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All I've Got is a Photograph...I want to touch you!!!!! (yes, I quoted Def Leopard) |
Buckle Up. It was really tough for me to get through the week without bailing 1/2 way through each episode.

The interesting: Epiphany and Liz while GH went dark. The wall of faces. It was poignant but hurried. This should have been the focus of the week. GH is closing! Although I have to point out how preposterous this is-- they'd never just shut a hospital in a day unless say a rampant infection was running through it's hallways-and even then? ???

The ridiculous: WTF was that 'trial' of Julian's?? I mean, really. What was it?? This story has been dragged out and dragged out and then they write a sloppy 2-3 day chopped up mess with characters coming and going all over the place. Not only that, if you've ever watched a trail on TV (or even IRL) this came off like something from Mrs. Taylor's 4th grade students. So disappointing. Not that the actors didn't try-- but it was painful. Where the hell were Molly, Krissy? Sam disappeared 1/2 way through. Who's comforting Alexis? Olivia?? I guess poor LLC had to get in her 2x a month shooting schedule to remain on contract.

The predictable: Morgan's Mania...Kiki "running into" Dilly and Julian getting off all charges. Morgan goes ballistic. Ava watches knowing she tampered with his meds. This story is going into the deplorable range. With all the knowledge out there about mental health why would you have a character willingly tamper with meds like this? For a plot? Sorry, but that's just wrong. Morgan should have been shown to be successful with treatment and family support. Let the drama come with something else. It's tipping into the "who's going to kill Jules" territory. And I Love Ava--but this? Ugh. Make it stop.

The Bang My Head Hard: Really? You're REALLY going to go there with CarSon AGAIN?? I've sat through so many "please no violence, please no guns...no revenge" plots than I care to remember. "promise me Sonny"!!! No, promise ME I won't have to deal with this crap ever again. Sonny's in the MOB...he's always going to be IN THE MOB and we are stuck with that. Having Carly clutch her damn pearls isn't going to change a thing.

The Off Camera Mess: See below. We are watching a story's fall-out in which everything, literally, happened off camera.

The Average: Bye Sabrina. If I didn't know any better, I'd be sad you were gone but I can't help but think that some day someone will show up looking just like you! Funerals are hollow on GH. The attendance was curious--and of course no one could pay Lucas or Brad to show up. Lucy's speech was touching. Michael had to be interrupted by big-mouth Carly. (that was just plain stupid). Epiphany sang but they put on a track instead of having SE belt it out naturally. Yeah, I'm bitter. I can't help but think the whole elaborate funeral was to have the "Cliffhanger" of Paul saying "I killed her" to Tracy". Which unless there's a miracle will turn out to be him saying "because I didn't catch the killer in time". Rumors say he killed because Susan is dying. At least that may be a 'score one' in the killer story column.
One other note: Interesting that they kill Sabrina off to make way for a newbie character for Michael. Just when Sabby was being brought into the Q fold.
I will never understand anything.

The Time Warp: Hey, I like Jordan, Curtis, Maddox and Val (ugh) working together to solve the murders (where was Nathan? Oh with stupid Claudette, that's right). But--but--remember when the baby was taken in the hospital? REMEMBER THEY LOOKED AT SECURITY CAMERA FOOTAGE ?? It's absolutely ridiculous they haven't been looking at footage since murder day one. Glaring in fact. Yes, this is a soap but it's not 1970 and it's just dumbing down to pretend it is. You can write an intricate, entertaining murder mystery set in 2016. I know it can be done. I watch enough.
Things I do not care about on GH:

Baby Teddy: Why should I? Carlos is dead...no he's alive..no wait..he's dead! Sabrina comes back to find Teddy and....she dies. But wait! Joe, "identical twin" to Carlos is there to take Teddy back to Puerto Rico. So? HUH? Wha? I'm like that cartoon that goes bluuurp back and forth with my head. So many things on this show are just inexplicable.
Pat/Nellie/Kidney: So, when Jax was on and there may have been some inkling of something happening with this kidney thing; it may have been remotely interesting. But...NOPE. Jax is gone. Joss is suddenly MIA and Nellie gets a make over by Nina to be Carly's assistant. So far all she's done is talk to Michael. I don't get this. And the girl is on contract.

Claudette. Look, she came on the show and has interacted with exactly these people: Nina, Maxie, Dillon (one scene), Griffin, Dr O and Nate. Now, she probably said "Hi" to Lulu once or waved at someone when she started working at GH (yea, remember that??) but that's IT. Bree is a great actress but this is like a sad, sad story that's just plodding along. Griffin was a priest! Nathan Shot him! Who does Claudette love? And, by the way, all of this stuff happened off camera. Oh, she has a daughter too. Because there's not enough kids on GH. That also happened off camera. Is Valentin the bad guy? Is the baby really Lulu's kid? WHO's the Daddy? Nate or Griffin? Do I care? NOPE.
Darby. I think she's had 3 sex scenes and drank coffee for her entire GH career. That's it. Oh, gave some STIs that were around for a hot minute. (why did they even bother with that 'story'??)

