So, AMC is boring me to tears. Eric and the Mountain Man?? Come on, it's like a 5th grader wrote it!! "The Blanket is on fire"!! LOL Did like Greens seeing Erica in the elevator. She must be seriously losing it seeing NOT dead people!
OLTL..ah, the fun soap. I just think they go all out to do something different. And David Vickers is back, what more could you want!? Bo in the Tomato Juice..ewww, and having bloody marys? FUN. fun fun fun!
GH: Notice now that they started cooking in Dante's kitchen they aren't stopping??! LOL. That's all they do!! Dante will gain about 40 pounds. Glad they didn't pull out some SLIDES for a little show. OY!
Therapy was shot from therapist's perspective. Of course DEKE is mentioned! And I do hope Sonny DOES SEE he did abuse Claudia. She abused him too of course. I still want a Karen mention. Sonny starts yelling at Krissy right during therapy. LOL. Way to go!! Why can't they have Sonny grow and say something different for ONCE? ;/ Loved Kristina's face at the end.
The Jail: Michael and Jason just waltz around..their cell is open, no one else is anywhere near them. Laughable. Although better than seeing them fake fight!
Spinelli and Jason, best part of the show!
See you Sunday!
CASTING: from SUDS Report (Which you really MUST read) • Hopefully someone called Kim Zimmer! GH is casting another short-term role named Suzanne Stanwyck. Here’s the character description: She’s between 50-60; tough; funny; no-nonsense with a heart of gold; low tolerance for BS; and she has spent her life fighting for kid’s rights. GH is asking agents to submit all ethnicities/well-known, established names. The role starts around July 19th and will recur for three to five weeks.
RATINGS: GH only one that posts higher ratings over May 2009 sweeps. Whatever.
So, what do you think of the new GH "OZ" promos?? With Jason slamming Carter up against the bars? "Michael, what happened"...?? What does he THINK happened? And Guza all COY about it. @@eyeroll@@
Our own INGO Rademacher (Jax) is going to be in a Surfing Contest for "Project Save Our Surf"!! Show our GH support!
RONNIE Marmo Fan Weekend (Ronnie, GH) is having a fan weekend June 12-13th. Take a gander it's in MICHIGAN!
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I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...

Meredith Baxter This morning it was announced that television icon Meredith Baxter will be taking over the role of Monica Quartermaine....
Well, ratings are out. So much for getting rid of Dan and Chris!!! How'd that work out for ya? You see my friends, it's not ONLY T...
I floundered for a title this week because, well... not a hell of a lot happened besides narrative and people yelling about custody. As yo...
Looks like Carly won't sugar coat for Sonny. Maybe he will realize that abuse comes in all forms not just physical. Anyone else hoping that Olivia catches on to Carly and busts her! Maybe Carly will be on to end in jail. Will jax still be going for custody? I can see the testimony and Brooke and Spinelli called to testify and Carly's world will implode and off to shadyville again.
ReplyDeleteI am for one hate watching cook shows when My mom puts it on I tend to leave me room..
ReplyDeleteSo why do I need to watch it every freaky day with the Bensonhurst tales.
This is so boring
And I Hate pasta
I still think the Jail story is good
I love the Jason and Michael scenes how they are bonding and changing.
and how again we see Jason as Michael's father...
Ok Sonny is not perfect
But with Sonny and Carly relationship, they both were unstable.. even jason said it few times when Sonny yelled and insulted Carly ,she also did the same just as bad...
And I hate that Krisi is taking Johnny's word.. It seem that she feels Sorry for Claudia dead.. Claudia was no angel..
I agree the SPin Jason scenes were hilarious.
And I loved OTL today just cute
Todays show... YAWN!
ReplyDeleteOLTL was funny. I loved Natalie slapping everyone. Bo in the bathtub with tomato juice was too much. The whole show was just funny. Didn't like Gigi's dress tho - looked like she belonged on Star Trek.
ReplyDeleteGH - boring. Boring show today and I don't like the Dante/Brooklyn story. Can't anyone be happy on this show??
Jason going on and on about the importance of being a father was laughable to me today- I was watching it going "Umm..okaayyy"
ReplyDeleteCarly totally taking advantage of Spin and conveniently leaving out the part of how badly she wants to destroy Lulu as well as Dante
As far as Sonny and Kristina goes, it was nice that they had him go to therapy with her but of course they had him go all "physical violence is the only type of abuse" etc etc- Claudia was terrible too but come onnn
We all have our fav characters but its hard to root for ANY ONE of them on GH these days...
I like that they're going with the abuse isn't always physical angle. Sonny's definition of abuse is moronic at best. He needs to know that mental/psychological abuse is just as bad or even worse. He's a mental abuser even if he doesn't realize it.
ReplyDeleteCarly, I hate her, always have. Whenever she has a positive relationship with someone, such as Lulu or Olivia, they now show her trashing these people's lives with no guilt whatsoever, and no real, lasting insight into her own bad behaviors that have caused most of the messes that she is in.
