Tuesday, February 10, 2015

GH Casting News: Rebecca Buding Coming

That's right...you may know her as Greenlee from AMC, but she's on her way to GH. She will begin taping at the end of Feb! She is playing a new, (to date) un-named character.



  1. Oh, good, because we don't already have way too many characters..........

  2. Luke at Daytime Confidential is going to go nuts over this unless his Rebecca Budig love has dwindled over the years. Okay I have to know - what baby is the crib for that Maxie and Nathan were putting together?

  3. OH, can she quickly be followed by Josh Duhamel or Cameron Mathison??? :) If they're going to add to this enormous cast, at least we know she can act.

  4. Maybe she's going to play Serena.

  5. Serena is in her mid -20's not mid 40's.

    They need to find new and better writers not more cast members

  6. She's a good actress, but we DON'T NEED ANY MORE PEOPLE ON THE CANVAS. ARHRHJHJHJ


  7. If they hadn't said "new character" I would say she would make a good Brenda.

  8. Being a good actress is one thing.

    Given decent lines to recite is another.

    This show, in its current state, cannot write a proper Kindergarten play.

  9. Christine, Luke @ DC IS going nuts over this :-). His 3 favorite actresses all appearing on GH (incl Emme Rylan & Maura West).

    Although I love Kim McC I was sort of hoping this would be a recast Robin, since I think she is needed in this Jason-Sam-Patrick story. However this says it is a new character, and FV said it was a "KILLER" role. Maybe she kills half the cast. This show does NOT need new characters and certainly not more darkness. I've loved GH almost all my life and I don't know what has happened to it the past couple of years.

  10. Wow! It would be great seeing her again! :)I wonder who she will play.

  11. Killer role....my guess is a new Cassidine, maybe she will play Helena at a young age??



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...