Sunday, June 27, 2010

37th Annual Daytime Emmys--Red Carpet Photos and More


Bree Williamson looking fab on the red carpet. (wire image)

Eden wearing the same color!

LaLucci Looking Lovely!

I've decided I can never go interview these ladies on the carpet because I'd look like a HOUSE next to them! LOL...Even Bree who is PG! Everyone has been saying how tiny they are. I guess size 0 is the new 8!!

Well, the "Red Carpet" that was supposed to stream tonight on the net was full of techinical problems. Not SON's fault, it was their first time.  PLUS, at least they TRIED! I still think SoapNet and Disney should be ashamed. Daytime fans are the most loyal out there.

Lisa LoCicero says she's seated next to Nathan Parsons at the show! Hmmm, interesting combo!

Goodness...David Copperfield starts the show... interesting. hmmm. I'm glad Regis is hosting, he's a good choice. I saw Bradford and Scott Clifton in the audience. My fave boys.
BOO, Carolyn Hennesy lost to Julie Pinson For Outstanding Supporting Actress. Wahhh. I so wanted Carolyn to win, dang it. She is the best thing on Daytime, imo.
Was there enough for DICK CLARK?? I guess least Ryan Seacrest showed up. He always gets ratings?? Or the oldies tuned in for all the 50s people. They could have had a whole show just for Dick Clark, btw. Wubber Lisa's son said Cher looks like Lady Gaga!! LOL.
THE LION KING? uh...ok. I thought I was watching the TONYS!

Supporting Actor went to: Billy Miller of Y&R-- the ONLY person I don't know!! LOL People said though: Billy Miller: IS AMAZING as Billy Abbott RT @Lautnerfan94: @WubsNet He deserved it! Trust me...he was amazing on Y&R! I really thought JJ would get it, wanted BA to get it or RPG. Oh well.

BLUE MAN GROUP? OMG, Who knows about the mummenschanz???? They scared the SHEEZE out of me when I was a kid. WPIX NYC had commericals on for them. I can't even believe I'm talking about them during the EMMYS but that was the entertainment. *sigh*

Drew Tyler Bell won best younger actor B&B --damn it for Drew and Scott Clifton. I so wanted either one of those to win. Here's a comment for that: from @Buzzworthyradio:  umm...i have no words

Outstanding younger actress: JULIE MARIE BERMAN!! Her speech was so nice-- thanking all the actors.  I want to see her dress again,  not sure I "got it".  LOL some loved it, some hated it on twitter.

Nice tribute to ATWT. Will be missed. I watched it with my Mom back when. Michael Park's mom is a friend and I so hope he goes to another soap--I would love for him to be on OLTL!

BEST DIRECTING TEAM: General Hospital they submitted the Carnival eppy. It was a great thing to watch-- tons of fun and a locale shoot.

BEST WRITING TEAM: Bold and Beautiful. Now, GH wasn't even nominated. And the show that SHOULD have won, OLTL, wasn't nominated either..

BEST ACTOR: MICHAEL PARK..mentioned CANANDAIGUA!!!!!! wow!!! And his mom  Rosemary and I watched his very first day on the show. HOW WONDERFUL!

BEST ACTRESS MAURA WEST: She did such a CUTE thing with her daughter!! awww. I'm so happy for them.

Vanessa Marcil's dress was underwhelming, just sayin'.

This was a fun tweet:  @Soap_Dude If Chuck Pratt wins an emmy, I hope they stab him with it. Just saying.
Another: SoapOperaSource These acceptance speeches get longer than the ATWT tribute. Unacceptable. #ATWT #DaytimeEmmys
MrsGoose1 @WubsNet tweeting from my iPad with the wubqueen while watching the Emmys is AWESOME
LisaLoCicero (from her seat): No one mentions that Agnes also created Loving!

Melissa Archer--Worst Dressed.

Rebecca Budding. LOVED the Funky look!! Loved!

PEOPLE noticed Vanny Marcil's new last name...not sure if she's married or not. I googled it and nothin'. Someone said she's married to: Carmine Giovinazzo. Will check on that!

GOODNIGHT! I was in twitter jail for the end of the show...LOL. "Over the limit"!!


  1. I liked the show I recored it and i got to go past what I thought stunk.Glad Lulu won hated GH won directing.....

  2. I also liked the show for the most part. The only things that I didn't like were the Dave Letterman Top 10 thing and The Lion King. Other than that I thought it was a much better show than last years. Regis was a wonderful choice to host.

