Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Welcome Danny Edward!

I came in at the 2:30 mark in time for Sam to be saying "It's how I imagined it, it's the way it should be..." Blah Blah....full well knowing Jason's going Splash...
Tea says goodbye to "Victor" and tells JaSam he likes Spanish books. 

Yeah SEXIS!!

Stupid Junior Mints... they are just sooooo boring. BORING. Today was just like pulling teeth. And btw, Trey showed NOTHING for Krissy until Dad took her. Playing out so badly. Wonder if TJ and Molly are doing it somewhere. 

Carly is just touting Todd all over the place. LMAO She's going to fall, fall, fall. And she plants one on Johnny!! 

OK, TEA knows..she runs out, Todd's arrested and Sam names the kid Daniel Edward. :) That is all 


  1. I don't understand how Sam could just take the baby. Tea has custody. It doesn't really matter at this point that Sam is the mother. The courts need to be involved, and that DNA test would not stand up in court.

  2. Sam didn't "take" the baby, actually the baby was taken from her. No fault of Tea's I know; but we aren't talking about reality here we are talking about a soap. A soap where people come back from the dead, and fall face first from buildings and not get smashed up. =)

  3. Tea let her have the baby because this is a soap and so this could be resolved quickly because there needs to be a day of happiness before Jason goes...

    I can't wait to see how Todd will get out of this one, because he ALWAYS does. Carly not going to react well to this.

    Duke, hmmm can't figure it out. But Joe doesn't seem like the sharpest tool in the box right now.

    I was much happier without K and T on for a few days.

  4. Does anyone else think that the next time someone goes into Heather's hospital room she will be gone and have escaped?

  5. I had this same discussion with my daughter yesterday.
    We laughed saying in real life it would take months for Sam to take custody of the baby.
    Um Jason says he has a paternity test that proved baby is Sams and everyone even the PCPD goes along with it.
    They just poof give the baby to Sam and no legal stuff needed. It's all nonsense.
    Oh we'll, only in Soaps.

  6. So the big reveal is that DUKE is behind all of this--taking Robin, taking down Sonny Corinthos (for a change), etc.? Makes no sense, this is the answer to the mystery?

  7. So true Elizabeth. So true. Unfortunately, Ron C is unable to write storylines that aren't reruns or full of holes. It's just his thing. Hoping it gets better because how he used to write for OLTL just doesn't cut it when writing for GH characters and fans. At least for me anyway.

  8. I like Duke taking down Sonny. I like the idea of AJ returning and taking down Sonny. Hell, I'll take anyone giving Sonny a run for his money at this point! :)

    Hope Heather escapes and stays rouge. I like the idea of her returning now and then to shake things up. She is a entertaining character, especially when paired with Todd.

  9. Delco: I agree that Heather will still be around. Heather is not a TIER 1 type villain, with aims for power and control ala Sonny, Alcazar, the Cassadines, Faison, and she's not a killer like Grant Putnam or Ryan Chamberlain: she's best as a 2nd Tier annoyance- a better and more experienced Lisa Niles. I think she will tie into Duke, too.

    AntJoan and Old School: While I liked Duke in the 80s, this version is darker and ballsier, whereas the original Duke was more of a wimp compared to Robert Scorpio.

    I like that he's more willing to kill and be ruthless. It cd be his Turkish prison tale is true.

    Recall that Frisco was jailed by Domino, and I believe it was Turkey. Domino was Joe Mascolo, aka Stefano DiMera, I believe- of DOOL. That was around the Duke era. It would be cool if they resurrected Domino, eesp. since DiMera is not on contract at DOOL now.

    The trailer for Wed, showing Duke saying Joe has to die was good, but I think it's a bluff by Duke because he's still a decent guy at heart. My money says he's still under someone's thumb himself. I hope they use Duke's own history in this SL, as he was the son of a Mob kingpin.

