Monday, June 7, 2010

The Vanny Story: Will Marcil's Return Change the Canvas of GH?


It's starting already!! Who's in? Who's out? Will they clean house to afford Vanessa? Will OLTL go JUST to afford her? (that's a joke, btw). Also, many MANY rumblings of her tied with Franco is some way. Even SID mentioned the possibility on Twitter! Don't panic just yet...although a PR Person told me they heard she's staying for up to a YEAR!!  Probably got the same deal Sarah Joy Brown did when she came back.  ABC reps are now saying she's on "for the forseeable future." Hmmmmmmmmmm. Well, this will surely generate HUGE Buzz for GH, more than Franco could even get. Can't WAIT to hear what some of the cast has to say when they think no one is listening. Heh... You know there's going to bve some catty stuff there!! I will keep my ear to the ground and make Gedstern get on the Gossip.
Brenda came back in 2002, btw...with ALKAZAR!! Read her whole history on SoapCentral.
In the meantime, did you read my Intro To Wubs?? Yes, "The Most Beautiful Girl in Port Charles" started the whole WUBS thing in 1997. Ergo, without Brender and Jax's Wub, I wouldn't BE HERE! 13 years ago people. 13~~! Gedstern got me to write for her site. Oh, those were the days. Who remembers BUZZ FOR BUFFY? If you do, hats off to you!

I think Pres. Obama is announcing her return later, then Steve Jobs...there will be a iBrenda App available...and Buddy the Cake Boss guy will make a Brender cake for her return!! MORE to come!!

I don't know WHO did this...but if it's you, let me know so I can give CRED because it's brilliant!! LOL

Well, GH is still going on so---we can't just sit here and dish about her ALL day, now can we??! Hey, good to see Ruth Martin on AMC, even if she isn't the REAL Ruth. ALL I can see when I look at her is Star Trek! LOL That minister looked like Al Gore!

OLTL.."Someone had to marry Tom and Katy" says David Vickers. Oh, I loves it. "I quit the Scientologists when I left LA"... I really REALLY liked this wedding thing. The whole cast. So many people intertwined. Characters that have been on the show forever (Bo/Nora)--with their kid. (who was only SORA'd a bit) David and the Technicolor Dream coat. "Good in "England and America and American Somoa"... If you didn't see it make sure you DVR SoapNet tonight or go to tomorrow. Hilarious!! And Clint!  HEH. This whole wedding made my year for soaps. Nice. KISH should have been there thought, just sayin'

GH: Carly talking to Sonny--interesting. Good for the writers!! Carly spoke the truth.  "you shot me in the head once, but accidents happen"...ahahaha. They were both abusive, btw. Sonny is trying to say Carly deserved it in some way. Goodness. I liked Carly in this conversation.
Loved Krissy saying she wasn't going to use her thearpy to make Sonny feel better.

eek! that Carter is a mean mo-fo. Do they just leave cells open? I mean, aren't they out in the yard? If they were going to do it like this, they needed to do dorm-style bunking. Plus, come on with the amount of visitors!! ;/

I LEAVE you with this:
"I feel so lucky to continue to be allowed to visit General Hospital and honor where I came from," Marcil said. "I am humbled by these great people and a character that I truly love." --Vanessa on her return.


  1. How well I remember "Brenders" Top Secret return. The closed set- no one was to know, that is until Gedstern got the phone call and leaked it! LOL! I worried for my safety at that point in time.
    Karen- get those Wub lines ready. We'll want new Wubs every day! Even mini-wubs!
    On another note- put GH on today to try to drown out the roofers banging above. Didn't hear too much over the din, but I think Olivia dated Sonny- "you were 16, 30 odd years ago" now, maybe Maurice can give up the Grecian formula, eh?

  2. YAY! Let's hope they repair her with Jax or Sonny and not franco

  3. What if the Brenda - Franco connection is not a friendly one? Maybe he does a little research and learns Brenda was once married to Jason and decides to use her as a pawn to get to Jason? What if Franco's learns that Brenda and Jason's marriage was never annulled and Jason and Brenda are still legally man and wife? What if Jason has already married Sam for the conjugal visits only find out his marriage to Sam is now not legal as he is already married to Brenda?

    How will Brenda and Brooklyn interact? What about Edward who always had a soft spot for Brenda? Perhaps they can get rid of Lisa now and have Brenda stir it up with Steve or Matt or even Nicholas. Anyone but Sonny please...

