Thursday, September 22, 2016

Another Funeral....

and I don't care. Jaded and old--I've seen too many and mourned too much to ever believe someone isn't coming back to life...or has a twin..or a doppelganger..or.. might be a new character. So whatever.  Having so many characters not really die, it cheapens everything. 

Ok, so Nate tells Maxie he might have a baby with Claude. She says DNA test! They go to see Claudette. 

Griffin is at Tracy's with Michael and T. Claudette calls him and he says GOODNIGHT. Bye. Tracy got most of the funeral arrangements going. 

Ava and Jules are going to make out soon. Geesh.

Dr. O was on today. Good Gravy, FORGOT all about her. Seriously! and I love her! Where was she when GH was shutting???
She's not sure if she believes Claude about the baby. Oh she does, she sees a video and thinks it's her. When Nate and Maxie come, Claudette gives them a "lock" of Charlotte's hair she kept around her neck. She says it's dark because the girl's hair bleaches out in the summer.  Oh lawdy. 

Sonny and Morgan talking about bipolar. I HATE that Ava did this to the meds..the writers had the perfect opportunity to show that meds, counseling and family support could work but NOPE. 
Kiki gets the night off from Carly and goes to see Morgan in the park, they are going out on the town. What could happen? They see Julian and Ava at Kelly's... Morgan goes off. I can see it now: Morgan is going to kill Julian and Ava will be all guilty because it will be she that brought harm to her brother. 

Paul creeps into the Q mansion to finish off Monica. Tracy sees him "Stop right there...she thinks he wants to question Monica...Tracy has a guard on her door. He can't get up there. 

I missed Michael giving Teddy to Joe. Welp! 


  1. i think maybe Paul is going to kill Julian and Morgan will be blamed.

    And there's no way hair that dark bleaches out to blonde in the summer. It looked almost black.

  2. I hate the whole Clod-ette storyline. This was posted on Dish All Day and I hope it turns out to be true, because it's the only way this story would be interesting.

    "Here's the only one I will spill for now. Don't make me cuss. Claudette does not have a child. She has been away in a mental institution for ten years. She is obsessed with Nathan, not Griffin. She's lying to Griffin to cover her true motivation which is Nathan. She's so mentally ill, she actually believes she does have a child with Nathan. She's making the whole protection thing up because that's what her imagination believes."

  3. Julian and Ava are totally the Lannisters of GH!

  4. Julian and Ava are totally the Lannisters of GH!


  5. Metrocourt restaurant:

    Carly and Kiwi: So basically,

    Carly: Oh you don't have to work today! I will still pay you. Go be with my son.

    Kiwi's thought bubble: YAY! No work and I will still get payed!!!! My boss/almost mother in law is awesome!

    Naxie: Nathan wins the line of the day!

    Nathan: You mean have I asked Griffin if he used a condom while he was screwing my wife?


    The park:

    Morgan and Sonny: Sonny treating Morgan like a 5 year old! HAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh look it's hippie Kiwi!!!


    Julian and Ava:

    "Karen says Ava and Jules are going to make out soon. Geesh."

    That made me laugh hard!!!! Hysterical!!!!! ROFL! I'm still waiting. :)

    Morgan and Julian: William Devry's hair is growing out! :) And the incredible hulk is around today! :)

    Paul and Ava: They are outside, and wow great scene!!!!!

    Q home:

    Michael and Carly: Awwww Michael!!!! Forgive your mother. :( I don't care if you forgive your dad or not, but your mother you should! :(

    Michael and Griffy: Wait what?!!??!! Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaarlos took Edwaaaaaaaaaaaaardo back to Porto Rico!?!?!?! Is Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaarlos gone for good!?!?!!? :( Love what Griffy said to Michael right before Griffy left.

    Metrocourt hotel/Pinocchio's room:

    Pinocchio and Griffy: Why are you calling Griffy? Are you going to tell him he has a daughter too?!

    Pinocchio and Dr. O: Hey! Don't be mocking Dr. O's accent you bitch!

