Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Spleen Emergency

Liz' spleen exploded. Griffin calls someone. NOW, she's been laying there in pain forever and no one noticed? She's a nurse and she didn't tell people how much pain she was in? She goes into surgery. Franco calls Jason to tell him that Jake might want to know that "his mother is dying". 

Morgan didn't go to the wedding because he's looking at HATS at Perks???? Okay then. This meds story is so NOT needed.  A recovery story would actually be welcome. Not another stupid redux of his downfall. 

Dillon and Tracy. Um, Dilly is never on so don't care. He talks to Kiki....sigh

Jason gets to the hospital Francos' mad since he ignored his phone calls. They argue. 

Where did the Davis girls and the kids go!!? COME ON!!?? They just disappeared!! UGH Hate that. 

Sam and Spin eat at Jake's.. She has ribs WITH A FORK. LAWDY. She and Spin say they are BFF. 

Sonny talks to Ava at Perks Coffee. Yada Yada


  1. Jason is really unlikeable right now. It's the "acting" choices.

  2. A blood donor does not need to be related to the recipient. The donor just needs the same blood type.
    The way Billy Miller is playing Jason, it is really easy to hate the character. I agree with what you said, Karen: this behavior would have been easier to take from SB. More in character. The "new" Jason who is all smiles, and chuckles just seems like a churlish prick.
    I have a question for AntJoan. Don't psych patients usually know what it feels like when they go off their meds? Wouldn't Morgan -- dumb as he is -- realize that he feels wrong?
    Of course I noted the comment yesterday about the total lack of paying attention to reality in this soap, but there are just too many of these things. It's just too aggravating.

    1. BM was more fun to watch as Jake. There was hope then for Jason's character to evolve.

    2. Yes. I wish he were still Jake.

  3. I watched today hoping we'd get some serial killer action. Alas. No.

    Carly's snide comment about Liz doing everything she could to keep Jason and Sam apart and now interrupting their wedding was completely crass and uncalled for. To me it was just major pandering to the Jasam fans who hate Liz. Yes, terrible Liz who had a serial killer try to kill her, and is now in surgery fighting for her life, just to upset your day Carly. As a perfect mother where's your empathy for little Jake who now has to hear this news? That would have been my first concern as a mother. But then I'm not perfect.

    I agree with your assessment of Jason's behavior, ishouldread more. I used to like him and now I just hate him more and more every time I watch.

    And if they're going back to another long drawn out slide with Morgan I have no wish to see it. I was just starting to tolerate his character. I agree with kd when she said "This meds story is so NOT needed. A recovery story would actually be welcome. Not another stupid redux of his downfall. "

    1. I agree Di, but then that's Carly for ya.
      I also agree about Morgan, ugh...hated it the first time, not looking forward to it....

  4. I bet JB will be back at some point and there will be a 2 Jasons story. Take it to the bank. Looks like a lot of PC residents have a reason to make Ava go away.

    1. I don't see Steve coming back, he seems to enjoy it over at y&r.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Ishould: There are many reasons patients go off of their meds, but, of course, one reason is NOT that someone switches them out. I guess it COULD happen, but it likely would happen just on a soap.

    So, if someone's meds have been switched out, I could see where the slide back to being ill could be gradual. Most severely mentally ill patients do not have a subjective awareness of their illness (i.e., the way they are thinking/seeing the world feels like reality to them). So, I could see Morgan not being aware, at least at first. For my own bipolar patients, I have them list the early symptoms/signs of a manic or depressive episode, and then have them and their families continually monitor them for these signs. I don't know if other therapists or psychiatrists do this.

    1. 14 yrs ago I went off my zoloft cause it wasn't working, turns out I actually had a seizure disorder and also I learned the hard way why you don't quite your meds cold turkey and be weaned off of them instead.

  7. The hospital:

    Jason and BobTodd: Oh shut up Jason!!!! BobTodd called you! You should have answered the damn phone or called him back!!!! UGH!

    Liz's room: Oh no!!!! Liz's spleen exploded!!!! Poor Liz!!! Gee BobTodd and Griffy! Where is the urgency?!

    Griffy: Go ahead take her to the ER immediately let's go!

    Well there ya go.. There is the urgency I was looking for! Urgency must have been on a break.

    Carson home: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Hey not fair! Spinny shows Carson his daughter's pictures and we didn't get to see it?!!?! :(

    Morgan and Carly: Morgan is so mellow yellow. Blah! I want him to blow up!!! I want him to throw things!! I want Morgan Jr to go limp!!! This mellow yellow is boring!!!

    Central Perk:

    Dumb and dumber: Hats that say PECKS on them hahahahaha! Who did that? Ava did you do that? :)

    Sonny and Ava: Sonny is harassing Ava hahahaha! Hey it's only fair. She would do that to him.. Actually she already did that to him when he was in that wheelchair. :)

    The park:

    Dillon and Tracy: You are right Tracy! Dillon IS brokenhearted. :( Tracy wins the line of the day.

    Tracy: I'm your mother. Everything is my business.

