Thursday, February 19, 2015

BLT Theft!

Jake remembers who he is then goes under. HE is seen flatlining..but we know he doesn't die so...

Nik realizes Jake is Jason. Helena won't let him tell Sam. She'd tell about his vote tampering PLUS if he told, he'd lose the ELQ shares.

Ned/Olivia and Jules and Alexis run into each other in the hall at GH/ Jules is free. Olivia dumps Ned. Nicely, but she still dumps him. Then it comes out that Olivia is PG (Nurse says she can't see OBGYN now) ..and Julian and Ned fight! FIGHT! FIGHT! Ned then says the baby is his. 

Sabrina seems to be taking Rosie's airtime? I mean, Mike was with Rosalie a lot, now Sabrina is around. And is his office the Q Library lately?

Duke brings Sonny a gift of a mobile for Avery. I think it's kilts and scotch bottles LOL! GET IT? Duke wants Sonny to take back the biz. Sonny says no, especially because of the custody suit. 

Sonny's beard is magically ALL BLACK now!! LOL 

Sam and Carly are all buddy buddy drinking soda waiting for Jake to get out of surgery.
I think Jake needs to have ALL the girls..Carly, Sam and Liz as his 'wives" we can be the first in daytime history to have plural marriage.

ANNA'S BACK! She steals Sloane's BLT and tells him she's going to investigate him. She got his old job. Duke and Anna meet up at Kelly's. 


  1. News flash for Michael: It's not YOUR house, it's Monica's. Allan gave it to her.

  2. Why is Michael hanging out with Sabrina? Did they fire the actress playing Rosalie?

  3. I think Sabrina and Michael look attractive together. I think I could get into that pairing. Not sure if this means Rosalie is out now. We never did learn her big secret.

  4. Dukes gift to Sonny was apparently a bottle of " Just For Men" beard dye. I enjoyed today's show. Good acting all around.

  5. Sonny's home:

    Duke: You don't want to wake a sleeping baby.

    Me: Can you imagine how that would be?!!

    Avery Lavery: Why did you wake me up?!!?! I was sleeping so soundly! son of a bitch!

    Do you think that will be her first words? ROFL!

    Kelly's: ANNA!!! You are back! YAY! Oh Robot Sloan and Anna scene. Zzzzzzzzzzzz. Oh look the Robot Sloan can smile! Zzzzzz. Oh he grabs her and Duke protects Anna! YAY! :)

    The hospital:

    Jake Doe's operation room: Liz looks like a doctor! But she isn't! She is a nurse! Right? Or did Liz go to school to be a doctor off camera?

    Carly and Sam: Uh Sam? Why are you wearing short sleeves in the winter?!!?! Oh they are bonding! Oh here is Carly whining. So Carly your worst nightmare is that Michael and Sonny fight?! So your worst nightmare isn't that one of your children dies? Gotcha. Oh oh Sam talking about how devoted Sonny is to his children. Another person talking about Sonny's wuv!

    Alexis and the gang: Ned wins the line of the day.

    Ned: I thought you just said it was FOR my information you idiot.

    ROFL! Oh bromance fight!!! Yeah go outside!! FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT WOOT WOOT! Awwwww Olivia! You had to blurt out you are pregnant? They were gonna go outside to fight. I wanted to see that! Oh Ned you are the father huh? :) Where is Maury when you need him? Hahahaha.

    Q home: Michael is in a good mood!! Oh Sabrina shut up! He is in a good mood! Don't bring him down and don't be all judgy! Since you tried to hurt Ava and kill the baby! Love the Michael and Sonny scene! Yeah Michael!!! You tell him!!! :)

    Wyndemere: Time for a good ELQ take over!! Oh Nik shut up about Emily UGH! I love how Helena says she will wait. Nik finally figured out Jake Doe is Jason! :)

    "Karen says I think it's kilts and scotch bottles LOL! GET IT?"

    ROFL! Do you want the baby drunk? Hahahaha.

    "Karen says I think Jake needs to have ALL the girls..Carly, Sam and Liz as his 'wives" we can be the first in daytime history to have plural marriage."

    ROFL! Well they all wuv him. :) I can just see Carly arguing all the time with the girls.

    Carly: No Sam and Liz! I am having sex with him tonight!!!

    Sam: I thought you were having sex with Sonny tonight?

    Carly: Yes I am, but later tonight.

  6. i thought Anna was going to go away and then return saying she met up with Frisco and is now back to being in the WSB. But hey, this is close enough.

    I thought Michael and Sabrina had a little bit of chemistry. Like 2 pieces of wood getting ready to rub together and make fire.

    If Nik owns Wyndermere, why not kick the old bat out?

    I stand corrected thinking Fluke was Fight Club. Big mistake. This is more like Primal Fear. (A far superior movie, if you ask me. Edward Norton was beyond brilliant in that one) The final scene was one of my most favorites in movie history.

    Does anyone knock on the door at the Q mansion? Seriously? Knock Knock. Who's there? Does it matter? I'm coming in anyway...

    How about Rosalie's secret. How's that storyline grabbing everyone? She's Pat's grandchild. There. I spoiled it for all of you. ha ha ha

  7. I don't know why Sonny and Carly are so upset with the way Michael is acting. Carly did want a mob boss to raise Michael so I don't know what she expected.

  8. "How about Rosalie's secret. How's "delcodave said...that storyline grabbing everyone? She's Pat's grandchild. There. I spoiled it for all of you. ha ha ha"

    Wait is that a real spoiler, or are you making that up? :)

  9. Sonya, at this point, isnt EVERYTHING made up as it goes along?

    it was a joke.

    but if it turns out to be true, I'm playing Powerball.

  10. "delcodave said...Sonya, at this point, isnt EVERYTHING made up as it goes along?"

    Hahahaha. Yeah probably.

    "it was a joke."

    Too bad. I liked it. :)

    "but if it turns out to be true, I'm playing Powerball."


  11. Primal Fear..yes. I really thought Fight Club would be WAY WAY more interesting as schizophrenia hasn't been "Done to Death" like DID has.
    Hell, CONNIE/KATE was JUST played out.

  12. Ned already lied that he was the father of a mobster's baby once before (for Alexis) and here he is doing it again. They are all acting like a bunch of high-schoolers, not middle-aged adults.

    With the huge cast and revolving door of stories things are hinted at and then dropped like Rosalie's secret, will we care if/when she comes back? I say use the characters you have, I like Sabrina and Michael together. It must be hard on the actors to be on the front burner for months and then dropped when the next new character comes along.

    I know they wanted all of "Jason's women" at the hospital but I don't see any chemistry just yet between Jake and Sam/Carly, it feels very forced. I was hoping Jake would remember his Quartermaine past, but since Monica has been totally MIA and I don't remember if she even met Jake, they don't seem to be going that route but I'm still holding out hope.

  13. "Panda says I know they wanted all of "Jason's women" at the hospital but I don't see any chemistry just yet between Jake and Sam/Carly,"

    Yeah they don't have any chemistry with Jake Doe. The only person he has chemistry with, is Liz.



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...