Sunday, September 18, 2016

Sunday Surgery: It's Just a Shot Away

SO much to talk about this's going to be tough for me to organize all my thoughts. I hope I make sense and make you think a little bit about the show we sometimes love to hate!! The week was a wild one, really wild. Had me open mouthed, sad and wanting to get home to watch. Yes, you read that right. Even with company I was rude and watched Wed-Friday because I just 'had' to!! 

I chose the Stone's song for the title because it was blaring through my head when Monica went down and then in the Sabrina chasing scenes. Do you do that? Have some song playing in your head when watching a show?
Maybe I'm just nutty. :) 

Ok, so... what for breakfast? Poor Sabby is laying in the morgue and everyone else is all upset. To honor her I'm having angel food  cake. That just seems appropriate for her

Let's start with the more banal of stories. Morgan and the Mania. (name of a band?) We know now that BC is leaving the show by his choice. Either they'll kill off the character, have him leave with the door open, or recast. I have a feeling he'll leave for "treatment" and come back later a changed man. 
SO! Darby shows up. We all know there's only one reason for A Darby to show up. Sex. Yep, I'm sure they'll hook up again. Morgan is now trying to do the business college--which we know will fail because Ava messes with his medication. This story is too stupid to continue, imo. I really hate it for a number of reasons. 

Carly, Nellie, Nina and the Kidney.  Nina gave mousy Nell a "make over" and put her in a dress that frankly, was a strange choice. It was better than dressing like a Duggar girl but..couldn't you at least have gone to a hip shop? We know Nellie is up to no good, and watch how she circles like a hawk to comfort a poor, poor Michael. 
Notice who's absent? Josslyn, the kidney recipient... and Jax who was on for a hot minute...then gone. Typical GH. I'm sure it will all come up again at some point---but...will we care then? 

The Trail: I'm only talking about this first because I know I'll have a lot more to say about the serial killer story.  What you need to know is that Sonny tried to get Jules to plead guilty (which he was ready to do)-- and then Scotty got evidence that the address was wrong on the wire tappy thing and it couldn't be heard in court. Paul's trying to mess around with this to get Jules off so Ava doesn't kill him.
Side note: WTF wouldn't Paul just KILL Ava like he did Sabrina? He's a big-ass serial killer right? This makes no sense.

Ok, back to the trial.  Alexis is very nervous. Diane tries to coach her. At the end of Thursday's show she drinks from a cup and wads it up (they focus on it for a minute which was weird) and then on Friday she gets all dizzy and can't really concentrate. AH HA~~ !!! Paul drugged her!! She faints and he runs to catch her.
Other problem with all this? Jules is basically a good guy. They wrote him that way when he came back. Then, he went all wack a doodle with Alexis and Carlos. It's just all over the place, imo. I have a feeling Julian will get off, and because of double jeopardy, he won't be tried for it again. Which, is stupid, wrote this guy into a corner so, bye. 

Nice touch: Diane coaching Alexis to do her best on the stand. Yeah for friends! 

Friz and Fayden  have been a highlight for me!! Love the dynamics between the four of them. Very soapy, playful and a bit sarcastic. My cut of tea.  ME and RoHo are magical together anyway and Becky and Rebecca have good stuff to chew on. It's all good. This week they found out they were sisters with Todd (and he WAS Todd at that moment) Just blurting out "Be Nice, You're sisters"! In the meantime, Liz told Sabby to turn over the diamonds to Nate not realizing what had happened. She found out Hayden saved her life and didn't try to kill her. WHOOPS!! Then, Hammy Finn told Hayden not to leave, he'd help her and who steps out of the elevator? The feds. Dun dun..dun.... 
By the way, when you get a quad like this that's magic? You GO WITH IT. 

Killer Story. I'm going to put a lot of pics up for this because so much happened. I had a shocker with Monica going down because I honestly didn't know it was going to happen. I thought maybe they put out a false spoiler because Monica's killing would have been huge. BUT! Nope, it was a bait and switch. We got to see Sabrina get offed in what was (for a soap) pretty brutal.
Killing Sabrina seems just plain weird. She just came back, and she and Michael weren't in many scenes at all. Ergo, having her getting her job back and almost engaged in the one day before she dies? Um? Not good planning, imo.  Carlos' twin shows up and I guess his object will be to wrench Teddy away from Michael, right? Hmmm..

And..PS if Sabrina has a twin, I'm going to lose my sheeze. 

A lot of these scenes were juxtaposed with Andre, Dante and Jordan doing some CSI type 'put together' at the station. Why can't we get more of this? The editing was great. It's the first time we've seen that kind of thing and I liked it.  The Sabrina aftermath scenes were heartbreaking of course, and Chad did really well. Marc Anthony was also perfection. We need to give it up for RB and TC for the harrowing killing scenes. They couldn't have been easy to do. 