Naomi: Other than the sister thing, no need for her. Heather could have dropped that bomb all on her own. In taking the fall for Hayden, it makes that whole diamond story moot. (moot. I love that word! LOL)

MY FAVE NOSTALGIA FEELS OF THE WEEK: Tracy at the top of the Q stairs looking at Paul who was going up to kill Monica. Oh, so much history on those stairs!! Great lighting too.

WISH OF THE WEEK: Hell, since Jules and Ava are beyond redemption anyway, let's GO THERE. Do it. I dare you. Go full on Game of Thrones with these two. Let's find out that Kiki is really Julian's as well! DO IT!!

SO! There you go!!! Alexis is going to end up being sad and drunk half the time "Can Julian Save Her"?? is the headline of one of the soap mags. Nice. Let's watch a woman with her abuser! I still think he's going to wind up dead--or really hurt.
Sam is pregnant. Will it end in a birth? Claudette has Charlotte in hiding (I'm on the fence on the reality of it all, could be a giant fake-out). Meanwhile, the other 77 kids on the show get zero airtime because of 'budget". Here's a tip: STOP HAVING SO MANY PEOPLE HAVE BABIES. We have Lulu on the Embryo Quest and Nina's obsession with a kid going on too!
Quick: When was the last time ELQ was mentioned? yeah, thought so.
Forgive my crab-filled blog but GH just baffles me. It can be stellar one week and just like pudding the next. I still chalk it up to way too many characters/stories to be dealing with. But, I'm a broken record, right? I hear Susan is coming and they are casting for other roles and possibly recasting for Morgan. *sigh*.
Have a good week. It's the Last one of September!!
Sigh, now that Sabrina is gone, can't begin to say how ridiculous this was, but I am only waiting for a couple of good moments with Laura and Kevin, as I know we will be lucky to get two and the rest will be off camera like Michael and Sabrina's entire reconciliation....and I'm done after watching off and on since '77. Once they snub Genie, AND THEY WILL, because these writers are just lazy and not creative, it's just a waste of my time.
ReplyDeleteOK, can SOMEONE PLEASE explain to me how Griffin is a priest AND a doctor? He went to med school but became a priest instead of a doctor? Or he went to med school AFTER he left the priesthood? You don't just BECOME a top neurosurgeon, or whatever he is, it takes about 10 years of schooling, internship and residency to do this. It sounds like they are saying that the whole Nathan/Griffin/Claudette mess took place 10 years ago, right? So, Claudette's child has to be around 10, the girl in the picture looks 6 or 7. It could be an old picture . . . CAN SOMEONE PLEASE EXPLAIN THIS TIMELINE TO ME?? I know that GH stories are written badly, but are they even TRYING to make sense with this one?? I REALLY would like to hear from others about this.
ReplyDeleteI think he was a Priest first, then doctor. Not sure if it was 10 yrs ago and it is possible that that photo is old as her daughter isn't living with her.
DeleteI think he was a Priest first, then doctor. Not sure if it was 10 yrs ago and it is possible that that photo is old as her daughter isn't living with her.
DeleteOh, and, if he is is priest, didn't he have to go to priest school or something? (Forgive me for not knowing this, I am Jewish. . .)
ReplyDeleteYes, you have to go to seminary school. Can't remember how long of a process it is, but, much like med school, it's not an immediate thing either, and there are certain stages of it, just like med school has internship, residency, etc. To have Griffin be both at his age is far fetched, IMO.
DeleteOh you know Finn's dead wife is coming back. I knew it as soon as they gave her a name.
ReplyDeleteIs it still the case that soap writers get more money (bonuses?) for characters they create? It wouldn't surprise me. The only other thing I can pin it on is lazy-ass writing. They can write and make up anything they want about a new character because we-and they-don't know their history.
Great SS about the total mess. Why is "Charlotte" wearing makeup in that photo? I've already mentioned my gripes during the week. Back to ffwding most of the show again.
Great post. CAM about the baby obsession. Enough already! Y&R's Lily (around the same age as Lulu) had her miracle twins, and that was the end of it. Give Lante something else to do!
ReplyDeleteAntJoan, I have been laughing my butt off watching that nice Jewish boy playing a priest !! Neurosurgeon, yes definitely, but priest ? Oh I forgot, only one Jewish character EVER on an ABC soap, Nora on oltl
ReplyDeleteSecurity cameras? GH still schlepps around patient charts.
Best thing is dvr, only 42 minutes without the commercials.
Finn/Silas wife coming back is part of the set up to bring Hoeden from villain to victim. She has been mean and conniving but now getting the white wash treatment becoming softer for Finn (and sister to Liz); When Reiko shows up Hoeden will finally become a victim, as she has been trying to be for months, and we will have to root for her.
ReplyDeleteOh yeah, Laura & Kevin. Forgot about them. Come back Laura! Really GH how many damn stories do you think we want to see. Just do a few about the people we care about, stop wasting screen time and money on those new people you have to make up stories or flatout twist history for.
Ruthie, Yes, I guess Matt Cohen is Jewish!! And there WAS one Jewish character on GH, Bobbie was married to him, Jake somebody. Oh, also, Bennie/Bernie, Sonny's accountants, were Jewish.
