Friday, June 18, 2010


That's right...our fearless weirdo first shows up in Port Charles as a homeless man June 30th...and leads Dante, Jason and Lulu to LA, straight to his big ART ready?

Franco Art Sample

'Francophrenia: Dissolving the Boundary Between Illusion and Reality'

And I am NOT making that up.  200 extras are going to be cast for the taping and a little lobster told me some Wubbers may be there?? One can only hope to breathe the same air as Mr. F!!

Franco will taunt Jason about Michael's jail stay and possible rape. Jason isn't going to deal with that too well. More Details: (all on Seattle TV) Franco's real life MOM is playing "Karen" Anderson starting July 2nd.

Call it a case of art imitating...well, art. Franco (the actor) is also working with MOCA and has been shooting a video documentary about his experience on GH that will screen at the museum later this summer. (In a recent Los Angeles Times article, MOCA director Jeffrey Deitch called the Franco-GH connection "the ultimate extension of Andy Warhol guest-starring in The Love Boat.") The actor's posse of videographers — who seem to trail him everywhere these days — will play versions of themselves on

One has to wonder if he's making his own documentary in the process?? Just sayin'

Guza has also confirmed that Brenda will have ties with Franco--from her time in Europe. Get yer boots on, the summer is going to be pretty uber-hipster.


  1. Well, at least we can't bitch about yet another lovers-on-the-run storyline for the summer.

    Give credit to the show, the network and the whole dang genre for trying to do something different. If they're going down, they're going down swinging.

  2. I know's just that I can't make this kind of stuff up, you know?? I mean, GH-- the mob soap going all MOCA on us!!

  3. Breath the same air as Mr F? You mean Fronzi is going to be there??? lmao Oh I guess you mean Franco... blah, I'd rather be close enough to reach out and smack Fronzi in the forehead

    (In a recent Los Angeles Times article, MOCA director Jeffrey Deitch called the Franco-GH connection "the ultimate extension of Andy Warhol guest-starring in The Love Boat.") << this MOCA dude is insulting soaps and soap actors, what a moron! Love Boat my tookus!!!

    Through thick and thin (and lord knows we have a lot of thin writing these days) I still love GH and our GH cast. (ok most of our GH cast lol :D ) I just wonder how long Guza's self indulgent ways will be allowed to continue. Nobody out there can love Guza as much as he loves himself... sigh

    Speaking of love or in this case Wub... great job as always Karen xoxox Thanks for everything you do for us!

  4. If we are going to need boots this summer it will be for something other than hipsterizing. It will be for wading through the sh*t being thrown out as premier storytelling. Artsy-fartsy is NEVER hip.

    I am building up my To Be Read Pile of books to help me through the summer since I won't have General Hospital to watch.

  5. if you people aren't watching GH, then don't comment on this site duh.

  6. Oh, but people who used to watch GH can TOTALLY comment..even those that don't! some people want their show back



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...