SCENES of the WEEK:  The Felix/Sabrina flashbacks. Really good stuff to remember! They had a good friendship and until they both went MIA, it was funny to watch.  I'm wondering if we'll even SEE Felix after her funeral. 
By the way, there were a LOT OF scenes of the week: Monica getting the shot, Sabby finding out it was Paul, Alexis on the stand... the Liz Hayden reveal. 
So...wowo, good job GH! 

ADORABLENESS OF THE WEEK: Awwww Greens McBain Selfie!! 

FACE OF THE WEEK:  Sabrina sees Paul with the syringe and realizes who he is!! Great horror-shock face. 

PROP OF THE WEEK: The wrong address? Yep.. Paul doctored that well. Alexis' coffee cup should be in there too but I have no screen cappy of it. 

FINAL NOTE: thank you to whomever had RoHo eat. :) it's my happy place

NO matter your feelings on NLG, she ALWAYS gives 112%. She was superb!

SO, for me this was a pretty dang good week. For one thing the whole Maxie/Nate/Griff/Claud thing was gone. It's such a NON-story imo that it was great not to clutter up my screen. Everything else seemed to dovetail on each other--even the trail and the killings because of the Paul connection.  Ava's running around town with her RED lipstick on just causing trouble. She's going to be the demise of Morgan and be one of the reasons Jules gets off the hook. 

A few newsy things to discuss: Bryan Craig deciding to leave, TC not coming back and the writers/upper management got renewed. 
Dear Bryan: While it may seem "the right time" to you, I can name a half-dozen actors that got an Emmy who left, nothing.  While Morgan's story is a repeat there is gold in that Corinthos' brother story. Not sure if they'll recast, have him 'die' or just leave the door open. 

Tyler Christopher left of his own accord as well. It's shown for awhile he's not been happy. Which--he wasn't happy, took off TWICE and came back both times. SO? I hope he finds the career he wants. The guy that played his replacement was well-received so perhaps he'll be the NuNik? Hell, I just want to see Spencer now and again and he can be on with Grandma Laura. 

Frank and the writers? Well, I haven't looked at the ratings but it is what it is! I can only hope they stop hiring people and focus on tightening the whole show. 

Isn't Ava just awesome? :) 

Thx as always to @SourceJenn @Daytime_Spoilers and @Fyeagh for the cappies. Where would I be without ya?! 


  1. I understand the killing of Sabrina. Michael & she are both so sweet they would have been boring as a married couple. I'm sick to death of Lulu's embryo & baby stuff.

  2. I agree GH had a great week! The only thing I didn't like was the trial. But we all knew he was getting off, so....
    As for Bryan Craig, I have never been a fan, so if they kill him off or don't recast, well, happy dance. It would've been perfect to make him the serial killer, knowing he's leaving. Haha!! I think there is something else behind his leaving, personally.
    Back to the great week GH had, let's hope they keep it up!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Sabrina sent Teddy to Port Charles ahead of her to Tracy. Tracy managed to get legal guardianship of Teddy. I bet she still has that legal authority.

  5. kd said.... WTF wouldn't Paul just KILL Ava like he did Sabrina?

    ** I seem to recall that Ava told Paul that she had taken precautions so that if anything happened to her the evidence and the truth about him would come out. She must have left it with someone with instructions in case of her death.

    And thanks for another great Sunday Surgery.

    1. I missed that, guess it makes sense...unless she lied.

  6. YES!! Mrs. GOOSE, I was thinking that Tracy still has guardianship!

    OH, Di.. did she?

  7. Karen,
    I have songs run through my head sometimes. Gimme Shelter was the perfect choice for those scenes. One of my favorite Stones songs.

  8. I got to meet and talk to Tyler C a bit today at the GH fan event here in Baltimore. Really nice guy. He did not go into specifics about contract negotiations other than to say they just couldn't work out a deal. I got the indication he would have gladly stayed on had they been able to iron out a deal that would allow him time for outside projects. I doubt that it was over money. He and I talked some football. He's a huge Ohio state fan.

  9. "Yes, you read that right. Even with company I was rude and watched Wed-Friday because I just 'had' to!!"

    ROFL! Oh Karen! :) You could have taped it. Did your company watch it with you? If your couple is a GH fan, then it wouldn't be rude! :)

    "Friz and Fayden have been a highlight for me!!"

    Yes!!!!! Love them!!!

    "By the way, when you get a quad like this that's magic? You GO WITH IT."


    "And..PS if Sabrina has a twin, I'm going to lose my sheeze."

    ROFL! Maybe her name will be Salena.. And Salena and Jaaaaaaaaaaarlos can be a couple! :)

    "SCENES of the WEEK: The Felix/Sabrina flashbacks. Really good stuff to remember!"

