Tuesday, June 8, 2010

AMC, OLTL Hubba Hubba Tuesday!! GH, er..not so much

AMC was fun because Liza was OLD SCHOOL LIZA...exposing her goods...and trying to seduce Damon just like her MAMA did to Tad! LOL....Liked the bach parties too.

OLTL was sex-day, goodness. And I am going to tell you, I totally teared up over Bo/Nora's scene when they were eating the hamburgers. It was sooooooo nostalgic!! I don't usually cry any more during soaps. It was just magical. Thank you...and what about Gigi turning on the TV by mistake and an "ED" commerical comes on! LOL...whahahhaa. Blair was a riot as well.
And JOHN in a muscle shirt!! woot! LINDSEY's gift to Bo and Nora? Only OLTL would honor that history !! LOL
THANK YOU TOO for the REAL song from Cheap Trick. You don't always hear that anymore. Swoon.
The whole thing was done so well. SO WELL.  Thank you writers, I needed some LOVE and FUN. History and Laughter!!

GENERAL HOSPITAL: New SPOILERS are up!! PLZ visit a sponsor!! Michael gets out of jail in record time, btw. LOL. I knew he got out early but that early? Wasn't sure...


Poor Lulu, Carly's voice in her head!! LOL. BY the way, I am a fan of Maxie's new cut-- I really love Kirsten Storms in short hair.
Maurice Benard is doing one heck of a great job with this story. Given that the dialog is for the most part, crap (I am NOT an abuser..blah blah..) he's just fantastic.
Really liked the whole Johnny/Krissy scenes. He had some good advice for her.
Michael's scenes had me laughing today, which I don't think was their intent. When he said he hit Carter and ran out, all I could see was him hitting like a girl and running. LOL..then Jason had that "spotlight" on his face...looked like an old movie. Chad and Steve are doing a bang up job though!
Uh, was that EMMA??!
Nice Scubs today...too bad she's leaving and he'll be all "jealous" over LISA... D'oh!
When did Dante get a door?? Hmmmm. That was strange. Maybe it's a "side door"??


  1. Celia QuartermaineJune 8, 2010 at 6:51 PM

    OLTL was wonderful. I cried when Brody told Jessica; "You are home." OLTL writes for "old school" soap fans, which I am proudly one of! If soaps are going to die, then I want them to die with dignity!

    As for GH (a soap that I used to love, but now just tolerate): I enjoyed the Johnny/Kristina scenes. Brandon B. is such a charismatic, natural actor. I hope they don't waste him (kill him off) because he is "anti-Sonny."

    I turn to the Dr. Phil Show every time that I see a prison scene. So, I don't know what's going on there. And, I don't want to know.

    AMC: Saw the Liza manipulation of some "Ethan-looking guy" and thought that was okay. But, then saw Amanda's gal-pal gathering and was mortified. So, switched that over to Days Of Our Lives, which was much more interesting.

  2. Hi, this is the first time I have left a comment but I read every day.
    You will think I'm crazy but Johnny sometimes reminds me of Adam from Bonanza. Maybe it was because he was all in black today or his acting style. Hopefully they don't kill him off like some of the other terrific young actors that were on the show.

  3. BusyBe, I can see the Bonanza thing!! I hope they keep him too. He's also a great guy and does a ton of fans events for GH!

  4. One major problem for GH now is that few of the characters are even likable and most all the stories are not enjoyable. Dark, isolated, dreary...thats GH.

    Over on OLTL, they spent 3 days getting Bo and Nora re-married and it was the most enjoyable, entertaining, hilarious 3 days on a soap one could possibly expect these days! You take two long-time, familiar, ultimately likable characters and you call on their history and their friends and you give them funny lines and their friends witty lines and you get the best reactions in silly situations (even a little over-the-top, but who cares?) and you mix it all up, serve it with the likes of Bob Woods and Tuc Watkins and Hilary Smith--golden. Remember when on GH Tiffany married Sean and the minister gave her real name,' Elsie Mae Krumholtz', and it completely broke up the wedding party and Sean and caused Tiff to freeze? Well, when Tuc as David gives Nora's name, the 'Nora Hannon Gannon Bucanan Bucanan Bucanan (you can't count that other name--that was annulled..)', well, I was sitting alone watching and laughing out loud so often it woke the dog.
    Anyway, just a little of that fun, that use of history, that kind of character gathering (just about all in Llanview were involved), and our love of each character's nature we know so well, THAT is what soap enjoyment is about. We KNOW how the characters will react and we depend on it. We KNOW and love seeing them do things in character, love also seeing them mature and develop and learn from their history. Yes, there were a couple of mad moments that were exaggerated, but given the tone set by then, it was fine. A glorious 3 days that will stand out in memory.

    I used to have memories like that of GH, many many memories. But that is all they are now, memories. I still admire the GH actors, but not what they are given to do. According to interviews, they seem to consider the scripts meaty, fun to act. They may be, but they are not fun to watch.

  5. Yeah. I was confused by Dante suddenly having a door! WTF? I guess the personal lift/elevator is just easier than walking up flights of stairs. I was wondering how they'd find Brook as the neighbor.

  6. Cheap Trick would be nice for an appearance on GH at Jake's.

  7. Karen I agree about Maxies hair, the shorter the better on her. Every timne she grows it out I cringe probably because that's when they start the goofy swirly hair styles!

    For all of you currently unhappy with Gh, sit tight. VM is on her way! If anyone can revitalize a show, it's her.

  8. I am confused by Robin leaving. Did I miss something somewhere along the way? Where is Kimberly Mc. going? Is she leaving for a long time, or just short term?

  9. Quite worthwhile info, thank you for the article.

  10. Wow, there is a lot of effective info in this post!



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...