Thursday, June 10, 2010

Nancy Lee Grahn on DWTS??

COULD happen...her name's been brought up, now all we have to do is write in to ABC. Click on that and fill out the form. Ask to see her on the show!!

OLTL: Loved Jack "That's one for the blackmail books" with Dorian and Charlie. heh. David Vickers Neekid! woohoooooo! (and Vicky was so looking!) The smoosh names in "The Sun"!! Oh, this show is just so fun.

A--LOT of people commented/tweeted on Dante's nakedness yesterday. I guess I just didn't even think--lol. There was a total side shot of his butt though. Heh. Anyone get a screen cap of that?

Franco has been on the GH set-- people have been tweeting about working with him. CO77x!!

A FEW NEW SCOOPS are up!!!! More to come later today and tomorrow. Sonny is going to have to stay far AWAY from Michael when he gets out...and Livvy finds out that Johnny and Krissy are pulling a snow job
I'm not blogging GH today, too much to do in real life. LET ME KNOW how it is though, ok?? YOU blog for me if you wish!!

WHO'S WATCHING RONY Reunion tonight? I heard it's in THREE PARTS! I'm scared to watch but I will... I hate uncomfortable stuff like that. Did you see The View today? Joy was such a beeatch to Bethenny (whom I love). I wonder if she's friends with Jill Z???


  1. My hubs and I get such a kick out of Jill and Bobby that we talk like them for laughs. We keep calling Ally out in the yard but so far, she hasn't come into the house. We are two overgrown goofs!

  2. I would love to see Nancy Lee Grahn on DWTS

    My other wanna be's are:

    Florence Henderson and Reba McIntyre

  3. So, Carly is after Dante and not Lulu at all? Carly is being so rational about telling everyone how Lulu is just like her and if she could just listen to herself talk, she would figure out that hurting Lulu is not what should happen. Carly defying Jason, though, is pretty good to see.

    Jason looked HOT when he was mad. Still hate the scenes, but SB isn't bad to look at ever.

    Patrick becoming this jealous of Lisa is stupid. I mean, he is overreacting to EVERYTHING. Glad Maxie gave it to him a little. Didn't help much, though, did it?

  4. Loved Luke and Tracy scenes! Kirsten's new haircut is adorable. And I don't know if this is a first on daytime, but Johnny said "asshole". Had to rewind to see if I heard correctly.

  5. Pretty effective info, thanks for the post.

  6. Thank you for the article, really useful data.



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...