Saturday, March 22, 2014

Bill Eckert and the Cartel

Ok, best guess is Bill Eckert because I refuse to deal with either a mask or plastic surgery at this point. Period. I've lived too long to go that route again. So, hopefully it IS Bill or I'm done. You'll have to read my blogs on Orphan Black, Hoarders and my dog instead. LOL

Here's the wiki on Bill Eckert ('s some edited bits)
Bill is the cousin of the Spencer family who had just come to town with his young son, Sly Eckert , and recently divorced form his mother, Nancy. Bill's father died of a heart attack and Bill and his sister, Jenny Eckert, came into a large inheritance. Bill, now a wealthy man, moved into an abandoned lighthouse with his son Sly and Finian O'Toole, whom Bill had hired as a housekeeper. Bill was now dating Harlan's marketing genius daughter, Julia Barrett.Harlan brought her to Port Charles to run the cannery with ace in command, Bill Eckert.
Harlan Barrett, Leopold Taub, Cesar Faison, and Larry Ashton formed a cartel to control global business via the use of a toxic substance, carbon disulfide, manufactured at a cannery they purchased as a clever ruse for their operations and a place to brew the drug with which they intended to rule the world. Bill and Jenny were both kept in the dark about the cannery's real intentions. 
Harlan Barrett, Paul Hornsby and Faison

So, Larry Aston (Ned's dad) was also in there, as was Harlan Barrett and Faison. I do not think that's Faison pretending to be Luke. There's no way the height works. NOT that that matters but Faison's been done to death. Could it be Anthony Z? Certainly that's who Luke is acting the most like (gum, Tracy love and inappropriate comments)...but his memory wouldn't span back that far. This imposter seems trapped in the era of that cartel story. It also could be Harlan Barrett--played by the guy on the Mod Squad. I need to watch old clips to remember how he acted. 
BUT -- I'm still going with Bill. Maxie's new friend could totally be Sly too--looks like his freckled face. I don't know. Hell, Luke could be DEKE raised from the dead, intent on getting Sonny back. GH has been crazier. 

CARTEL on YOU TUBE..there's a ton of them up there. Check them out if you feel like it!

SO... that's my 2 cents.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. O Beth Greer said...
    I has to be Bill Eckert, But I must say I was so so happy when they ended that storyline. And yes it is because, having watched GH from day one, i can not accept tG as anyone other the LUKE.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Bill in this clip is not the guy we are seeing onscreen right now. Did Bill turn into a sleezy perv towards the end? I can't remember him acting that way. That's my problem with the Bill Eckart theory. You already know I'm leaning towards Larry Ashton. I've watched clips and in my opinion that's how "Luke" is acting. I agree no more masks but, we haven't seen good ole plastic surgery in a while. I'm enjoying all the speculation though!

  5. I am also leaning toward Larry Ashton. Bill Eckert was one of the most boring charcters in GH history. I will stop watching if a mask is involved. I can buy plastic surgery but not a mask.

    My other thiught is that Luke was implanted with someone else's thoughts. Plastic surgery can only take one so far so, I can't imagine that Tracey wouldn't notice a difference during sex.

  6. If Jerry is coming back, why not as Luke...he knows all the characters...maybe this new Aussie actor/Levi is a son he doesn't know about...let's stop all this GH dredging up of the past characters and focus on the core characters minus all these newbies that all get forgotten...AJ's return was great, but was completely screwed up and NOTHING good came of it...I feel sorry for Sean and glad to see he's landing on his feet back on B&B as Deacon...

  7. if Jerry is coming back, couldn't he be Luke, and this new Aussie actor/Levi arriving with Maxie be some unknown child of his? Please stop dredging up old GH characters and returning them, along with new characters to the canvas and then forgetting about the core characters...there's so much on the go now, it's ridiculous! Just ask AJ/Sean...glad to see he's landing on his feet back on B&B after a heralded GH return that quickly went downhill....

  8. I disliked Bill and the whole Eckert family and I reallllly hope that's not where we are going

  9. I'm still leaning toward Anthony Zacchara, but probably because I've never seen any of the other guys Karen and others here have mentioned. I think I saw a few scenes with Bill, but I remember him as being pretty friendly. I just hope it's mind-control and NOT a mask or plastic surgery. Plus, then we'd get a good "Luke-deprogramming" story line (or Luke would be shipped off to Switzerland for deprogramming while TG takes his vacation).

  10. The problem with Anthony Z is the fact that "Luke" spoke of the Outback and that was long before Papa Z's time. So, any recent baddie is out.

  11. The new kid is rumored to be Mac's son w Miranda.

    Bill is th emost likely. At the end they made him into a Luke clone- a nasty drunk, but 20 years dead can change someone, esp.of Vic C revived him and programmed him.

    Larry Ashton or Paul Hornsby are others, but Larry was comic relief, not a serious character.

  12. Lord Ashton is a good one too--and ties into NED-- but was he a perv? Not that I remember. Harlan Barrett kinda was.

    oy, NO PLASTIC SURGERY. The weirdest part is? /SONNY wasn't around for any of these guys!! So..why would they care about him?

  13. Sonny took over Frank Smith's territory so, someone from the cartel era may have in an interest in eliminating him.

  14. The Cartel storyline has the distinction of being the last, great Robert/Anna/Sean caper of the old GH. Long-term story (went in for almost a year) and literally involved the whole cast. The best part of Month's return stint at GH. The ending, complete with the return of Edward Quartermaine, is still a classic. Back when the good guys always won...

    Not sure Bill Eckert was ever as sleazy as Not Luke is acting. But 20 years is a long time. The Barrett Industries connection would certainly fit.

    As for Lord Larry Ashton, that would be an interesting angle , especially with Ned coming back, but one major point is that his involvement with the cartel, while hinted at with the BAFT initials, was never confirmed on screen. He showed up in RnA's second honeymoon, mentioned he was returning to PC and it never went anywhere after that. This is something all the various Wiki's consistently get wrong about that era of GH...


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...