Monday, June 14, 2010

Monday Madness: General Hospital's Wild Summer!!

Goodness...Brender's back in 57 days!! Franco's bringing the counter-culture the end of the month, what's next? Madonna shows up to sing at Jake's!!?
I asked the question: If you could see ONE thing happen on GH today what would it be" to Twitter peeps last night. OMG, I got HILARIOUS answers. Some went: Kill Sonny, Kill Liz, Kill Sam...Kill Dante and others were all "Fire Guza"..."More Liason"..."JaSamSex"..."Skye Storyline"..."Faison is Franco's Daddy".."Lulu falls down the elevator Shaft"... "More Kate"..
Sonny in Jail"-- there were a TON of answers. The BEST was to see a Nurses Ball at Wyndemere! Wouldn't that be great??

OLTL today: I was thinking: What if Dani and Nate found Alkazar's treasure and there it was...a briefcase full of money. Too bad it's the wrong soap! LOL I want to produce a webseries for David Vickers. He orders hookahs for Matt and himself. HEH

GH: I so hate Claire and Sonny... She's every stereotype that goes with Sonny every time any newbie comes to the screen.
"Franco Misses you and wants to PLAY" says Carter before he dies!!! Oh, Franco so loves our JASON!! heh. And btw, like they'd be in that shower area alone. Good GOD. They don't even try. Why didn't Jason WASH off in the shower???! There was water right there.

"I see now that killing is just about Staying Alive" says Michael while Jason is putting on his Saturday Night Fever shoes...

I might like this Krissy/Johnny thing just for something new and messing with Sonny's head for a bit.
Tracy and Luke they needed to do this all in like 2 days, it's just draggin on too much. Jane Elliot does look really sick though...good (or bad?) Lighting helps that. What WAS THE REASON Hells kidnapped Tracy and Luke? I mean, she wanted Tracy because of the blood test stuff--then she just leaves her there--with Luke where she can tell him  everything!!? It was never mentioned again??   I mean, what a waste of a jail! Maybe TG had to block tape for a bit so they just stuck that story in there. ugh
Lucky,  Protect your Queen!!
Trying to make Patrick some sad sack over Lisa is stupid.  STUPID. Cause she's got NOTHIN'!!
On the whole, GH was a  bore today, imo. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Florencia Lozano (Tea, OLTL  will be appearing in the USA Network series "Royal Pains" this Thurs. Set your DVRs/VCRs/TiVo's today so you don't miss it!


  1. I think there was already a ball at Wyndemiere, and you should ask Emily why there shouldn't be one for the Nurses Ball. Oh, wait...

  2. so boring i turned it off today!

  3. Question:

    Do the actors realize how bad this show is the way the fans do? When they are working do they say to themselves "This doesnt make any sense at all. This is the worst script ever. Oh well. Friday is payday. Carry on..."

  4. GH really does do boring with some frequency, doesn't it? When nothing is happening and the dialogs are ones we have heard ad nauseum ad infinitum, what can you expect? Of course GH is boring. Do we really care about Lisa? The prison is a joke. Sonny and Claire? Oh for goodness sakes, NO! Maxie and somebody? Anybody? More dumbass love scenes? Who care? We have seen it all before. How about some action, writers? Maybe some action that doesn't involve Sonny Crapola.

  5. When Olivia walks into the room where Sonny is, I already know the dialogue

    "I didnt know he was my son"


    "I was protecting him"

    They have been reciting the same sentences over and over ad nauseum for months now.

  6. I think the Johnny/Krissy thing would be fun if it wasn't ILLEGAL! Isn't she under 18? All Sonny would have to do is have his arrested for rape - and end of storyline. I kept waiting for Johnny to give that as a reason when she was trying to talk him into it. Geesh - don't the writers remember how old she is.

  7. I think the Johnny/Krissy thing would be fun if it wasn't ILLEGAL! Isn't she under 18? All Sonny would have to do is have his arrested for rape - and end of storyline. I kept waiting for Johnny to give that as a reason when she was trying to talk him into it. Geesh - don't the writers remember how old she is.

  8. GH sucks, Guza needs to be fired, ASAP. Hope Franco gets his guy. ;)



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...