ReplyDeleteSonny, and the abuse--I am a therapist who practices in the Bensonhurst area in Brooklyn, and, let me tell you, most people there don't have a clue that there can be abuse that isn't violent. I treat lots of battered women, some married to their abusers for decades, who say, "He didn't hit me, I didn't think I was being abused."
Believe me, in Bensonhurst, even in 2010, Sonny's views of abuse as physical violence only is the norm.
Hopefully, Sonny will grow and learn from this story, and thereby educate others who are watching.
I HATE the jail stuff. Hate. It. I'm also sick of Carly and this Sonny stuff just goes on and on...
ReplyDeleteI may have to stop watching for awhile.
Another word on abuse. There was talk on the show of how Carly and Sonny abused each other, etc.
ReplyDeleteIn classic cases of abuse or domestic violence, one partner is the abuser and one the abused. There is a deep, profound dynamic in these unhealthy relationships that transcends mere fighting, even if the fighting is loud or otherwise gets out of hand. If that is the case, then the partners are more or less evenly matched, which is not the case in abusive relationships where one partner has all of the power and the other partner has none.
inbal, I really do respect your right to have your own opinion of the show and if you are enjoying it right now, I'm happy that at least someone is, but I really have to wonder sometimes if you are watching the same show as the rest of us? Lord, I just want to scream at Jason to get off his high horse and realize that he is not the be all and end all lately- and he used to be one of my favorite characters. Now I would rather Dante be a role model for Michael instead of Jason any day. And seriously, Kristina is right- Sonny is just like Kiefer- just because you don't use your fists doesn't mean you are not abusive. Johnny may not be going about things the right way, but he is right when it comes to Sonny- he did abuse Claudia. I love Laura Wright, but that sneer on Carly's face has been permanent since Michael went to prison and it is really getting on my nerves...
ReplyDeleteThe only reason I keep watching is the Elizabeth/Lucky/Nik storyline. I can't wait til the truth about the baby comes out. I hope they don't drag it out. I want Luke to figure it out.I want to smack that smirk off Nikolas's face. I really can't stand the guy anymore.
ReplyDeleteLOVED OLTL today- David was hysterical and Roxy with the dental student...I honestly have no words for it!
ReplyDeleteDid not love GH...I REALLY need for Sonny, Carly, Jason and Brooklyn to disappear off my television screen for a month or so. Maybe by then I'll be able to stand them again. Well, all except Brooklyn- I never did like her, but I used to like the rest!
I've been off the last 2 days and caught OLTL. And guess what? Even tough I haven't watched in years, I recognized Vicki, Bo, Nora, Blair, OriginalKelly, David and Delia -- I mean Roxie (I go back to Ryan's Hope with Ilene Kristen).
ReplyDeleteThis is what I miss about GH. I might catch a glimpse of characters I care about -- Monica, Tracy, Edward, Luke, Robin, Mac -- but they'll be isolated. OLTL had everyone integrated. Everyone was showing up for Bo and Nora's wedding. That doesn't happen on GH anymore.
I don't get why Kristina is so sorry for Claudia. She's all close with Michael yet doesn't care who shot him?
ReplyDeleteThere are so many examples where they are just twisting each character's feelings to fit some storyline (Dante, Jason, Carly, Liz, it goes on and on). Feels empty to me, makes it hard to get into.
I know that I am in the minority here but I totally root for Carly. I don't agree with her choices all of the time but she is my favorite. The only consistent thing I have seen about her character is her friendship with Jason. I don't like that she is using Spinelli in the storyline. However this is the first time that I have felt sorry for the character. The problem with GH is BALANCE. There is none. It is Sonny,Carly,Jason,Dante,Lulu,Olivia, and Sam. Oh and in the end, all roads seem to lead back to Sonny. No wonder people have stopped watching.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous Jason is the one that really stepped up for Michael more than anyone..
ReplyDeleteI don't see Dante in jail and i don't see Sonny there...
Jason himself admitted that he was wrong and now he tries to fix it by doing the ultimate scarifies..
while I agree that jason sacrificed like no other to be in jail, it makes me sick that baby Jake is barely mentioned or shown with him. Michael is not Jason's son, whether Jason treats him as one or not, he isn't. And most of us are not interested in the prison storyline. If Sonny was in there I think I would be game since his bipolar illness would creep in. Not kids getting beat and raped. I find myself not interested in any storyline with the exception of Liz & Lucky. I love my scrubs but they are ripping them apart as well. Dante and Lulu barely slept together and they are already trying to ruin that too. They started us on the Mac/Alexis pairing and dropped in 2 seconds. Same with the Bauers haunting Alexis. We could go on and on.
ReplyDeleteHate, hate the direction GH has gone in with the OZ storyline. And Carly being an absolute hag.
ReplyDeleteOLTL, on the other hand, the episodes from the last 3 days have been hysterically funny. Don't think I have ever laughed as hard 3 days in a row at any episode of a soap ever.