Wednesday, March 12, 2014

BREAKING: Badger BOB Found!!

Our own Kelly Theibaud tweeted this photo to let us know our Badger Boy is safe, sound and in the GH green room. Phew.
I am trying to get her to move him BACK to Sonny's office!! 

See why I love the net? LOL..Instagram, Twitter. Saved my sanity on our critter. Yes, I'm insane. The blizzard is FULL on here and a mess.
See ya for GH! Unless I have other stuff first.
I've cleaned everything in the house!!

PS. Thinking of East Harlem!!


  1. OMG you are great! So glad you're snowed in. Love the pull you have on the inside at GH!!

  2. I wish they'd put BOB back. That monstrosity in the office is supposed to be bags of coffee but with my poor eyes it looks like a giant turd. PMSL I can't get into any dramatic scenes when that's in the background and I'm laughing at it.



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...