    Nonetheless, this story's slow boil- 6+ mos. from Robin's death to this, with this going into next year, easily, has the potential to be as good as any SL since the 80s Golden Age, and could be a classic. Certainly the best on the show this century.

  10. Cosmo, I had thought that there was someone behind Duke, but now it seems it's just him. If I had a dollar for every time someone said "I'm going to take down Sonny Corinthos," I could retire from one of my jobs.

  11. If Duke can transferred all of Sonny's money into Kristina's name without Sonny knowing, then why didn't Duke just transfer Sonny's money into his own name...?

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Yes, Joan, why take him down when he has buffoons like Max and Milo protecting him? Just one bullet and Sonny's gonzo.

  14. I thought the "transferred all his money into Kristina's name" was more than a little lame too. How could he do that? He'd have to change the names on all the offshore accounts etc. You don't think Bernie would notice that?

    Now he's going with another plan does the money stay in Kristina's name? have any of Sonny's cheques bounced? lol I know it's a soap but that's ridiculous.

    And heaven forbid that Kristina finds out she owns all the money. PMSL

  15. Mostly, I think it's about time Michael meets his biological father and discovers how his bio-dad was lied to and "killed" - spirited away soap-style....

  16. They could bring in Stefano to play Domino again (and give Felica a real storyline) or what about a recast as the one and only, MIKOS CASSADINE? JM would do great in the part and has proven that he can do an accent as well as a return from the dead bombastic villian. I would take him as either character gladly!
    Yeah old Duke was kind of a whimpy mob guy - a darker, more ruthless Duke would be fine by me. I liked the actor when he was playing vampire on Port Charles - he can do dark and foreboding well.

  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3KgUb_jXWA

    Look at this link. I believe this is John Colicos, who played Mikkos, playing Petros- Mikkos's cousin, who utters a threat. Since Colicos is dead, it would be great if Mascolo came back and made good on his threat nearly 30 years later. But, as Petros or Mikkos, it would be cool.

    I love Connie Towers, but Helena has been toothless for years- we need a real vicious Cassadine or none at all.

  18. Also, I saw Buchanan as Greg Madden, back on AMC a few years back and he does creepy evil well now.

    Maybe, if the rumors are true of Sonny leaving the Mob, they actually will have Duke and AJ topple him finally. Hell, Al Capone only lasted 10 years in charge. Sonny's not twice the kingpin Scarface was!

  19. Tea, Sam, and Jason: So sad!!!! Poor Tea!!!! Tea wanted to say goodbye to baby Cheeto. :( Sam lets her hold the baby. Tea lets Sam know that she reads Spanish books to the baby. :(

    Sabrina and Brit: Gee when Brit found out that Robin MIGHT be alive, the look on her face, it's like she was hoping it wasn't true! That's exactly what her reaction was.

    Tracy and Luke: Great scene!! A couple of friends having dinner talking about Duke and Joseph! :) Then Anna comes in and Tracy wants to know what is going on, but Anna says to watch the news! ROFL!

    Joe Jr and Duke: Hmmm so the plan to kill Kristina was Duke's plan! Duke wants Sonny's power and money! Why Duke? What is going on?!!?! TALK TO ME!

    Johnny and Connie's home: Connie has Carly's clothes in a black garbage bag! ROFL! Carly kisses Johnny to show him what he is going to be missing. Connie you are not going to slap her? :)

  20. Stephanie said...A soap where people come back from the dead,
    Yesterday Patrick says nobody can come back from the dead!!! ROFL! YES THEY DO PATRICK!!!! :) This IS Port Chuckles we are talking about! :)

  21. Cosmo: GREAT link with Petros! I had forgotten totally about him. That is indeed John Colicos, who also played Mikkos on GH and Baltar on the original Battlestar Galatica. He was great at playing villians!



Let's Try this AGAIN!

  I'm going in a bit blind today because I've only seen online recaps of yesterday's show. Didn't feel like turning it on to...