  4. Funny! Remember how Guza has "respected" legacy returning characters like Rick Webber, Heather Webber and Laura Spencer? This will not be the Brenda we all remember. Prepare yourselves.

  5. Something to make me start watching again. She had more chemistry with the furniture than most actors have with each other. I hope they write better stories for her than some other recebt returnees. I have hope because I think the fools in charge actually like her.

  6. More ammo for "The Sonny Show!"

  7. oh I love Vanessa Marcil! I watched "Las Vegas" just because she was on it. I can't wait to see what's in store for Brenda. I bet Carly will FREAK when she sees Brenda for the 1st time again. Oh boy this will be fun!

  8. I like Frisco's ideas. For a second I thought, well who cares how Brenda and Brooklyn interact? Then the Lois connection hit me. Smart thinking.

    This isn't like Rick's or Heather's returns. They came back to play a part in some storyline, and Guza ignored their history to fit what he wanted to do. But Brenda will have her own story. Chances are it's already been run by her. Guza is a hack, but I've always thought he can START stories well. He just can't tell the middle or end worth a damn. I expect the first few weeks of Brenda's return to be pretty good, then it'll all go downhill.

    How long is Franco back? Will he still be around by mid-August?

  9. Loved it when I got online this morning to see the biggest headline in the news was Brenda returning. *lol* Should be interesting.

    I just have to say that Im liking the Sonny realizing he's an abuser story. He's now starting to see that abuse isn't always hitting and can be verbal and mental. Which to me is the worse kind (course for me it hits close to home).

  10. Brenda coming back has to be the best news ever. That's even better than Laura for me. Anything to get to Carly is worth it. And Jax & Brenda have major chemistry!! Robin will have her gal pal back.

  11. I think that Brenda will show up one day. Start up a conversation with a character she has never met before (Matt?) and then in mid-sentence they will cut to a commercial and then we wont see or hear from Brenda or her storyline for at least six months.

    Isnt this what they did the the mayor storyline? Keifers parents. Matt. Skye?

    Bring someone in. Then they vanish mid-storyline. And on GH, they call that good storytelling.

  12. Ok, that last post by me might have been a little rude. I apologize. To make up for it, this is my REAL guess for the return of Brenda.

    Everyone knows Guza likes to take HBO Series and butcher them to death with his atrocious writing. He made a mockery of Sopranos and now is turning OZ into a comedy laugh-riot.

    So now? His next conquest is


    The story of a semi-blond guy married to 3 different wives. Enter Jason Morgan (used to be really blond). Still married to Brenda. Gets married to Sam. And then Carly, ever jealous of anyone or anything that gets near Jason, cons him into marrying her to "save" her children for some reason or another that Jason is too dimwitted to see through.

    Watch how Guza tackles polygamy in yet another laughfest riot of biblical distortions. Only on Disney!

  13. I am thrilled shes coming back! I hope she sets her sights on a now single Jax and they get back some of that awesome chemistry they had many years ago. Most importantly,I hope she sticks it to Carly 100%!!!

  14. We know that Brenda will go with Jax or Sonny. They don't like characters to interact with new characters on this show...

    What is with Liz acting like she has no money? Her house is paid for outright, Jason gave her $5 million plus the boys have a trust fund!!! I'd think she could live off all of that!!

    I hate that Sonny keeps going to different people, asking if he is abusive, and when he doesn't like the answer, he goes to someone else.

  15. Hey so was anyone else thinking will Brook and Dante were catching up that Lulu and Brook should be catching up? Didn't she know Diego the "text message killer", and Georgie? They mentioned her but never oh my Georgie is dead now!

    There was something else I was going to say but forgot. Will come back once I remember

  16. I never laughed so hard as when Brenda and Jason were married. Having them still married would be a hoot. But where will Spin live?

  17. Love Village People picture!!!


    I COULDN'T BELIEVE that they outed Sonny's age. They NEVER give ages on soap operas, we're not supposed to know, And, if Sonny is over 46 (which he actually is), that makes Olivia about 46, which is no way.

  19. Wow, how did I come out as Anonymous in the "Sonny and Brender" post?

  20. these are great but no one else liked the BOYZ photo?? LOL..ONE person said they liked it1

  21. Village people pic is classic! Love it!

  22. Shouldn't Lucky be the cop and Nik the Chief?

  23. It can't have effect in fact, that is exactly what I suppose.



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...