  3. Well maybe I missed something, because after the lion king and Rachel Ray swooping in, I couldn't take anymore and shut it off!

  4. I was a bit disapointed in the show. It felt more like a Vegas infomercial than the Daytime emmys. It was odd to have such a long tribute to Dick Clark. (I also felt bad he was such a bright orange! Make-up will not win for this show)I wish there was more things centered on the soaps/actors. Where was the awards for lighting, hair, costumes, etc.?

    I am glad Michael and Maura won!! HIghlight of the night. I have watched ATWT since I was in the womb.
    I also wish something was mentioned about the actors who passed away, "Alice Horton" & "Nancy HUges"

  5. They didn't have a tribute to two very BIG soap actresses that passed away? To me, Francis Reid was the queen of daytime!
    Glad I didn't watch. I hear mostly bad things.

  6. I didn't even notice the In Memorial was left off!! :/ they could have nixed the BLUE MEN for that...

  7. whoever it was that said Lisa (Olivia) didn't have implants, that it was her bra making her look like she had big boobs, well look at the picture my friend. those suckers are not real! She looked wonderful though! Maybe best dressed. I always like Claudia as a blond better! and Oh my, the one of natalie from Oltl, her boobs are lopsided!

  8. I enjoyed the show, including the tribute to Dick Clark, it was sweet. Regis sounded like he had a cold, does he always sound like that?

    It was great to see VM (now VMG??), we don't have to wait until Aug. 11 to see her.

  9. Early ratings numbers from last night look good. A 4.4 rating/7 share in the overnights from 9-11 p.m. The show won its time slot in all four parts and saw an 83% increase in viewers from last year's telecast on the CW.

    I tuned out after the first hour. Part boredom, part I-have-to-get-up-for-work-at-4:00am.

    I actually enjoyed the musical tribute to Dick Clark mainly because I'm fast becoming an old fart. (I love The Spinners! Was a nice surprise to see them.)

    Also, did anyone notice how the David Copperfield introduction of Regis was botched? See the link below...

  10. My god, some of them look like rachitic female on photo, it is too scary!

  11. I agree about Lisa L's breasts but who cares, she looked great. I actually think gh has the least amount of fake boobs. Maxie, Carly, Robin, lulu are all smaller. Love it that they look like real women instead of size d's on a size zero frame.

  12. Love that Brender will be on for 2 years!

  13. I somehow missed the announcements for lead actor and lead actress--even ran it back and still couldn't find those moments. Glad you had that info on wubs!

    Did it feel to anyone else that this show was a commercial for Vegas? I want to see more soap opera-related stuff and could have taken less and shorter of the 'entertainment' stuff that really had nothing to do with anything but Vegas.

    But hey, daytime got honored and the show got aired so we shouldn't quibble. It is just that with soaps struggling, I want more attention paid! I did miss the red carpet thing--more pictures, please!

  14. For the first time in over ten years I turned off the Emmies after the first hour. When I saw that the Blue Man group got more airtime than the "tribute" to As the World Turns, I knew that this wasn't a show invested in showcaseing Daytime TV. It was more like a Vegas info-mercial.

    That, and the fact that they chose not to show any acting clips of the nominees. That is the part of the Emmies that I most look forward to, because I just don't have the time to watch every show. I have often been so amazed by the talent of actors I don't normally watch when they show these clips. To me, this is the meat of the show and why these talented actors are nominated for these awards in the first place. I was so disappointed.

    I will say that I did like the Dick Clark tribute and my heart just melted when he broke down at the end.

    I also wish I had stayed around to watch Michael Park win his Emmy. Did they at least show acting clips of Lead Actor and Actress nominees?

  15. GH doesn't watch it it will be the shopping block well I was so disgusted OLTL won nothing.

  16. Am I the only one who thinks Lisa looks awfully thin?

  17. Lisa looks so thin due to those huge implants (also makes her head look unusually large) Even after saying that though, the girl is beautiful

  18. Wikipedia states that as of 201, Carmine Giovinazzo is married to Vannie.

  19. I did not like the Emmy's this year! I will not watch next year. Yes i get they wanted to buy tribute to Dick but did they have to do it at Emmy's it sure of been done on the AMA. and they did not pay tribute to who we lose this year! and Agnes who write OLTL and AMC tribute sure of been longer then what it was. To much Vegas! It sure of been in New york or LA!

  20. What namely you're saying is a terrible mistake.

  21. Wow, there is a lot of worthwhile material above!

  22. Here, I do not really consider it will work.



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...