Thursday, March 6, 2014

Constance Towers was on Men at Work!!

She's not Frozen in Scarsdale! NO SIR@@!!!


  1. i never understood why shows like this dont do a gag reel on purpose. here is a great time to have an extra walk through the scene and unbeknownst to Constance say "OMG. Aren't you Helena Cassadine? I thought you were DEAD! Help! Help! She's gonna kill us all!" And do it just to get the expression on her face and show it after the end credits.

  2. I saw her! Such a treat to see her on TV and I miss her as Helena. I would love to see Helena tangle with Ava.

    Delcodave, that would be a hilarious prank and I think Constance would get a big kick out of it.



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...