Friday, February 13, 2015

Miss Harper Barash is ON!

Wow, frisco, you stopped watching GH? So it's NOT just me??? Yesterday I totally fell ASLEEP right in the middle. I was just dying with brain-freeze and had to sleep. LOL

CAMEO DAY ...bunch of people on

That is Harper (Kirsten's real life daughter) playing Baby Georgie. Aww, she's ADORBS.  The canvas is exploding and full but damn, I did miss Bradford and am glad Spin is back. 
Harper is a scene stealer! LOL so cute! 
Spinelli admitted he and Ellie broke up.

Ned and Alexis. He's getting the hint she likes Jules, I think. She leaves and goes to see Julian and says she wants to be with him instead of Ned. 

Brad sees a giant naked guy in the locker room. He's from that Baby Daddy show.
Felix is on today! And Brad talks to Felix about his Lucas woes.
Lucas comes out and stands on the nurses' desk and declares his love. 

Olivia sees Barbara Jean from Reba. From Bensonhurst. They dish about the old days. She's going on vacation to Niagara Falls and thought she'd stop and see Olivia. Later she goes to the Q's because her son is being a chef there (don't ask) and tells Ned that Olivia likes him and he should go after her. 

Nate tells the Assistant DA, Cristella that Johnny stopped at Maxie's before he left. BUT! That Johnny must have broken in.

END: Olivia finds out she's pregnant just as Ned walks into the Metro. 


  1. So they are going with a pregnancy story? I was hoping Olivia would just become obsessed with over-sized handbags and potted plants for a few months. :) Well, here come Ned to say it's his to help Olivia keep it from Julian. Sigh. Hopefully they'll let this be a more comedic story. LLC and WK both do romance-comedy quite well.

    So now both Alexis and Olivia will have kids fathered by Sonny and Julian....

  2. Happy Valentine's day G H fans. So thoughtful of the writers to have a whole bunch of guest stars featured instead of having some happy GH couples celebrating.

    1. Stupid Valentines episode. Would much rather see Mac and Felicia and they are kind of boring but some old faves of mine.

    2. Stupid Valentines episode. Would much rather see Mac and Felicia and they are kind of boring but some old faves of mine.

  3. Something happened to my DVR both yesterday and I only saw the last five minutes of both. Sounds like I didn't miss much. I did get to see Baby Harper, and she sure is a cutie pie.

  4. Oops, DVR didn't work right both yesterday and today. Saw a few minutes at the beginning today, too, so that's when I saw Harper.
    Happy Valentine's to all the Wubbers. :)

  5. Harper is adorable and quite a handful! I had to ffwd. half the show-not interested in these guest stars. Glad to see Spinelli though. I like Brad & Lucas. Not my idea of a great Valentine's Day, though. Happy Valentine's Day to all!

    1. I love Harper Barash. Super squirmy like my kids were. Show her more. I'd watch. Blow some more raspberries with Mom Kirsten. So precious.

    2. I love Harper Barash. Super squirmy like my kids were. Show her more. I'd watch. Blow some more raspberries with Mom Kirsten. So precious.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Happy Valentines day Port Chuckles.

    The hospital:

    Locker room: Who the heck is that tall guy? Brad finds him attractive! hahaha. Brad is so teeny tiny next to this guy!

    Felix and Brad: FELIX! You are back! Great! Uhh I don't think Brad should be venting to Felix. Too bad Britch isn't around anymore. Well you could call her Brad! Too bad Britch didn't meet Morgan.. (They are dating in real life) They could have had a karaoke night at the floating rib, and Morgan and Britch could have met! :) Another wasted opportunity. I digress. Poor Brad! It was 2 days ago since he told Lucas and Lucas said nothing yet? OUCH!

    Julian's room: Poor Lucas is scared! I know it's scary Lucas! Listen to your father and sister!

    Brad and Lucas: Love the scene!!!! Lucas sucks at big gestures? Well he did a great job with this one!!!! :) Awww Lucas wuvs him back! I can't wait until they get engaged! Can Lucas be the one who proposes? I want to see what kind of big gesture he does haha.

    Sam, Patrick, and big tall guy: Hmmm is big tall guy interested in Sam?

    Metrocourt: Oh I see the baby bump and it's getting bigger!!! :) Oh Olivia's old friend Melissa from Bensonhurst! (sp?) Oh I like her! She is so right! Listen to her Olivia!!!!

    Sam and tall guy: At first I thought he was making up the girlfriend and making up the text message he got cus he was interested in Sam! Whew. :)

    Q home: J.L huh? Okay.. At first I thought it was cook number 2. But wait. Cook 2 is a woman right? Oh Alexis is gushing over J.L! Hahaha. Oh oh Ned touched a nerve and now Alexis is upset. But Alexis, Ned is right and you know it!!!! J.L won the line of the day!

    J.L.: Well it was gazpacho.

    ROFL! Can we keep J.L.? No? Rats. Oh so that Melissa lady is J.L.'s mother!!!! Oh Melissa is such a great friend to Olivia! Yeah you tell Ned! Ned she is so right!! Listen to her!! So J.L.'s name is John Luke Picard?! BAHAHAHAHA! Love it!

    Maxie's home: Oh look! It's Harper! I mean Georgie!! HarpGeorgie is so adorable!!!! Hmmm Spinny is acting strange. Ellie is working huh?! I was wondering if they broke up! Oh no I was right!!! :( What she broke up with Spinny because of Maxie? AGAIN!? COME ON! Spinny understands Maxie hahaha. I love that Maxie kissed HarpGeorgie on the cheek awwww!

    Police station: CRISTELLA ALONZO! :) Love her show! She was great here! Course Nathan had to lie Maxie cus he wuvs her!!!! He admitted it yesterday! Awwww! :) Cristella's character says she is going to go see her guy. Is her guy the tall guy?! Hmmmmmm.

    Doctor and Olivia: Is that lady doctor's boyfriend the tall guy? Are we ever going to meet the girlfriend? Olivia is preggers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's too bad Ned isn't the father. :( I wanted him to be. Oh Ned shows up!!! You listened to Melissa! YAY! :)

  8. Am I the only one would rather see Vanita Harbour as Dara Jensen make a cameo as Assistant District Attorney instead of Christela? :)

  9. Today was a snoozefest for me except for the adorable Harper making her debut as Georgie. Couldn't they just show her being cute for the whole show instead of all the stunt casting? LOL The network cross-promotion was a bit much.

  10. I would much rather have the Harper Georgie show too. Loved it when Maxie blew raspberries and then Harper did too.

  11. I would much rather have the Harper Georgie show too. Loved it when Maxie blew raspberries and then Harper did too.

  12. Someone does not like that Harper is now playing Goergie and was giving Kirsten a bad time about it on Twitter today. Sonny and Julian do not need more kids, But the Quartermaines need new family members.

  13. "cooks7570 said..Someone does not like that Harper is now playing Goergie and was giving Kirsten a bad time about it on Twitter today."

    I just looked! Wow people are so rude!!! I'm following her now.

  14. Since both parents are working on the set it just makes sense to have the child at work with them anyway. How does that affect anyone else. Twitter troll should mind her own business.



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...