Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Burned Out

Fluke is at the PCPD. His voice is even lower. He calls Rocco a snot factory ahahhahaa. Dante tries to beat him up but is held back. YEAH! Diane is there, she's his rep. Fluke threatens her though and she sees that he's nuts. 

Duke and Anna at Kelly's..blah blah..Duke then goes to see Julian. Tells him he'll be in the clear if he gives up his territory. 

Tracy, Bobbie and Lulu at Lulu's house. Talking about Pat. Bobbie can't find her. She has no idea why she didn't move to Florida when she and Luke did. Ruby always changed the subject and Luke told her to forget Pat "existed". 
They end up hiring Spin who shows up after Maxie kicks him out of her place. 

20150225 0800(36)

Spencer: WOW.Tyler Christopher KILLED it today WOW... and NLG and he? Great scenes.
Lucas is working on Spencer? Isn't he just a resident? Get a specialist! Anna comes in to help with Emma.

So many feels today.
Spencer has severe burns..and has bandages on and they said he's in danger of an infection. Nikolas sits and talks to Spencer at his bedside. 


  1. Tyler Christopher definitely KILLED it today WOW... and his scenes with NLG were also fantastic.

    And little Emma with Nik was great too. A very moving scene all around.

    You're right about Lucas. He's a resident who's been mainly off work for the past few months at least. There definitely should have been a burn specialist there. One who knew how to put those bandages on right.

    Diane certainly looked worried after Luke threatened her. There were no flippant remarks after that. lol

    I'm glad we'll have Spin working on a case again. he makes so much more sense than Sam. And he's so much more fun. lol

  2. That's exactly what I said. Tyler Christopher killed it! I loved that they brought in Alexis and that Anna and Duke were there for Emma. Family ties aren't always (or often) put to use on the show. I don't really like putting Spencer in danger but those scenes made it worth it.

  3. Kelly's: Oh Duke is a big tipper! :) Awwww Duke and Anna. :( Just get back together!!!!! :(

    Maxie's home: Boy! Spinny has changed! He is more forward! I love it!! :) Geez Maxie I think you are in love with Spinny, otherwise what he said, wouldn't affect you so much!!!

    Julian's home: Shirtless Julian! YUM! Altho he looks cold with his hard nipples! I don't want him cold! Put your shirt back on baby!!! Oh Julian and Duke scene! Julian doesn't want to give up anything!!! What is going to happen here?!

    Police station: Oh there is Fluke/Tim Spencer! He is threatening Dante in front of people at the station!!!! ROFL! He just doesn't care who hears! And he even threatened Diane!!!!! The look on her face, he scared her!!!

    Lante home: Nobody can find Pat!! I hope she is played by Erika slezak!!! So there will be Pat and Patrick hahaha. So get a PI but not Felicia, or Sam!!!! SPINNY YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

    The hospital: It was really hard watching Spencer laying there unconscious! I cried a lot during these scenes!!! :( Nik won the line of the day!

    Nik: What if I didn't save him Alexis?! What if he doesn't make it?! THAT BOY IS EVERYTHING to me!!!


  4. I missed today's show. But the way that Karen described the scene between Tracy and Bobby and the mentioning of Ruby, I immediately got the thought that Pat is NOT a sister, but rather one of their mother's. Or something else altogether, but it does make me wonder why Pat didn't go to Florida the way Luke and Bobbie famously did. Siblings would have stuck together.

  5. Yeah, I've been wondering if Bobbie is Pat's daughter. Maybe by HER OWN FATHER!!!!!!!

    duh dun dun..
    I think they killed the old man

  6. I don't know who Pat is going to turn out to be, but I highly doubt that it will have much to do with Bobbie or revising her back story. Honestly, the writers clearly don't want to invest in vets like her very much. I think the story will have to center around Luke (or Sonny) for the writers to give it much attention. And who cares if Luke's mom is someone we've never heard of, especially since we never met Luke's mom on screen anyway. Unless Pat secretly turns out to be Julian's mom or Sonny's mom or someone else's mom who is a major player, therefore making someone else a Spencer ... hmm. I'm still not thrilled with this. Can she please please be Delia!!

    But WTH about Spencer???? I love love love that Nik is getting some meaty scenes, but I am afraid at what cost?! Do not take my little Cassadine prince away! :( And do not use this as some horrible excuse to turn Nik "to the dark side". :(

  7. "delcodave said...I missed today's show. But the way that Karen described the scene between Tracy and Bobby and the mentioning of Ruby, I immediately got the thought that Pat is NOT a sister, but rather one of their mother's."

    "kdmask said...Yeah, I've been wondering if Bobbie is Pat's daughter. Maybe by HER OWN FATHER!!!!!!!"

    Yeah some people on another board, were thinking that too. months ago. I am wondering myself.

  8. The scene w/ Emma putting her hand on Nik's shoulder just choked me up.

  9. Excellent show yesterday thanks to an amazing performance by Tyler. He is a really good actor who has been given crappy story lines over the years. Scenes with Emma and Alexis were heartbreaking. Nice to see Diane back! Chilling scenes with Fluke. Hate to say it again but the wooden NP is like a cardboard cut out. Not sure if I want to see Maxie back with Spinelli, but at least he has a little life to him.

  10. Spencer won't die, but will he get a visit from his Mom? On another note, since when is Barbara Jean So young that she doesn't remember living on Elm St? Back in the day that was her main talking point!

  11. i can't wait until they hire someone younger than either zeman or Geary to play their older sister.

  12. "Unknown said..On another note, since when is Barbara Jean So young that she doesn't remember living on Elm St? Back in the day that was her main talking point!"

    She remembers living on Elm Street. She just doesn't remember what happened in the house.

  13. TC certainly showed that he definitely dialed it in on his previous stint.

    Having worked in an ER and Burn Center, I was just cringing at the lack of masks/gloves/precautions shown. No wonder the kid is at risk for infection. I had to keep reminding myself that with the ER on the 10th floor of a hospital I shouldn't expect too much realism.

    Spencer is really going to be indulged now. Just when I was hoping they would tone down his character.



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...