    ROFL! Yeah Dillon don't be rude to your mother! :)

    Tracy: Then fight for Kiki! Be spontantious and charming and witty! Take her on picnics. Buy her unique gifts. Discuss unusual forign movies with her. She has to see that you are worth 10 of Morgan Corinthos. Decide what you want and go for it!

    YEAH TRACY YOU TELL HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOT WOOT! :) Listen to your mother Dillon!!!! :)

    Killon: Dillon what are you doing?!!?!?! GAH listen to your mother!!!! Love between Dumb and dumber? No there is not!!! Oh she kisses him on the cheek!!!!! :) *sigh* :)

    The floating rib: Sam is so happy and has joy! Things are looking up for her!!! OH OH! That means the curse will pop up again! She was always afraid of being happy and joyful in the past. Oh Cursey cursey where are you? Spinny is such a sweet guy and a great friend awwww! :)

  8. "Di says Carly's snide comment about Liz doing everything she could to keep Jason and Sam apart and now interrupting their wedding was completely crass and uncalled for. To me it was just major pandering to the Jasam fans who hate Liz. Yes, terrible Liz who had a serial killer try to kill her, and is now in surgery fighting for her life, just to upset your day Carly."

    Yeah I thought it was rude too. Carly should be thinking about Jake!

  9. "Michelle Latta said...Yes. I wish he were still Jake."

    Yeah me too.

  10. I watched a lot of PBS's Downton Abbey marathon over the Labor Day weekend and was struck by how that show managed a huge cast with multiple storylines without dropping stories for extended periods. Downton, like most quality shows, obviously planned their story arcs well in advance so what was shown on screen made sense, rather than having to insert made up past scenes to validate a new plot decision.

    The JaSam wedding was not just boring, it was awkward. The character of Paul has been written as a criminal, a lovesick puppy, a strong law-and-order-type, and now a serial killer. Strong female characters like Tracy, Anna, and Alexis have been downgraded to whimpering simps pining for their men.

    GH now looks like a terrible improv group every day. The stories make no sense and are not interesting or even plausible. It's sad, as there are some excellent actors on GH whose talents are being wasted or not utilized.

  11. Wanda W, Yes, ITA. I watched Downton Abbey for its entire run, and loved every minute of it, was sooo sad when it ended. And, yes, what you say makes sooo much sense, they plotted out the arcs in advance, and you could tell. How invested can we be in finding out, let's say, who the serial killer is if we know that they haven't even decided yet? It is like the show Lost, the writers just got lost.

  12. I know that they now have decided it is Paul, but I wonder if they have figured out his motivation yet . . .

  13. I don't think they care about motivation. It is simply being used as a way to spare Julian, since theyou wrote him into a corner. They are sacrificing Paul to save Julian.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. "Kay C says because all of you loved Jason when he was with Liz but now that he is back with his wife its ohhhh I can't stand to watch him..."

    Well Jason and Sam are so boring! They have no chemistry. That's why I hate them together. He had tons of chemistry with Liz. And no Liz is not a victim all the time. And hey this is a soap opera.. We can like and hate characters, we can be annoyed by them, and we can feel whatever we want to feel for characters. There is no reason to be so upset.

  16. >sigh< And now we have gone to talking about a soap opera to being in one.

    1. I'm not putting you in a soap opera.....I'm being a the real person on y'all little bubble.....again this is too funny right now......this is my main's ok when y'all vent about Sam and Jason but as soon as Liz name get thrown around its .....please be real

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Oooooookay . . .

    The reason I love this blog is because it is usually free of the couples wars that dominate other boards. We may have characters or even couples we favor, but what all of us (or almost all of us) really want is a well-written show with interesting characters, regardless of which characters get thrown together.

    I couldn't care less about Jiz vs. Jasam; I want a show I love to watch.

    Jasam doesn't get much love from this board right now because the characters and their story is and has been dull and/or ridiculous. For most of us, it has nothing to do with the pairings.

  19. Thanks Wanda Woman.....that's all I was trying to get at......that was the reason I was on this blog......everyone else just confirmed your point about the wars on other blogs.....if it was about the show then why go back and forth with're the first one to get me to understand the reason for this blog......Thanks and I am being real true right now.....No games

    1. Now that I get your understanding I will refrain from commenting.....

  20. Kay C sorry you feel that way. I love this blog. I read it for a good year before I started commenting. i love Jason too but just feel that the writing for him is all wrong. It is hard to see the chemistry between BM & KM. there was no build up to their relationship. It felt to me, more like Jason doing the right thing then him falling for Sam all over again. It's just really poor writing. Or lazy writing. I actually hope SB comes back as Jason and BM can go back to Jake Doe. Or if they would have just had JM & JQ memories merge it would have given BM the opportunity to shine. JaSam is just so boring this way.

    As for Franco I have no idea why they resurrected that character. RH is very talented but how do you get over all the horrible things Franco did. Different writing team but how could Carly date/almost marry him after what he did to Michael. That was just horrible. He never actually sexual assaulted Sam but it was a mental assault for sure. And just as bad. Since the Carly pairing we've been told to forgive/forget. It was a tumor. And most still have a problem with the character.