ReplyDeleteAntJoan, yes! Poor Bernie. Forgot about him. Jake was sooooooooo long ago, Bobbie had her original face😑🤕
ReplyDeleteI loved Bernie ❤😣
DeletePlease no, no, no to Finn's dead wife coming back. There's enough stuff that I hate about the show without messing that up for me. And I reallly can't wait til they try to explain this Paul/murders mess to us
ReplyDeleteMichelle: I know it might be an old photo--but NO ONE has explained to me how/when he went to med school after leaving the priesthood. If he first went to school to be a priest, then was a priest, then went to medical school, then became a successful dr., how old would he have to be? He looks to be in his early 30s.
ReplyDeleteOh, I just looked him up, he is 33, I was thinking 32, I was close . . .
ReplyDeleteAntJoan and Michelle, religious communities like the Jesuits and Camillians are known to have practicing doctors within their ranks. I assume that they study medicine while in the order although they could become a doctor first. And a few years back the Holy See announced the nomination of a priest/medical doctor to the presidency of the Pontifical Academy for Life, so such people do exist. That man had his medical degree in his mid 20's.
ReplyDeleteAs for Finn's wife I don't want to see any more people coming back from the dead as new characters. I'm sick of new characters.
"Karen says The ridiculous: WTF was that 'trial' of Julian's??"
ReplyDeleteYou forgot to mention the mannequin jurors!! :)
"Epiphany sang but they put on a track instead of having SE belt it out naturally."
How do you know that?!
"Oh here we go! Don't even tell me this chick is alive and well and waiting in the wings because I will lose my sheeze. Just lose it."
I KNOW!!!! I hope she doesn't show up!!!! I want RayFinn to be together!!!!! GAH!
"WISH OF THE WEEK: Hell, since Jules and Ava are beyond redemption anyway, let's GO THERE. Do it. I dare you. Go full on Game of Thrones with these two."
BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA! Yes! I agree! What the hell, just go there! )
"AntJoan said...Ruthie, Yes, I guess Matt Cohen is Jewish!! And there WAS one Jewish character on GH, Bobbie was married to him, Jake somebody."
ReplyDeleteJAKE MYER!!!! :)
AntJoan said...
ReplyDeleteCAN SOMEONE PLEASE EXPLAIN THIS TIMELINE TO ME?? I know that GH stories are written badly, but
are they even TRYING to make sense with this one?? I REALLY would like to hear from others about this.
** After reading an interview a month or so back with Jelly, and they literally admitted in it, that when writing stuff it is NOT planned out and structured. In otherwards, they're just making this shit up as they go along. Which explains a LOT. why nothing makes any sense whatsoever, and why stuff is just allover the place. I honestly think they don't care whether what they are writing makes any sense to the audience, or not. It's almost identical as to how their last run as co-HWs at Y&R went, a couple years ago. Just throwing a bunch of stuff against the wall, and going with whatever they think should/will stick. They left gaping holes in storylines, dropping things entirely, there too.
sonya said...
"Epiphany sang but they put on a track instead of having SE belt it out naturally."
How do you know that?!
** It was pretty obvious if you paid close attention to how the lyrics din't sink entirely right with her lip movements. And then there's also the accompanying music backing track with it. Her voice and it had the texture (not sure if this is the right word to use, or not. But, I'm having one of those times where I just can't get the right word I want to come to mind, thanks to how my short-term memory is awful, now.) and tone of being pre-recorded and played back, instead of how it would sound if she had been singing it right then.
Yes, it was painfully obvious that Sonya was lip-syncing
ReplyDeleteSonya could have easily sung it acapella. Having seen it so many times in the 60's when musical groups lip synched regularly on tv performances (the electric guitars were always without a cord and the drummer was playing six inches from the drums), it was easy to spot. Are Lucas and ? (can't even remember his name) gone because they are too happily married to rate a sliver of storyline? I am so ready for Claudette and Nelle to be gone. It is really too suspicious that there is so much detail about Finn's wife. Don't want to see her come back.
I haven't watched since last Tuesday. Glad I didn't waste my time watching last week.
ReplyDeleteI have to say GH is in ABC which is run by Disney. Everyone know you have to plan in advance to get into the best restaurants at WDW. Fast pass the best rides. I think the writers need to start planning these horrific storylines too. This is ridiculous. Sooooooo many characters, sooooooo many boring storylines. And what's worse they just resigned their contracts. Why??? And I still want Tyler Christopher back.
"K says It was pretty obvious if you paid close attention to how the lyrics din't sink entirely right with her lip movements. And then there's also the accompanying music backing track with it. Her voice and it had the texture (not sure if this is the right word to use, or not. But, I'm having one of those times where I just can't get the right word I want to come to mind, thanks to how my short-term memory is awful, now.) and tone of being pre-recorded and played back, instead of how it would sound if she had been singing it right then."
ReplyDeleteOh! Interesting! You explained fine. :)