    Pinocchio, Naxie, and Dr. O: Oh come on Dr. O!!! Don't fall for it!!!! That lock of her daughter's hair! HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA! And she is so very blonde!!! Give me a break!!! I think this child's father is that bad guy she is trying to avoid.

    The park part 2:

    Dumb and dumber arguing! Enough said. :)

  6. "Wanda Woman said...I hate the whole Clod-ette storyline."

    Me too!

    "This was posted on Dish All Day and I hope it turns out to be true, because it's the only way this story would be interesting.

    "Here's the only one I will spill for now. Don't make me cuss. Claudette does not have a child. She has been away in a mental institution for ten years. She is obsessed with Nathan, not Griffin. She's lying to Griffin to cover her true motivation which is Nathan. She's so mentally ill, she actually believes she does have a child with Nathan. She's making the whole protection thing up because that's what her imagination believes."

    OH!!!! I like it!!!!! I hope it's true!!

    1. Me too!! She does seem a lil cray cray..she is pining for both, and will settle for whoever pays her attention.

  7. I thought Jaaaaarlos had a job at GH? So now he left ALREADY for PR, in like, 5 mins? He hasn't lived there for decades, if he stayed in PC then Michael and his family could continue to interact with Teddy. So I guess they fired him too?

    Also, someone said that Teddy was SORAed, but couldn't it be the same baby? I've lost track of when he was born . . .

  8. "AntJoan said... I thought Jaaaaarlos had a job at GH?"

    He does!!!!

    "So now he left ALREADY for PR, in like, 5 mins? He hasn't lived there for decades, if he stayed in PC then Michael and his family could continue to interact with Teddy. So I guess they fired him too?"

    I have no idea! I am so confused!

    1. Well technically the hospital is closed and with Sabrina gone there is no reason for him to stick around.

  9. Di said...

    i think maybe Paul is going to kill Julian and Morgan will be blamed.

    ** I don't think so. It was either in this week's or last's SID, WDV was asked if Julian was being written out, since he's been away filming some reality series, I think it was. His response was to say no, that was just a short term side project, and he's got quite a bit of stuff coming up.

    sonya said...

    Q home:

    Michael and Carly: Awwww Michael!!!! Forgive your mother. :( I don't care if you forgive your dad or not, but your mother you should! :(

    ** His father was killed by the man who claims to be his father, so I think that one pretty much speaks for himself. I'm also of the mind he could let Carly stew for a bit. I'm not saying she shouldn't ever forgive her. But, it would be kind of nice if she actually learned, that you need to think a bit before saying stuff, and actually think about what other people want, not just her and Sonny.

    AntJoan said...

    I thought Jaaaaarlos had a job at GH? So now he left ALREADY for PR, in like, 5 mins? He hasn't lived there for decades, if he stayed in PC then Michael and his family could continue to interact with Teddy. So I guess they fired him too?

    ** Nah, GH had been closed down by the time he was at the Qs.

    Also, someone said that Teddy was SORAed, but couldn't it be the same baby? I've lost track of when he was born .

    ** No, Sabrina had her kid in late winter/spring. The Teddy that showed up the other day had a VERY full of hair that had definitely been growing for several months, since it started to fully come in. There was no way this was the same one. Like I said the other day -- I wish my hair grew as fast as his did! :) A child of maybe 6 or 7 mos. (I can't remember exactly when he was born) could never had that much hair, in less maybe he had Hypertrichosis. And then, it would be pretty much all over his body, and not just atop is head.


  10. GH promo.. Morgan's over the Edge and Sabrinas Funeral

    Yeah I heard they were going to have Piffy sing you are not alone anymore! Crap crap! So between that song, (which makes me cry) and the funeral, I will be a mess!!!!

  11. "K says, His father was killed by the man who claims to be his father, so I think that one pretty much speaks for himself."

    Hahahaha true. :)

    "I'm also of the mind he could let Carly stew for a bit."

    She is stewing alright! :)

    "I'm not saying she shouldn't ever forgive her. But, it would be kind of nice if she actually learned, that you need to think a bit before saying stuff"

    She will NEVER learn that! ROFL!

  12. I can't believe no one commented on Ava and Julian eating at Kelly's!!




  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...