Monday, August 6, 2012

Crimson and Clover

Over and Over...that song has clues!! 

So does Jerry Jacks. When I get a minute to go through my mail and get it all together I'll lay the clues out. My favorite clue is that he and Ewwwwwwwan are meeting at Wyndemere!!! Note the Helena mention.

Trey: Ummmmm, looks like he's going to be getting Krissy in bed soon according to the commercials. zzzzzzzzzz. snort. I really could care less about this character. Bad sign as he's on a LOT.

Aiden starts choking. Didn't even see him eating. Oh Liz only THOUGHT she was choking. Ok. Whatever, weird scene. I guess it was to show how over protective Liz is now that Jake is dead.

JERRY is dying...of lung cancer or TB or some lung thing. Maybe a toxic infection. Either way he's on his way out.

LOVED THE TODD AND JOHN Scenes. As a OLTLer they were awesome!! Todd calls the PCPD and had so many one liners today it was great. 

Alexis and Krissy. Whatever. Krissy you dropped out of Yale you aren't working, get a job or move OUT!! How's that.!?

Steve Burton signed his contract so he's staying at GH for now!


  1. Today's show was pretty much all about Blair and Natalie.

    (There was no mention of Jo, Tootie or Mrs. Garrett. Not yet.)

  2. Manning Enterprises: Todd meet McBain's fist! Three times!!! ROFL! Sam and her shame on you to Todd! ROFL! Todd calls the cops on McBain hahahaha! He even laughs over the phone. :)

    The hospital: Round and round Dante and Sonny go where they stop nobody knows!!! :) Oh wait Dante gets a call about an attack! The merry go round stops! :)

    Alexis's home: Awww! Great Alexis and Krissy scene. Alexis just wants to protect her daughter awww! :) Later, Sam takes McBain to Alexis's home! It looked like they were going to kiss again!!! Oh Dante tells McBain you are under arrest! ROFL!

    Haunted Star: Oh when did Starr and Joe Jr jr jr become BFF's?!!?! he is spilling his guts to her!

    Wyndemere: Ewen wants to tell the cops the truth! Jerry says Ewen did everything that has to do with Robin! So Ewen would go to jail and not him! Jerry reminiscing about Liz hahaha! When Ewen left, Jerry says oh Dr Keenan what am I going to do with you? I was hoping Jerry was going to say Oh Ewen Jacks. :) Jerry starts coughing and has to sit down! He says that Dr. Keenan won't have to deal with him much longer. I was thinking, HUH?!!? What's wrong with Jerry!?!?! Karen what?!!?! Jerry is on his way out?! NOOOOOOOO! :'( We just got him back!

    Kelly's: Liz thought Aidan was choking but he wasn't! She was scared for a minute. Woah Aidan looks like Cam! Are they brothers in real life? :)

  3. delcodave said...

    Today's show was pretty much all about Blair and Natalie.

    (There was no mention of Jo, Tootie or Mrs. Garrett. Not yet.)
    ROFL! Now that is a good one! :) I'll be waiting for Joe, Tootie, and Mrs Garrett!!! :)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Karen...Love your posts still.
    I have to laugh at how you express your feelings!!!You have a way with saying

    Jerry is carrying the disease and infects people I bet. He has to be contagious. Either way, he is on the way out. What eles could be causing people to get sick?? Or start to get sick??

    LOVED LOVED when Todd was screaming and called John Mr Law & Order McBain!!

    Unfortunately, I missed the first half as that Church Shooting yesterday was here in WI and we keep getting interrupted on updates. (the community is shaking)

    I missed Sonny & Dante. Did they bond? How special.

    Anyone notice besides me that Krissy is sitting outside with a cold ice tea full of ice, and she pours Alexis who is just coming home a half glass w/no ice. Ohh Krissy what are we going to do with you.
    Still nice to see Alexis getting scenes again.

  6. I hate the new Krissy. Awful actress and they have made the character unlikable. I don't care how busty the actress is (and I am a straight, married guy by the way), if she can't act then get her off the screen. Lexi Anisworth was believeable and although she was not a va va voom Victoria Secret model, certainly was cute enough that her figure should not have been an issue at all.

  7. Anon -- I couldn't agree more. I'm sure if Lexi did come back we'd only hear how young she looks (oy vey!!!) despite bringing her A game (the nuKristina get an F from me).

    Delco Dave -- you are too funny! Where in Delco are you? I'm in Broomall. :) Cheers neighbor!

  8. Today's show, ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ, Nukrissy in a bikini, ZZZZZZZZ, Jerry Jacks will die once again, ZZZZZZZZ. Too much OLTL, not enough GH. WHERE IS FELICIA??

  9. Like Steve Burton has any other choices out there.Bottom line for him is it is GH or nothing,he chose GH!LOL!

  10. Karen, thanks for your response about the SI thing. I'm not on FB, and don't remember any mention on your blog about coming here, and I usually read every word!! To think I was thisclose to meeting your Wubness, not to mention MB (whom I did meet about 10 years ago), and VM (whom I've never met, but would LOVE to).

  11. used to live in delco / aldan. i move to nj to take care of my dad. in trenton now.

  12. The New Krissy isn't that bad. It's always the same whenever a new actress or character is introduced; they are always ripped. Her scenes today were fine.

    Todd always steals the show. The real boring shite was Sonny and Dante. Can someone just kill Sonny and put him out of our misery?

  13. Didn't Jerry call Ewen, "boy"? I think they're father and son.

  14. Didn't Jerry call Ewen, "boy"? I think they're father and son.

  15. Was a pretty decent episode yesterday. Great stuff with McBain and Todd. Todd is hilarious!

    Loved the Liason scenes. I thought it was really good dialogue especially showing how worried Liz is since losing Jake. Nice to see that dose of reality put in instead of just ignoring it like previous writers did. Plus, didn't I see somewhere that Aiden gets "the sickness" or something....perhaps they were using that scene as a set-up to it??

    Karen, earlier in the scene it showed Liz cutting up pancakes and giving them to Aiden.

    Sonya - NuAiden is adorable and you are right, he does look like Cam! I wonder too if they're brothers or at least someone Becky knows as he seemed very comfortable with her.

    The Alexis/NuKrissy scenes were terrible. I normally love Alexis in anything but the scenes seemed awkward and forced. Obviously NLG knows what a trainwreck NuKrissy girl is and was trying to carry the scene for her.

    The Dante/Sonny scenes were wasted airtime. Hate when the writers do things like that.

    Loving my Jerry Jacks! Can't wait for the "sickness" storyline to begin!! I love him retelling scenes from the Metro Court Hostage Crisis. Good way to get old and new fans interested in just how evil and crazy Jerry Jacks can be.

    DelcoDave - LMAO!! Good one!!

  16. MatchboxGinny said...Sonya - NuAiden is adorable and you are right, he does look like Cam! I wonder too if they're brothers or at least someone Becky knows as he seemed very comfortable with her.
    I wonder what the little actor's name is. :) I just tried looking it up, and haven't found it yet.

    The Dante/Sonny scenes were wasted airtime. Hate when the writers do things like that.
    I wish they would have people stop talking and walking around and around the whole hospital!!!


Cocktails around Port Charles

  Since I'm out today, I thought it would be fun to imagine what I'd order if I was out and about in the good city of Port Charles. ...