Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Anna is in PORT CHARLES!!

Paul catches Tracy after she runs to the elevator. She tells him how she figured out where Susan was.  He wants her to have dinner with him. She's hedging. 

Claudette is ON. UGHHHH She doesn't want to get the results back so quickly. She goes into the hall and tells Griffin she has to talk to him in her room ASAP.  She tells him he might be Charlotte's baby daddy. 

Nathan calls her room, the results are in!! So, soon, we'll all find out who Claudette had a baby with.
No one cares. 

End of the show.. they go to open the envelope. IT will be tomorrow.

Curtis is shirtless at the gym. Maddox comes in. He says "hey, let's spar".  Eye Candy today. They talk about Jordan..get all pissy...grrrrrrr.

ANNA IS HOME! Pissed about Duke. Why couldn't they have waited for 4 DAYS to do the trial until Finola was back?????
Anna yells at Jordan about the warrant not being right. Jordan says it WAS right. Anna asks about Alexis and her testimony. She wants to talk to Paul. 
Oh she goes to his room. Olivia is there, leaves the door open. Anna finds the cuff links!

END OF THE SHOW: Paul is locking the door. Tomorrow's previews have him yelling at Tracy.
Also Tomorrow? Laura and Kevin on a plane. AND Genie's hair is my fave (my color!!) 


  1. Kelly's:

    Anna: ANNA!!!! WELCOME BACK!!!!!

    Anna and Griffy: Awwwww! :)

    Anna and Jordan: Oh Anna! I wish you were at the court to watch the verdict!!!

    Metrocourt restaurant::

    Pinocchio and Nathan: Oh WOW!!!! She freaked out and ran out of there so quick! BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! She ran like a bat outta hell!!! Hahahahahahhahaa!

    Maxie and Nathan: Awwww great scene! :)

    Metrocourt hotel Pinocchio's room:

    Griffy and Pinocchio: Pinocchio wins the line of the day!

    Pinocchio: You and I were always very very very careful. Except for the couple times when we weren't..

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! So you weren't 100% careful!!!!!!! :) Oh I so hope Griffy is the father!!!!

    Griffy, Pinocchio, Naxie: Well it's time! Who is the daddy?!!?! :)

    Paul's room: Oh Anna!!!! Yes Paul IS the GH killer!!!!

    Sanatarium: I get it! I get why Paul did this. It's for his daughter. It all makes sense.. But maybe another part of this storyline, is that he lost his mind!!!! :( Oh oh! Run Tracy run!!!! OH OH PAUL KNOWS YOU ARE HERE! Stay cool Tracy stay cool! Good good. Nice. :) Yes keep staying cool. I hope you have pepper spray on you. He wants to take you out for a drink and for dinner. Oh oh is this a trick?! Stay cool Tracy.

    Gym: Maddox is jealous of Curtis!!!! And Curtis with no shirt on is yummy!!!! :) Jordan is all confused.. :)

    Hotel: Or wherever the heck they are. Paul is looking for his wallet? Or is he looking for his gun? Or needle? Keep staying cool Tracy. Good job. Now do you have pepper spray?! Tell me you got pepper spray in your purse!!!!! Oh oh Paul is locking the door!!!!! NOW IS THE TIME FOR PEPPER SPRAY!

    1. So awesome that Tracy kept her cook! She's not one to freak out or whatever, good they kept her in character. Wonder how she's gonna feel when she realizes that he killed her friend Sabrina....

  2. I kinda figured Paul knew Tracy knew but he sure took forever. Holy crap!
    He won't kill the mother of his kid..
    What's eating Andre? He sure is acting crabby? Maybe he's an accomplice in this thing with Paul?
    Stoked to see Laura and Kevin ❤

  3. sonya said...


    Anna: ANNA!!!! WELCOME BACK!!!!!

    ** She has been VERY sorely missed!

    Metrocourt hotel Pinocchio's room:

    Pinocchio: You and I were always very very very careful. Except for the couple times when we weren't..

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! So you weren't 100% careful!!!!!!! :) Oh I so hope Griffy is the father!!!!

    ** I'm beginning to think she and this storyline have gone from just bad, to absurdly pathetically bad. It's so predictable.

    Paul's room: Oh Anna!!!! Yes Paul IS the GH killer!!!!

    ** I would think after Ava found everything in his room recently, Paul wouldn't have kept anything that could possibly be even REMOTELY incriminating in there any more.

    Hotel: Or wherever the heck they are. Paul is looking for his wallet? Or is he looking for his gun? Or needle? Keep staying cool Tracy. Good job. Now do you have pepper spray?! Tell me you got pepper spray in your purse!!!!! Oh oh Paul is locking the door!!!!! NOW IS THE TIME FOR PEPPER SPRAY

    ** LOL! To me it looked like a condo, or something similar. After today though, I really can't think of a way (besides a tumor) that Paul can really come back from this. :(


  4. The whole Paul thing is crazy--yes, he would not have left the cuff links in his drawer, and his motive makes nooo sense!! Tracy should have gotten away from him when she could, if he tries to kill her I hope she kills him first . . . he CANNOT be redeemed now, and he is such a great actor, what a shame!!

    Did anyone else notice that Finola got a face lift? Is that why she was gone so long? She is sooo beautiful, her aging naturally was beautiful, she did not need surgery, but they did a GREAT job, would love to get the name of her dr. . . .

    1. I could care less if she got a face lift. All I know is she was doing a movie or something with Kimberly McCullough, the thing John Stamos ripped off from her? Anyways, she's beautiful no matter what she does. She's got the money, if i had the money there are some things I'd go under the knife for LOL!!

  5. Maybe it was the same dr. who did KM's eyes? They both look great . . .

  6. I thought Finola looked particularly stunning yesterday - great job whoever did it. So glad to see her back. JE was outstanding yesterday as was RB. Hate to see him go as he will have to eventually one way or another.

    1. I agree, JE and RB were great yesterday. He really grew on me. He's like Hells, the character you love to hate. Playing a killer, and then showing him with his daughter breaking down, almost crazy like, RB won't be out of work long. I love him!

  7. "K says She has been VERY sorely missed!"

    Yes she has!!!! :)

    "I'm beginning to think she and this storyline have gone from just bad, to absurdly pathetically bad. It's so predictable."

    Yeah I agree!!!!

    "LOL! To me it looked like a condo, or something similar."

    Hahahahahaa! Probably IS a condo! :)



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...