Sunday, June 13, 2010

Sunday Surgery: Soap Opera ROUNDUP!!

Nashville was HUMMIN' this weekend with the Soap Stars turning out for SSW. A lot of pictures came out of there...I'll share a few. The band "Port Chuck" played for fans and they LOVED it! I heard Steve Burton even rapped!! Another musical act were "The Divas"...made up of Bobbie Eakes,  Kassie DePaiva, and Kathy Brier.

Laura Wright was also at the event, hanging out with Kelly Monaco. Her hubby was along as well.  Peeps went to a bunch of bars in town. Steve Burton tweeted this in the wee hours: Good night Nashville. Feels like home here. Thanks for everything.god bless and much luv.


How far are they going to push the Lante Sex scenes?? First there's the blurred boobage we had with JMB--and now, DZ looks like he's totally naked in this photo! (not that I don't love it!!) ALL the soaps are going for the lust it seems. Are you liking the "classic" soap bitch character of Brooke Lyn? She reminds me of Bobbie going after Scotty when he was with Laura.

One thing I'm going to miss about SoapNet are their cheesy musical summer videos. Here's "Heat Wave"...which is pretty cute to watch. I actually hope they keep the SoapNet website, it has a lot o great stuf all over it. Remember too, in July those character mash-up web series are coming!!!

Perez Hilton had an item up about FRANCO, basically saying that the actor thinks he can come back 'again and again' because "no one ever  dies on soaps"... GREAT. ;/ Don't want to hear that, thank you! Go to The Wubs Net to find out what the scoop that Franco dropped involves. It IS performance art!

On Twitter, this week, Carolyn Hennesy was on her trapeze, flying around all over the place. Nancy Lee Grahn wants us to write to and put her in for Dancing with the Stars. Ingo Rademacher went to work with his wife and Peanut. Steve Burton said he and Franco were "up late into the night"... (@@~!!)

ONE more feature of the Sunday Surgery will be a ranking of this week's soaps on ABC and fave scenes given:

Number 3-- General Hospital  in a mostly boring week, I really enjoyed Brooke Lyn and Sonny's patio brunch and chat. Nice use of history and it reminded me of some of Sonny's qualities that have been ignored for a long time. Wubgrade: B

Number 2--All My Children this show has driven me nuts for a long time but  I loved Jake and Amanda's wedding because it was so fun and joyful. Wubgrade: B+

Number 1--One Life To Live had a STELLAR week-- full of laughter, nostalgia and just plain great stuff.  Tomato baths, hamburgers, lots of lust-- and David Vickers. (welcome back!!) Wubgrade: A+


  1. I am loving Brook Lynn. Classic soap bitches are the best and AL is playing it well. Of course, Lulu drives me crazy, so anyone that gives ger grief is all right with me! And that Dante pic is making me sweat already!

    I wish that GH would go back to telling these kinds of relationship stories instead all of the violence and the mob. Although, the Patrick/Steven/Lisa thing is just ridiculous. I think that they should get rid of Lisa and hook Steven up with Claire or Kate.

  2. I agree trixie, love Brook lynn. I am a Dante/Lulu fan but Lulu alone drives me batty and always has. I also agree about Patrick. This would be way more believeable if Patrick had a one night stand with CARLY. Their chemistry is off the charts (don't get me wrong, I love my scrubs). But Carly Is Robin's enemy and she is so fun to hate so it would be good on so many levels. laura Wright has chemistry with a doorknob so they could have so made this work. Patrick being jealous of Steve & Lisa is just un- characteristic. He is so sure of himself and cocky. I could see him being a tiny bit bothered, and acting out in other small ways but wanting to follow them around, it's just icky.

  3. From what I read I am looking forward to Franco S/L it sound good..
    I think Franco is available more than what he was the last time and that was just 3 friday.. so that is already better.....
    I can't wait for the final showdown between Franco and Jason...

    About Lante I am not their fan at all I hate both characters LOL
    But it is good that we have love scenes, But why does it always them... they can't just give love scenes for one couple!!!!
    we need more.....
    I love Brook , I think she is great bad girl..... I hope she stays on GH and not just short term....

  4. Wow I think you are the only one that really hates Dante Inbal but you are entitled to your opinion. Lulu has always annoyed me tho. I think they have many many fans as a couple and it took so long for them to do the deed that they are making up for it now. They could have shown a scrubs scene in bed before Robin left, or a Kate/Coleman scene other than sucking face at the bar. They should show Spixie trying to reconnect even though I am bored to death of them. Or mac & Alexis, Max & Diane, Lucky or Ethan with Maya who also bores me to no end. Luke & Tracy. The list is endless but give us some lovin. Bad casting there on Maya I think she is awful. Gorgeous but awful. I myself dread Franco coming on unless every scene includes Brenda. I am so sick of Jason having so much airtime and michael too. The prison story has bombed big time. Maybe it will improve when Michael gets out and its just jason but we all know St Jasus won't last in prison for long.If Jason has to be on my screen then show hiom with Jake and kick Sam to the curb please.

  5. I love Dante and Lulu and I think Brook Lynn is the annoying one. I hope her and her fake accent go back to Bensonhurst.

  6. I love the grading of the soaps at weeks end!! I think you should do it every week.

  7. Not sure why folks don't like Dante. He's not the be all end all character like Sonny. I even have a soft spot for Sonny, so I'm not a Sonny hater, I simply feel they need to finally have some consequences for him and to have him actually feel some remorse for everything he has caused. And hello maybe see someone else's point of view?

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  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...