    As for Liz, she's a flawed character with a big heart. She tends to show a lot of regret and guilt. But she typically does things out of protectiveness for those she loves. Honestly, both Carly & Sam are just as flawed. And Carly never shows guilt. Lol. I can also think if C or S were in Liz shoes, they would have lied to keep the man they love too. And Carly wouldn't have felt guilty at all. Lol.

    Hope you change your mind. Everyone has a character they love. Honestly, I can't think of one character with a great SL right now. It's not the actors at fault. That's the producers and writing teams.

    1. Oh I agree. If Carly or Sam had been in Liz position they would've done the same.

  21. "Kay C said...Thanks Wanda Woman.....that's all I was trying to get at......that was the reason I was on this blog......everyone else just confirmed your point about the wars on other blogs.....if it was about the show then why go back and forth with me....."

    Huh?! I wasn't confirming any point about the wars. And I didn't go back and forth with you. You are the one who said you are leaving the blog. I hope you stay, but if you leave, then that's your choice.

  22. JSL said...
    BM was more fun to watch as Jake. There was hope then for Jason's character to evolve.

    Michelle Latta said...
    Yes. I wish he were still Jake

    sonya said...
    Yeah me too.

    I think that's pretty much something we all agree on. Back then he was far more lively and cheerful, when all signs were pointing to that if he did recover his memories, it would be ALL of them, and not just the post-accident ones. He was becoming a much more "whole" character again. Not just the single note "stiff as a board" portrayal that he had pretty much regressed into. prompting a friend of mine to call him "Jason of Borg."
    The hospital:

    Jason and BobTodd: Oh shut up Jason!!!! BobTodd called you! You should have answered the damn phone or called him back!!!! UGH

    Yeah. Jason's reaction of blind rage/hate at even just the MENTIONING of BobTodd, is starting to verge on the absurdly ridiculous, and definitely not in a positive way.

    Morgan and Carly: Morgan is so mellow yellow. Blah! I want him to blow up!!! I want him to throw things!! I want Morgan Jr to go limp!!! This mellow yellow is boring!!!

    Living with Carson would be the perfect place for throwing stuff. they do have an unlimited source of barware for it!


    1. Haha! Your Carson comment.
      As for Jason, even if have to admit it's getting ridiculous with Jason and his hatred, maybe cause I hate Sam? But Franco hasn't been "that person" in a long time and he's totally shown how he's changed and it's obvious his feelings for Liz. This coming from a Liason fan.....

  23. "K says Yeah. Jason's reaction of blind rage/hate at even just the MENTIONING of BobTodd, is starting to verge on the absurdly ridiculous, and definitely not in a positive way."

    Yes!!!!! It's becoming really annoying. Can't they just be civil to one another?

    "Living with Carson would be the perfect place for throwing stuff. they do have an unlimited source of barware for it!"

    ROFL! Yeah Sonny hasn't been throwing any barware, so he has a lot! :)

  24. Michelle Latta said...

    Haha! Your Carson comment.

    Thanks, I couldn't resist. :)

    As for Jason, even if have to admit it's getting ridiculous with Jason and his hatred, maybe cause I hate Sam? But Franco hasn't been "that person" in a long time and he's totally shown how he's changed and it's obvious his feelings for Liz. This coming from a Liason fan.....

    Oh I LOVED them together, when he first came back. He and Liz were great together. I've never been a fan of Sam, either. The ONLY time I've actually liked KM, was on PC, when she was first introduced as Kevin's daughter, before the show went down the rabbit hole. But yeah, ever since he found out Liz knew who he was, and basically threw her away, it's as if a switch was flipped in him or something. :P I agree completely with you on Franco also, (and not just because I'm a HUGE RH fan.) The character has very very clearly evolved, and shown that he WANTS to be a good person, and do the best he can. Unfortunately only a handful of people are willing to look beyond what he did in his past, and can see he is nothing whatsoever like he was in the past.

    sonya said...

    Yes!!!!! It's becoming really annoying. Can't they just be civil to one another?

    One would hope. At least Franco has tried to be. Jason just acts like a bratty toddler, who will not change his mind for anyone.


  25. "K says One would hope. At least Franco has tried to be."

    Yes he has tried!!!!

    "Jason just acts like a bratty toddler, who will not change his mind for anyone."

    Yes!!! And a bully!

  26. Michelle said.... But Franco hasn't been "that person" in a long time

    This seems to be true but don't forget it hasn't been that long since Jason got his memory back. It's only been months. And Franco terrorized him and Sam, sent him footage of what looked like Franco raping Sam and led them to believe that their baby was his. When Jason remembered him, this is what he would have remembered, along with all of Franco's other crimes. I'm sure that seeing him with Jake would make his blood boil and bring all of his protective instincts to the surface. And having everyone just blow his feelings off and say...oh Franco's all better now. He had a brain tumor. Just let it go....definitely would add to his frustration. He needs as much time as everyone else to see that change. As a fan who's having trouble accepting Liz with Franco I can understand his behavior. (And I don't even like nuJason. lol)



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...