Sunday, June 6, 2010

Sunday Surgery: Webseries take over Soap Genre?

Morning!! How was YOUR GH WEEK? Love it, hate it, fall asleep to it? Personally, I found it to be dragging. Although I like the idea of Sonny in therapy--I don't like the idea that it's not about Kristina anymore. Luke/Tracy are getting old in the dungeon-- although hopefully Helena will come back and make my day. Liz--Lucky and Nik? Eh-- Maya, Ethan --Eh. Brooklyn cooking up a storm for Dante who is going to be gaining a LOTTA weight soon!! LOL. I'm also a tad concerned about Spinelli and Carly-- I liked them together but he really isn't the type to destroy someone like she is. Matt and Maxie chemistry? What do you think? Lisa and Steven Lars?? What about Robin leaving for Africa at the drop of an email and nar a metnion of Emma? Well, Patrick did say something about her, but that was all.  You know my feelings on the prison situation. Soon, Jason will be murdering ol' Carter in a brutral way-- and yet, somehow get a pass to go after Franco. Contrast this to the fun on OLTL--which still has it's core families intact and attending the same wedding and although I know GH is the "Dark" Sibling of ABC's 3 soaps, it still depresses me.

THE BAY launch party June 3rd

Which brings me to a happier note--WEBSERIES!! There are quite a few out there (Gotham, Venice, Empire) already with many more to come. THE BAY starring our own Tristan Rogers and Mary Beth Evans had a big launch bash this paste week. Guess who else is in there? Lily Melgar --yep. "The Lily" of blown up car day on GH! Tristan is also involved with a show that should begin taping this summer, Reality Bytes. Written by Kate Lang, it takes a backstage look at soaps. NICE--we need that! Lily Melgar will also be in this series as well. Do you watch a webseries? If so put a link down in comments so we all can check it out. I do believe this is were the genre is going...right into cyberspace.

One of my fave webseries is about two girls from NY that go to LA and try to "make it". Giovana (Cyrina Fiallo) and Denise (GH's Chrissie Fit) have hilarious hijinks all over the place. PLUS they make really cool video parodies. The Subpranos has a new eppy every Friday. Check them out. Hopefully, the girls will grace me with an interview soon!! (it's my life's dream!!)

 Another HILARIOUS series is Victora Rowell's "Secrets of a Soap Opera Diva" and her latest video, a "homage to the fans".  She's also written a book with the same name, available on Amazon.

I am of course also looking forward to ABC's character mix-up that will be coming this summer. At least they are trying!! It starts in July -- What will Todd do when he meets SPINELLI ??

With SoapNet leaving cable-land, I do think that the internet will become the main place for all things soaps. (I also wonder if SoapNet will close down their website or continue to show videos/have news??). 

Have a great's raining here. I'm going to be updating the scoops later, so keep checking. This is all the crazy Franco sheeze coming, so things are locked up tight. See you tomorrow...


  1. I'm sure with Franco coming and all things will change. But right now Maxie & Matt is what I am loving.

  2. please Franci kill sonny

  3. please Franco kill sonny.

  4. Or better yet, put sonny on a meat hook and leave him there like he did AJ.

  5. GH This week, was a bit weak...
    The storyline got dragged.... all the stories were boring...
    And I hate the Cooking channel in the bensonhurst style.. Really, it got so boring we don't need to know what happened in the old days...
    I hate the Sonny Kristina S/L they are losing the point that should be.. Kristna was abused and she needs to move on...
    About the Jail story I am enjoying it a lot.. I think we are seeing the change in Michael and Jason and that is a great story...
    I heard about the Carter killing and this is to make the story move along to Franco....

    BUt this is what the problem in GH all the stories are bad and dark.. the jail story is good.
    seeing the change in Jason and Michael's characters.
    But when they have this dark story they need to balance it with a story that is happy.. but there isn't one...
    the bensonhurst tales are boring , Kristina is getting to be stupid.. Spixie are the verge of breaking up.. Carly us mad.. and Luke and Tracy are kidnapped.. and Liz Nick Lucky are still fighting on the baby... and not forget Scrubs....
    where is the happiness????

  6. If you want to see a good web series, try season one of Vamped Out, featuring Sebastian Roche (Jerry Jacks, GH). It's campy and fabulous!

  7. Hate Carly manipulating Spin. He will spiral down when he finds out she's out to get the Orignal Blonde One too. He is the only one on the show that seems to have a pure heart and speaks the truth. Don't mess with him!

  8. Not sure if I agree that Spin has a pure heart. Don't forget he was in on the last conspiracy against police & other innocent people. His hands are just as dirty as a true member of the mob. SO there you have it, GH ruining another character for the sake of Jason, Carly & Sonny company.

    the entire summer is going to be a snooze fest with the exception of Liz having her baby & lucky hopefully finding out he's the father.



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...