    Hahahaha. Great stuff. :) I forgot why they were in bed together.

    "ADORABLENESS OF THE WEEK: Awwww Greens McBain Selfie!!"

    Awwwww! They are made of win!

    "FINAL NOTE: thank you to whomever had RoHo eat. :) it's my happy place"

    It's my happy place too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) Now they just need ROHO and ME eat together! :)

  10. Frank Strovel said...

    I got to meet and talk to Tyler C a bit today at the GH fan event here in Baltimore. Really nice guy. He did not go into specifics about contract negotiations other than to say they just couldn't work out a deal. I got the indication he would have gladly stayed on had they been able to iron out a deal that would allow him time for outside projects. I doubt that it was over money. He and I talked some football. He's a huge Ohio state fan.

    ** That's cool that you got to chat with him. He really is a great actor. Everything in the magazines over the last few weeks from him, had really given me the impression that he did really want to stay on, and had been looking forward to getting back to work. It's good to know, that when you spoke to him, he came across that way, too. Personally, I think because that's the way things had looked like they were going to be playing out, until suddenly just a few days ago, that that won't be the case, is why it's all the more frustrating.

    sonya said...

    "And..PS if Sabrina has a twin, I'm going to lose my sheeze."

    ROFL! Maybe her name will be Salena.. And Salena and Jaaaaaaaaaaarlos can be a couple! :)

    ** LOL! I'm pretty sure we won't have to be subjected to another sudden twin this time around! Theresa's tweets the other day, really gave off the impression, that she was definitely let go.

    SCENES of the WEEK: The Felix/Sabrina flashbacks. Really good stuff to remember!"

    Hahahaha. Great stuff. :) I forgot why they were in bed together.

    ** They were really good flashbacks. Unfortunately, they also reminded me of all the potential future material we're losing, because of the whole bizarre mess.
    I can't remember why they were in bed either! I WANT to say, it was after one of the NBs. But, I'm pretty sure that wasn't the case.

    It's my happy place too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) Now they just need ROHO and ME eat together! :)

    ** I could see that ending up in a food fight VERY VERY fast! :)

    ** On another note, btw. I'm not sure if you saw it or not, but on the page with Friday's stuff, I answered your question. If you have any others about it or what not, don't hesitate to ask! Also the ** before each of my comments is for AntJoan, btw. She was having trouble differentiating my comments from yours, whenever I commented on any of your posts.


  11. K, adding the ** was a great dea. You can see above that I copied it. I find it hard to differentiate sometimes when people have long quotes, and sometimes my quotes can be a bit long too so I'll use it from now on in my replies too.

  12. Karen, were you thrilled to see Tatiana Maslany win the Emmy for Orphan Black? So well deserved. I was also happy to see Ben Mendelsohnn win for Bloodline. Great actor.

  13. I was definitely thrilled to see Tatiana win. I sometimes think the voters have a very restricted viewing schedule and they don't even check out other shows. Maybe all the outcry from disgruntled fans led to a few binge sessions this year and people actually looked at what this girl can do.

  14. K and others, thanks for honoring my wishes and using the **, anything that saves me time is helpful!

  15. Courthouse:

    Scotty and Sonny: Great scene!!!! Scotty wins the line of the day!

    Scotty: Oh yeah I bet it's really yummy.


    The jury: When Scotty was doing his closing arguments, you can see the back of the two juror's heads! They are not moving! They look like mannequins!!! Oh wait their heads are moving.. Hmmm moving mannequins!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Carly and Michael: Awww poor Michael! :( Michael don't be rude to your mother!!! :( Oh here comes Nelle swooping in pretending to be all sweet, and caring, and defending Carly!

    The park:

    Michael and Edwaaaaaaaaaardo: Awwwwwwwwwwwwww! :'( So sad! And that little baby grew wow! And here comes Nelle swooping in pretending to be understanding and comforting. Wow she knows the exact right thing to say!!!! :)

    Kelly's: Wow! KELLY'S!!!!! It's been awhile since they have shown Kelly's! Pinocchio is there wearing her white wedding dress trying to manipulate Griffy! He ain't having any of it! :)


    Nathan and Maxie: Oh look how cute! They are both wearing blue! ROFL!

    Spinelli: SPINNYYYYYYYYYYY! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Now where is your daughter? :)

    Spinny and Maxie: Gee when Spinny wanted to talk to Maxie, I thought he was going to tell her about baby Georgie! Rats. :( HUH?! Spinny got nothing on Pinoochio?! She's a ghost!!!!!!

    Nathan and Nina: Come on writers!!!! When is Nina going to find out Kiwi is her daughter? She IS her daughter right?

    1. I think Claudette is going to tell him she had his kid, but's Griffins, or is it? That's just my guess. I wonder why she's invisible on social media??

