Thursday, September 8, 2016

Break Day! Live Long and Prosper

Loved GH last week...this week, nope, not so much. I am not watching today's yet, so here you go!

Happy Star Trek 50!! I watched with my Dad-- and that show had a lot of shaping of my core values. Which, yes, it was TV but such a great message!! EVERYONE can be on that bridge of the ship, even an "evil Russian" --who were our bad guys. 


  1. I enjoyed it, but did ff thru Morgan and his crap.

  2. Floating rib: Oh come on Lulu!!!! There are other ways to have a baby!!! Stop crying dammit! :(

    The Fake park:

    Jason and Jake: Awww this was a nice conversation, even though they are at a fake park sitting on fake rocks. Jake brings up BobTodd, and Jason is about to hurl! ROFL!

    Griffy and Maxie: Maxie wins the line of the day.

    Maxie: How many marriages are invalid because of your less than priestly ways?


    Griffy: I had that one coming.

    Maxie: Yeah you did.

    No he didn't!!!!

    The police station:

    Val and Curtis: WOW!!! Val!!! Stop being all judgy you judgemental hypocrite!!!

    Interrogation room:

    Curtis and RayRay: Love their scene!!! No RayRay don't give up!!!!! As soon as Curtis tells that Finster is going to help her, she smiles! :) Yeah RayRay you got three people who want to help you!!!! :) Cheer up now! :)

    Val and RayRay:

    Val: So your best option right now, is to admit what you did, and take a deal!

    HELL..... NO!!!!!!! Leave her the hell alone Val! Stop harassing her!!! She did NOT push Liz down the stairs!!!!

    RayRay and BobTodd: YUP! Time to tell the sister truth BobTodd! :)

    The hospital:

    Griffy and BobTodd: Oh no!!!!! Liz needs blood!!!!! Get RayRay out of jail!!!!

    Naomi and Finster: Love the scene!!!! :) Time for Naomi, Finster, and Curtis to team up to get to the truth of who pushed Liz down the stairs! :)

    Finster and Curtis: Love their scene! :) OH OH OH OH! Yes!!! Liz has the picture of who pushed her down the stairs!!!! Glad you found it Finster!!!! :)

    BobTodd and Jake: Awwwwww! :) And there is Jason about ready to hurl! ROFL! Get over it Jason! Your son loves BobTodd!

    BobTodd and Jason: Great scene!

    Central Perk: Lante and Robert Scorpio!!!! :) Love the scene! Love you Robert! You gotta stay!!!! And yes you gotta go back to Cassadine Island and find what's waiting for you! Like oh I don't know.. Your daughter maybe. :)

    1. I agree Sonya, great scene between BobTodd and Jason. Glad he kept his cool. I felt sorry for Lulu, my miscarriages, but yeh she's got options. I'm sure after what happened with Maxie as the surrogate fiasco they may be leery. LOL! Sonya how old would the kid be if the embryo was used?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. "Michelle Latta said... I agree Sonya, great scene between BobTodd and Jason. Glad he kept his cool."

    Yeah me too! Especially with Jake standing right there!

    "I felt sorry for Lulu, my miscarriages,"

    :( *BEARHUGS* Yeah poor Lulu! :(

    "but yeh she's got options. I'm sure after what happened with Maxie as the surrogate fiasco they may be leery. LOL!"

    ROFL! Yeah so she can adopt.

    "Sonya how old would the kid be if the embryo was used?"

    Okay I looked it up.. Hmmm. 2 or 3 years old?

    Stavros got it in 2013 right? Then Stavros came back in 2014 saying he took one of her eggs and fertilized it with his sperm.

    1. How old is Rocco (true age, not soap age)? I guess we should be expecting a casting of a toddler any day now LOL!!

    2. Rocco will be 3 tomorrow he was born september 9 2013

    3. Thanks Tracy. Bet Lante forgets lol!

  4. Curtis' goofy little hat has got to go! Makes him look stupid - I understand he's going for "hip" but it's a major fail.

  5. Rocco was born September 9, 2013 Michelle. The explosion at Crichton-Clark Clinic was September 16, 2014. So if a baby was made from an embryo that went missing after the explosion the baby would be only around a year old.

    And I agree about that hat, gap723 21. It looks silly on him.

  6. sonya said...
    Floating rib: Oh come on Lulu!!!! There are other ways to have a baby!!! Stop crying dammit! :(

    But they aren't from HER embryo, and she can't carry the rugrat to term, if it isn't that embryo. *rolls her eyes* Because she just HAS to experience the `joy of carrying a child, and childbirth, herself.

    The Fake park:

    Jason and Jake: Awww this was a nice conversation, even though they are at a fake park sitting on fake rocks. Jake brings up BobTodd, and Jason is about to hurl! ROFL!

    It started out nice and sweet. Then Jason's reaction at the end has pretty much confirmed for me now, that his reactions now to anything having to do with Franco, have become ridiculously comedic.

    Central Perk: Lante and Robert Scorpio!!!! :) Love the scene! Love you Robert! You gotta stay!!!! And yes you gotta go back to Cassadine Island and find what's waiting for you! Like oh I don't know.. Your daughter maybe. :)

    Woohoo! I'm pretty sure Robert will go there with them. Robin is in Berkley though. (Unless you mean Lante and are referring to Olivia's `feeling.')


    1. K, it's harder to understand unless you've lost a child (not saying you have or have not since I don't know you), I have always wanted children, so after 2 miscarriages I get where Lulu is coming from.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Pretty sure she meant Lantes daughter.

  7. So happy to see Robert he could be reciting the telephone book and I would enjoy it. Sure wish they could keep him and rid us of some others. Caught up on Wed. and Thurs. - Tracy looked fabulous. The actress playing Kiki is so low key - almost sleep inducing. Can't even watch Moronogan. Would have liked to see Spin with Maxie, and not so much Sam. The little actor playing Jake is really good and so cute. Griffin needs to get some sun-so white.

  8. "K says But they aren't from HER embryo,"

    I know. :( Poor Lulu. :(

    "and she can't carry the rugrat to term"

    Rugrat ROFL!

    "then Jason's reaction at the end has pretty much confirmed for me now, that his reactions now to anything having to do with Franco, have become ridiculously comedic."

    Hahahaha yeah I know. :)

    "Woohoo! I'm pretty sure Robert will go there with them. Robin is in Berkley though. (Unless you mean Lante and are referring to Olivia's `feeling.')"

    Haha. No no I don't mean Robert's daughter. I meant Lante's daughter.. And yes. Olivia's feeling! :)

  9. sonya said.... I meant Lante's daughter..

    But would it be lante's daughter? Wouldn't it be Lulu's with Stavros?

  10. "Di said...But would it be lante's daughter? Wouldn't it be Lulu's with Stavros?"

    Okay technically she would be Lulu and Stavros's daughter, but Stavros is dead and Dante will be her daughter! :)



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