always stupid and got caught at everything. He was hung by a meat hook and thrown in laundry bins.

    This is not SK's fault, he acted out his parts with gusto, but he was not given a story that the character of AJ deserves. I guess they brought AJ back just to have someone to kick around.

    Ron's comments had no class. He dropped AJ like a hot potato when Robin came back, and He did the actor and the fans a great disservice in his treatment of SK sometimes the truth hurts.

  9. SK comments weren't overboard however, he should have gone on his merry way. RC needs to get a grip. I like the good ole days when actors and writers were seen and not heard.

  10. I thought that SK WAS classy in what he said. RC is a ego maniac who has trashed GH since the 50th Anniversary festivities. I can barely stomach it anymore.

  11. What a waste. SK was fine in the role. Dang this pisses me off!

  12. AJ has been one if my fav for so many years. Loved both BW and SK's version. I had so much hope when AJ came back from the dead. I wanted AJ to have a relationship with Michael, a great romance and success at ELQ. I wanted GH to undo all the damage done by Guza. AJ's return started great, then it all went downhill last May. I'm so disappointed by this turn of event.

    Sean Kanan was honest and classy in his comments. He didn't say that the writers were bad, just that he didn't like the writing for AJ. Most of us agree... RC is the one who doesn't have class.

  13. I'm keeping this short but simple, this sucks! So much wasted potential.

  14. I AM HEARTBROKEN!! I LOVE SK, he is a great actor, and watching him reprise his legacy role was a dream come true!! And giving poor Monica another chance to have one of her children also was wonderful.

    I guess they have to let MB and MW off the hook, so they will put SK in a coma, I guess, they are setting this up by showing Patrick too upset to do surgery. Unless the fact that Ned is coming means a funeral--too sad, then they can never bring him back, and Monica has to go through so much pain and suffering again. AND, Sonny then would be a cold-blooded murderer (which I guess he is already, anyway), and how can he ever be redeemed?

    Between Robin and AJ leaving I am heartbroken.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I don't know what's going on with GH these days. Robin? Gone again and I sort of hope for good.
    AJ is obviously going to die but can't you at least let him pin Ava for Connie's shooting?
    I have to agree with Sean about the relish and other strange things. I don't think Sabrina will reconcile with Patrick for fear of Robin popping back in again at her leisure :) And Luke? What the heck is going on with him? A lobotomy?

  17. Such wasted potential with the character of AJ but it doesn't surprise me from what I've seen of the way Ron poorly and haphazardly writes.

    I'm so over Ron's condescending, egotistical attitude on Twitter. His response yesterday was completely classless. He seriously needs to get over himself because he and his team of writers are not as good as they think they are.

    Good luck to Sean! Hope BB utilizes his acting skills to the fullest potential instead of wasting them on GH.

  18. I will miss SK. I think there was a lot of potential there that was squandered.

    It has been my observation and it is my opinion that Ron C over-reacts to MANY, MANY things.

  19. Really sad to see SK gone but glad he will be on B&B. He was really given crappy storyines and just plain forgotten for months on end. Poor Monica - all her kids gone. I didn't think SK's comments were out of line at all.

  20. It sickens me that they brought AJ back from the dead only to kill him off again 1.5 years later. I can't watch Monica mourn another child, I can't watch Michael lose his dad. I'll watch B&B instead.

  21. While I agree, that RC comment was probably a little over the top, I think that there is probably more going on than what we are seeing from a single interview. My guess, is that the return of AJ was probably being worked on before they realized that Steve B was going to be leaving the show. I really can't imagine that they WANTED to do such a huge return without Jason there as part of the story. Secondly, he's going to the competition. Let's be real. We all hate it when someone chooses our competition over us. Thirdly, while I do agree that SK has the right to say what is on his mind, and that he didn't say anything TOO terribly bad, to say it before you've finished makes for a tense working environment. Lastly, because I feel it needs to be said: Everyone was screaming and crying, moaning and groaning and saying that they were not going to watch the show anymore under Guza. GH finally, FINALLY, gets a new regime, who are writing better, more interesting shows, honoring history, bringing back some of the fan favorites...and we're complaining again. And again. And again. I'm not in love with some of the storylines--sick to death of the Connie thing--but it's so much better than it was under Guza--it's like a whole new show.

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  23. I quit watching GH a few times. When the show didn't interest me, I didn't watch. If I saw a promo that interest me, I'd start watching again.


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...