Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Exclusive interview with FRANCO on the EVE of GH Shoot!!

It all went down at Wolfgang Puck's CUT Restaurant today--- Read it and laugh!! There's even a nice portrait of Jason Morgan done by the performance artist himself!!

UBER Franco and THE WubQueen!

OMG, update: Here are some pics from Franco's NY Clocktower show... Tonight, James Franco’s first solo art show opens at the Clocktower Gallery in New York City. In a recent review of the show, the Wall Street Journal called it a “sort of creative schizophrenia” and now that we’ve had a sneak peek we can understand why. ON Location Vacation


  1. This is art? The toys in my child's room look more creative than this.

  2. I really resent these interruptions for big deal celebs who drop in and drop out at will. So it makes for a lot of publicity--but didn't help ratings at all last time. And the Franco story is just sick and ugly. Like Michael's prison stay. Sure, there are serial killers (not nearly as many as TV would imply) and there are ugly things in prison; however, does ot make fun afternoon soap entertainment? I would so much more enjoy watching that great wedding of Bo and Nora on OLTL, ANY DAY!

    Enjoy is the key word. The thing that makes us tune in each day. Characters we love and know, actors who we feel are stellar at what they do, stories that relate to reality (not necessarily actual reality!), even a few which are topical and informing, and events or situations that make us both smile and cry.

    THAT;s Entertainment.... as they say...



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...