Monday, September 5, 2016

Happy Labor Day

GH is not a new show kick back in honor of hospital staff everywhere! 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. sonya said...

    Love the picture Karen! HAPPY LABOR DAY EVERYONE! :) Check this out. It's a website where It says about how General hospital will be pre-empted today, but check this out,

    "GH" will return on September 6 with a new episode. Find out which of the other four soaps are on Labor Day in order to plan your day.

    In order to plan your day!!! HAHAHAHAHA! We are such a prisoner to our soaps! :) Always been like that. :)

    OH! There is also a slaps of our lives video that I just saw! HAHAHAHAHA!

  3. Love that pic!! Remember them well!


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