  16. sonya said...And that little baby grew wow!

    ***I was wondering what the Q's are feeding the little guy. lol Maybe Lila's magic relish.

    sonya said...She IS her daughter right?

    *** That would at least give Kiki a reason to interact with her and tie things together more, especially if Morgan leaves. And it would mean that we can FINALLY stop all this darn baby talk. With the amount of it on the show I'm wondering if some of the writers are having their creative juices drowned out by their biological clocks.

  17. I have not seen the show today yet, but, closing arguments already? I just KNEW they would rush through the trial. I think that in most murder cases they wait years to go to trial, and then it drags on for months! This one takes a few hours? I HATE when they do this . . .

  18. There's a Soaps in Depth article online today about Wally Kurth being on both GH and Days. At the end of the short article, there's a wonderful pic of Wally, Jackie Zeman, Kin Shriner, and STUART DAMON! I haven't heard about him in several years. Do you think this is an old pic or a recent pic?

    1. It's a newer photo, look at Stuart, he looks much older.

  19. "Di says I was wondering what the Q's are feeding the little guy. lol Maybe Lila's magic relish."

    Hahahaha could be!!! :)

    "I'm wondering if some of the writers are having their creative juices drowned out by their biological clocks."


    "AntJoan said..I think that in most murder cases they wait years to go to trial"

    Yeah why do they do that?!

  20. Di said...

    K, adding the ** was a great dea. You can see above that I copied it. I find it hard to differentiate sometimes when people have long quotes, and sometimes my quotes can be a bit long too so I'll use it from now on in my replies too.

    AntJoan said...
    K and others, thanks for honoring my wishes and using the **, anything that saves me time is helpful!

    ** Di and Joan, it's no problem whatsoever. I have to admit, things were starting to get a bit hard to sort out at times. Glad to be of help!


  21. sonya said...


    Scotty and Sonny: Great scene!!!! Scotty wins the line of the day!

    Scotty: Oh yeah I bet it's really yummy.

    ** LOL! Why Scotty didn't point out that even WITH a pardon, Sonny still wouldn't be -allowed to own ANY guns whatsoever, I have no idea. That would have helped quite a bit!

    The park:

    Michael and Edwaaaaaaaaaardo: Awwwwwwwwwwwwww! :'( So sad! And that little baby grew wow!

    ** I know! I wish I could get my hair to grow that fast, again! I have no clue at all why they decided to SORAS him. I really don't see what purpose it serves, at all.

    Kelly's: Wow! KELLY'S!!!!! It's been awhile since they have shown Kelly's!

    ** Great to see they FINALLY remembered Kelly's exists!!

    Pinocchio is there wearing her white wedding dress trying to manipulate Griffy! He ain't having any of it! :)

    ** EVERYTIME I hear her name now, I get the Roy Orbison song stuck in my head! At least it's more enjoyable than watching her!


  22. AntJoan said...

    I have not seen the show today yet, but, closing arguments already? I just KNEW they would rush through the trial. I think that in most murder cases they wait years to go to trial, and then it drags on for months! This one takes a few hours? I HATE when they do this

    sonya said...

    Yeah why do they do that?!. .

    ** Soaps generally have a very innacurate depiction of how the court system works. These days, it's worse than it's ever been, GH being really bad in this aspect.

    ** Taking a year or more to even come to trial, is pretty common, particularly in the heavily populated places. The court dockets are so heavily filled up, with scheduled, trials. First you've got the grand jury hearing, which in cases like this one, has to be conveened (sp) to see if there is enough reason to even go to trial to begin with. Then you've got pre-trial hearings. If the defendant doesn't plead guilty then, and they do go to trial, then there are witness depositions, `discovery' where both sides prepare their cases. , and what not. This all takes quite a bit of time, as remember the lawyers are also working on other cases at the same time. They aren't just focusing on this one case. Then, when the case DOES come to trial, unless it's pretty straight forward, (and even then at times) it still takes several months generally, particularly with a murder trial of this size, and high profile. (I'm aslso certain I've left stuff out of the whole process. I was just trying to give a bit of an idea how things go.) In otherwards, what one sees on TV dramas, current day soaps in particular, bares little to no resemblance whatsoever to an actual trial. Even the actual trials that are shown on TV in true crime reality shows and such, are a real bare bones depiction of what goes into them.


  23. Yes, jury selection alone takes a lot of time, not to mention all the other stuff K spoke about.

  24. "K says EVERYTIME I hear her name now, I get the Roy Orbison song stuck in my head! At least it's more enjoyable than watching her!"


    "Taking a year or more to even come to trial, is pretty common, particularly in the heavily populated places."

    Thanks for the long explanation K!!!! :) See? you still can explain things really well!!!! :)



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...