Saturday, June 26, 2010

Exclusive: Brenda's Italian "Package"

Hmmmm, what you think is going to happen will be turned on it's head... and it will happen in Italy where Adrienne Barbeau runs a Children's House. Franco will leave something there, and it will then involve Brenda. Can you guess what it is???!! I will be talking about it on the Daytime Confidential  Podcast Tomorrow!! Follow the clues on WUBSNET, they'll be coming in daily!


  1. I honestly think its Liz's baby. At first I thought it was maybe Josslyn since there is a direct connection between Jason and Josslyn but if Brenda comes back with Josslyn everyone will know that it's Josslyn. With Liz's baby, he's a new born, Liz will probably see him only once and his appearance will change as he gets older. Brenda will maybe adopt the baby and return to PC. I like this storyline..much more that what I thought would happen.

  2. He leaves Josslyn right?

  3. never was a Brenda fan..ever. I know I am in the minority

  4. If ur not a Brenda fan then why r u reading clues about her return? NEXT!!!!

  5. where are the clues?!

  6. Thanks for the post, really effective info.



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...