Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Guza to Logan of TV Guide: "Lisa Has Viewers on Her Side"...

Oh, that's right!! In the newest issue of TV Guide, the ever delusional head writer of GH says Patrick will cheat on Robin --and Lisa will become obsessive. Her character is safe for another year though because "the viewers are on her side"!! Pfffffffffffft.  NOW come on. COME ON!! I have nothing but respect for BB--but the character or Lisa is boring...BORING and just plain not needed. If Patrick's going to cheat at least do it with someone interesting.
Gedstern got the newest Guide in her mailbox-- she had to run and email me that tidbit. @@ Here's part of the article on Daytime Confidential.
I personally would love to see two working parents trying to deal with the stress of a kid an being doctors. (not that we ever see Emma). Give Lisa to Matt-- and let Maxie fight her or something!


OLTL that they did graduation 2 years in a row. Nice tradition. They are so cast/family oriented! David Vickers is THE reason to tune in, imo. He's a blast!!

GH: JUSTUS mention! Eddie Q on...:thud: Justus got a raw deal. He really should NEVER have died.

Tracy was so sad with Luke today "You made a fool of me and you broke my heart"....
Helena looked awesome today!! Connie is stunning.
AND when Hells walks into the room--we have Helena, Luke and TRACY!! awww.."I'm sure my sweet little rats are missing their new best friends". Oh, how Helena taunts Luke!!

I noticed that Dante had a designer Kleenex box in his apt... I notice stuff like that. Guys don't buy those. LOL--ok, maybe Lulu did?
What do you think about Johnny and Ethan together? We need to make up a mob name for them.  "ZLove"??  I like it...ZLOVE it sounds gangstah.
That new "Street set" that is being used is so funny--because there's NEVER ANYONE on it but the 2 people talking. LOL EVER... it's the new docks!!
Molly was so cute with Sonny. "She needs a little space".
Michael had more visitors in one day then I have in a month! Goodness. Hotel Pentonville.


  1. IMO-They have Molly acting too intellectual too often. She is annoying me now.
    And why is Alexis so dead set on Kristina being on Sonny's side? She wasn't that way when she was pregnant. Would it really be a bad thing if Kristina didn't grow up with her dad? Molly seems to be doing just fine with out a father since her dad "disappeared"

  2. Karen, no mention of Lulu's fugly shirt, and the red bra? And, does she live w/Dante or doesn't she, and, if she does, where were we when those 2 decided to move in together?

    Also, speaking of Lulu, why did Michael admit that Jason killed Carter in his visiting room, does he really not think that maybe it's bugged, or stuff is being videoed?

  3. AntJoan, since there don't seem to be any cameras in the showers or the hallways (not to mention guards), why would they bug the visitor's rooms? That whole poor excuse for a prison is ridiculous. The way that place is run, the prisoners should be able to just walk out the front door!

  4. Is Patrick really going to cheat??? I really really did not want them to go there. That is just another reason for me to not care that I've missed months of GH. I hope Robin leaves him and they don't work things out. If I have to hear Patrick say how sorry he is and it was a mistake I will puke on the tv!

  5. The show was ok today. I like how Dante is worried about Franco and wants to punish because of what he did to Lulu but i wish he would tell her about the picture he got in the mail.
    Yesterday you posted about people tweeting about who they want to see killed off the show.Well i found this thread at Soapnet .com called 1000 ways to kill "scummy"(aka Sonny). It is FUNNY.It has posts about fun and sometimes raunchy ways Sonny should die.There is one post that involves Helena,a dungeon and a dildo.It is funny!

  6. No give Lisa to Lucky or Steve. Maxie just needs to be with Matt.

  7. The Luke/Tracy hospital scenes were sad. Jane Elliot played them really well. I also liked Steven's expression and awkwardness, and I liked how Luke kept calling him "Doctor" and had no idea who he was.

    Up until very recently, Guza had de-emphasized the police and made a mobster and his right hand thug the two central heroes of the show. So him thinking that Lisa has the viewers on her side seems to follow his screwy logic. Maybe he thinks viewers are on Lisa's side because he hasn't written Lisa as obsessing over a guy who has been dead since 1995 for the past couple of months. Or because Lisa isn't HIV+. Guza is an idiot.

  8. On what planet does Guza live??? Saying Lisa has viewers. I'm sure he doesn't look at any GH blog sites. And once again I'm glad I don't watch gh. The only site I look at is yours Karen. I'm still waiting for Disney and ABC to come to their senses and hire you as Head Writer Karen.

  9. I can't recall ever seeing anyone comment on how much they like Lisa. And Maya is just a waste of space, too. Lovely girl, not a great actress and no chemistry with Ethan. GH really needs some diversity in their cast but Maya is too bland. Kristina has more chemistry with Ethan than Maya.

  10. Can't they do a dream scene and pretend the whole last year didn't happen and start over? it's really gotten terrible...



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...