Friday, February 13, 2015

Michael Easton Staying at General Hospital

yeah, I stole this LOL...SOD Site, check it out. 


  1. Yay!!!
    Now if they would write something good for him, give him back Sam, and give him the fun side he sometimes had on OLTL, plus a real story!

  2. YAY!!!! I love McSilas!!! :)He needs a girlfriend! Maybe he and Ava can get back together... Whenever she comes back.

  3. I am sure Silas is hiding and Ava!

  4. Absolutely made my day..and I do think he's helping Ava

  5. "Julie Langley said...I am sure Silas is hiding and Ava!"

    Oh I hope so!!! :) Yeah healing Ava, and then "healing" Ava. ;)

  6. I'm dying for spoilers to know if Ava is alive - I love Maura West on my screen - she has chemistry with everything/one. I do hope that McSilas has her stowed away and is tending to her

  7. My guess is that Ava is dead but she has a twin sister who shows up pretending to be Ava but is actually a WSB agent trying to bring down Julian.

    Or she's Holly in a mask.

  8. My guess is that Ava is dead but she has a twin sister who shows up pretending to be Ava but is actually a WSB agent trying to bring down Julian.

    Or she's Holly in a mask.



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...