Friday, February 27, 2015

When Luke was Birdman

I finally figured it out. See, The Fluke/Luke thing is BIRDMAN. Because Tony is being followed by BIRDMAN (aka LUKE). His persona, life and art taken over by something he made iconic and now is eating his identity. 
Got it.
Just thought I'd share. 


  1. "His persona, life and art taken over by something he made iconic and now is eating his identity."

    I'm always along for the ride.

  2. Maybe Birdman will pick him up and drop him some place far far away, and he will never find his way back.
    I don't know if it was intentional, but the rant that TG gave as Luke sounded too much like a slam at the fans of Luke. It turned me off completely, and I am over Luke. Let TG retire; I don't wish him harm, just go away.
    I am done. If you have nothing but disdain for those who followed you for years, and celebrated your victories, fine. I will be glad to put you totally out of my mind.
    So bring on the Birdman.

  3. Astute observation. He sent the same message when he sang "I Am What I Am" at the nurse's ball last year.



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...