Sunday, March 9, 2014

Sunday Surgery: Frozen we are, another Sunday up and ready to go!! This time I'm going to keep it short, sweet and to the point.
REALLY! I am!! I have a ton of reports due for work and I'm far behind.  AND it's STUPID "put the clocks ahead" bull crap too! Oh. MY GOD, I lose an hour! LOL 

Get your scrubbies on and let's go-go. I'm having a Popsicle in honor of  both Jason and Tracy. 

Did you think "Frozen" meant the MOVIE or the SONG?! NOPE! It's for Frozen St. Jasus who's in Scarsdale in some sort of pod-coffin, waiting for Robin to get him out.  By the way, that's where Nina was supposed to be- BUT wasn't. Sam and Silas walked out without seeing Robin.

Robin finally left after getting CAKE and a party from Emma and Patrick. Geesh, must be nice. See ya later.

Ric's back and going to represent Julian in the killing.  He saw Sonny, bitched a bit and then comforted Liz in the waiting room after AJ got shot.  He and Alexis had a nice chat at the Lakehouse. She didn't seem to like that he talked to Liz first!!

Dr. O and Anna had a glorious face-off in her office regarding Faison. Dr. O rattled Anna but  GOOD-- she even called Robert afterwards. 
They are perfect actresses for this. I enjoyed it quite a bit. 

AJ realized the truth, stomped on over to Ava's and proceeded to choke her. Sonny saw it happening, grabbed Julian's gun and shot him in the chest. Whoops. Ava took the lead in getting a freaked-out Sonny to get a plan together and save themselves.  Julian is set up to be the shooter. AJ is flat-lining then laying there in the ICU.  Hope you saw my AJ rant in the blog one post below.

It was a MONICA week! She lets us know she saw Lester, Gail and Audrey during a bridge game. AJ finds out she got the Egg-Salad panting from Leslie then she has a bizarre run in with Luke. Luke--who's NOT LUKE got on her case about age-old things that happened in her past. He proposed to Tracy with a giant ring, she accepted. 
Luke also references The Outback and didn't realize he ran a Jazz Club. Soooooooo, he's either NOT Luke, Luke with a lobotomy, reprogrammed, wearing a mask or...under a spell.  Interesting.

Good that Liz and Carly talked about Ric's past mis-deeds while they were in the hospital. Glad it was brought up and not swept under the carpet. 

SCENE OF THE WEEK: Luke laying into Monica!! WOOHOO!! Draggin' out Monica's past and Tracy defending her.  Loved it because I didn't know what was going to come out of Luke's mouth next. Its' a mystery wrapped in an enigma. 

FACE OF THE WEEK: Sonny shoots his second target point blank (first was his own son).  AJ falls. Sonny freaks. Ava plans. 

PROP OF THE WEEK: Tracy's engagement ring..and all it represents. Chaos. Uncertainty and a plot to...??? What?

Told ya: Short, sweet.  GH had a lot going on this week. It's still roly-poly. Lante's off this week and so were Nik and the Britt..we haven't seen Lucas in ages and Carly seems to be free-floating.  KA must have had time off because she wasn't glued to Michael at the hospital. Next week: Someone's watching Siam-- and  Duke's gotta choose his wife or Sonny.  And Luke starts singing songs from "Hairspray" in the Q foyer.
Ok, one of those is made up. Can you guess which one?!


  1. Another awesome Sunday Sugery Karen! :)

    "Karen says AJ realized the truth, stomped on over to Ava's and proceeded to choke her."

    Wait! It was more to it than that! ROFL! Ava had a gun and was going to kill AJ! :)

    "AJ finds out she got the Egg-Salad panting from Leslie"

    That was Michael. :)

    "Luke also references The Outback and didn't realize he ran a Jazz Club."

    Actually, it wasn't a jazz club. It was a blues club. I forgot about that too, until someone on another board mentioned it.

    "And Luke starts singing songs from "Hairspray" in the Q foyer."

    ROFL! Too bad that's made up. :)

  2. Scene of the week:
    "You snatched the murder weapon, and then, this is my favorite part, you took it back to my house and you tried to throw it in a lake but you missed. You MISSED the lake!

    - Do I look like a woman who regularly throws things?

    - It’s a lake!"

  3. AbsoluteLunatic said..."Scene of the week:"You snatched the murder weapon, and then, this is my favorite part, you took it back to my house and you tried to throw it in a lake but you missed. You MISSED the lake!

    - Do I look like a woman who regularly throws things?

    - It’s a lake!"

    ROFL! That was a perfect line!!! Not only was that the scene of the week, that was the line of the week! I love it!

  4. Thanks for the Sunday Surgery! I'm looking forward to seeing what's up with Luke.
    Karen, as you are the queen of knowledge regarding GH would you be able to tell me how old Sonny's winter coat is?

  5. Sonny's winter coat is probably close to 12 years old!

    Tracy said "JAZZ club" ... not me

    Sorry about AJ/Michael
    Man, you guys are TOUGH!!

    Told you it was short this week

  6. I read some where abc said no more masks. I can't believe that Sonny can't see that Ava is playing him. I liked your column on A.J. I love that Ava seems to a better hitwomen then Jason and Shawn are.

  7. Karen - loved the AJ words - well said. What a waste of his character. Hoping he stays but rumor has it he's leaving. A shame.

    The recycling of characters, especially dead ones is nuts. Hoping Luke is still Luke not someone else. The end of Faison was up in the air- we really don't know what happened so he could come back. But we saw Jason get shot and die. Don't bring him back! If someone leaves the show there are many creative ways to write them out so they can return.

    I love Ava and how Maura plays her. Also great week with Anna and Dr. O.

    Looking forward to more Laura Wright and no Heather.

  8. "dmask said...Tracy said "JAZZ club" ... not me"

    OH! Well, other people may have forgotten. :) It was so long ago. :)


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...