Monday, October 15, 2012

From Tumblr 

Well, Jason's RUBBER ARMS saved that baby...and come on, if Heather fell from the TENTH floor, she'd be mush!! LMAO!! going to scream like a howler monkey!! I don't like how this end was written for her..ugh Flo is SUCH a great actress and the TnT scene was I kid but I love her.  

Heather "talking to Anna"-- like she could talk. Anyway, she mentions Robin again. LOL. Nurse Betty overhears them of course. 

Liz was all sad because of Jake--which makes sense. She's thinking about Tea. wahhh. 

GH is back in production after a dark week. So great to see everybody!


  1. Did anyone notice that they spelled Monica's name wrong on the Dr board? It was during the scene where Steve & Dante were talking at the nurses' station. They forgot the "e" on Quartermaine. Also, the #2 Dr. on the board is J. Phelps.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The hospital: While Heather jumped, Jason grabbed baby Cheeto!!! Baby Cheeto and mama Sam were reunited YAY!!!! Boy that baby was not crying at all! ROFL! Poor Tea! Tea sees baby Cheeto and Sam says stay away! Huh?!!?! Sam you mean to tell her no right? Not stay away. Todd had to tell Tea the baby isn't hers. :( Heather is able to talk and told Anna that Robin is alive!! Which Sabrina overheard and told Patrick!!!!! :) Steven Lars is all broken up about his mother. He wants her to live!!! Anna needed to talk to Steven Larz about Heather. Great show today!!! :)

  4. That baby is adorable. The only time he looked a little unsure was when McBain came onto the roof and started talking to Sam and Jason. Maybe it was his deep voice, but little Blue Eyes looked a little apprehensive.

    And the poor little thing actually started clinging to Sam when the banshee started. His eyes were saying, "Please don't make me go back! Please!"

    Enough joking. They dragged that scene with Tea out way too long. No way would I have stayed back while Sam held the baby, regardless of who was telling me to. And the way they were finally telling her made it sould like she'd made a mistake or something. Someone who hadn't followed the storyline would think she'd just imagined her baby had lived, and it was Sam's who died. The words "the babies were switched" should have been front and centre.

    That being said, I hope this means the end of Tea on GH. Let's get back to some of our regulars again.

    And Heather landed on her face. It would have been totally mashed in. Did she hit an awning or something? Or is GH a 2 story building?

    And Stephen Larzzzz just keeps coming off like an idiot in every scene. Instead of whining about his poor mother he should have been in holding a pillow over her evil face.

  5. Great catch on those scenes "everythingzem6"!!!

    I'm so disappointed in the acting and writing for baby Cheeto's wrap-up. I definitely felt the acting from KeMo and SBu fell flat in Friday and today's episodes. It was like they phoned it in.

    And how ridiculous was Heather jumping off the hospital roof, falling on her frontside - over 10 stories up....and she's alive and talking? I know this is a soap, but come on.

    Tea. I really enjoyed her on OLTL but on GH I just want her gone. Perhaps it's because of how poorly I thought this storyline was written and carried on for two days of people repeating the same lines over and over.

    Ohhhhhh and Steven Larzzzzz. What a terrible actor Scott Reeves is. Obviously he's been giving Lindsay Morgan (NuKrissy) acting lessons. Lol!

    Although I am definitely aware GH is a much better soap than a year ago, there are so many things still wrong with the writing, in my opinion. Maybe things were thrown off track by Steve Burton's exit...not sure. Really hoping things even out and storylines become more fluid and blended opposed to how jagged and full of holes they are now.

  6. HA...I TOTALLY noticed the "E" in Quartermaine missing, too! Details, details, people!

  7. everythingzem6...I DID notice that Quartermaine misspelling and I found it quite annoying.

  8. The screaming was waaay too much today.
    Tea was an idiot today. I would have went up and grabbed the baby from Sam. WHO in their right mind would trust DNA results that were done in PC or Llandview? Especially when the legal mother gave no consent to the test. The lawyer in her should have demanded another court run DNA test and Tea would have gotten the baby until the new results were in. Of course since Jason is gone on Mon (Tues?) they don't have time for that. And GH has to make some of their fans happy.

    Heather is going to live of course. Ron needs to find a way to have Heather around without having her be a homicidal maniac. Just generic crazy and fun without the need to be institutionalized would be good.

    I'm already tired of the Robin story and it has not even started yet.

  9. Why does everyone call Sam's baby Cheeto? It isn't orange, although with the fake tans over on GH i'm surprised it didn't pop out looking like Snooki.

    I really didn't like that Sam looked at Tea as if she purposefully took her baby. The fact that she told her to "Stay away" really pissed me off. Tea is as much of a victim as Sam is. Maybe she's too self-absorbed to realize that there are other people out there in the world, but that doesn't excuse her from acting like a human from time to time. I know that really is out of reach for her, but even aliens like Alf and the Doctor have their moments. Hell, even Heather feels for Anna when it comes to Robin.

  10. Elizabeth said...
    Why does everyone call Sam's baby Cheeto? It isn't orange,
    You must have missed it when I explained. I don't know if you remember this scene or not, but when Sam and McBain were living at that hotel, Sam was eating cheetos, because those were her cravings. McBain told her that they aren't good for the baby. She disagreed and said that the baby wants it. McBain took the cheetos away from her. Later when McBain left, Sam got 3 more cheeto bags and she was eating from one! She talked to her baby and said you like these don't you? :) On another board people called the baby, baby Cheeto. :)

  11. OK! One of two things will happen to Heather: Ummm, anyone smelling "Murder Mystery"? Dante threatened it, Steven Larrrrrrz said something, Olivia could conveniently hallucinate something murderous, Elizabeth had an "I'll-kill-you" gleam in her eye, of course Anna wants her dead, and Todd for obvious reasons, and both JaSam, and hell, even Monica will get in on the hatin' once she hears about this....the list is as long as the casting credits. So there's theory 1.

    Theory 2 is that she will be paralyzed and becomes wheelchair-bound. Then she can be a true evil villain, like Dr. Evil or some dastardly Bond bad guy, creating all sorts of chaos and twirling her mustache!

    As much as I'd love to see Theory 2, me thinks we'll be seeing Theory 1.

    I'll be heading up the "Whodunnit Pool" via my PayPal account...... :-D Vote early! Vote often!

  12. Thank you, Sonya. For a minute there I thought that it was derogatory because people don't like Sam. I don't really like her, but that would have been a little much even for me.

  13. Ginny, when were you accepted into the HHL?

  14. Elizabeth said...Thank you, Sonya. For a minute there I thought that it was derogatory because people don't like Sam. I don't really like her, but that would have been a little much even for me.
    Oh you are welcome! I'm glad I could give you good news. :)

  15. I'm pretty sure that Heather is going to continue to torture PC.

    Robin Mattson tweeted this this week
    "no matter what you see this week, I will survive"

  16. CareyN said...

    OK! One of two things will happen to Heather: Ummm, anyone smelling "Murder Mystery"? Dante threatened it, Steven Larrrrrrz said something, Olivia could conveniently hallucinate something murderous, Elizabeth had an "I'll-kill-you" gleam in her eye, of course Anna wants her dead, and Todd for obvious reasons, and both JaSam, and hell, even Monica will get in on the hatin' once she hears about this....the list is as long as the casting credits. So there's theory 1.

    I agree w Andrea, Carey. I smell Heather faking to be paralyzed, or some such, and really doing things in secret. Plus, do you not get the sense that she's in cahoots with someone else, besides Todd- maybe Duke or whoever's behind Duke, if anyone?


2 Martini Day

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