Friday, September 16, 2016

Bye Sabby

Monica wakes up... she's groggy.  Jason explains what happened to her. 

Paul questions Alexis on the witness stand. Alexis has trouble with understanding the questions presented. Goes in and out like she's drugged. Hmmmmmmm.  I guess yesterday she drank out of a cup of water he gave her. Jordan thinks she's drunk, or trying to throw the trial.
Scotty brings up her killing Keifer and Alcazar LOL know it. She's Natasha Cassadine bitches!! 

Michael says bye to Sabby while Tracy hugs him. He cries and says goodbye to her. 

Carly is talking to Nellie when Nina walks in and asks if she (Nell) is pregnant> She doesn't know that she's Joss' Kidney donor. Nina is looking for a girl she's supposed to meet about adopting her baby. OMG Enough with the BABY CRAP! Lante! Nina! UGH!! 

Nina takes Nellie to give her a make over. Since she's looking like a Duggar, I guess.  That just wasn't too attractive. 

Nice Sabrina Felix Montage. 

at the end, Alexis faints and Julian catches her. 


  1. Maybe Nina can obsess over the JaSam baby and go real crazy/kidnappy again like she did with Avery?

    Wouldn't it have been nice to have a Nikolas montage when Tyler left? 20+ yrs.

    So over this show right now!

  2. Thank you for the best birthday present ever! I really appreciate your kindness, Karen! Laura aka Gedstern

  3. I wonder how long it'll take them to realize the cologne belongs to Paul?
    Only thing about today I enjoyed was the Felix and Sabby Montage, she's still dead though. :(
    The thing with Nina and Nelle was just weird, when she thought Nelle was pregnant....just odd. Michelle Stafford serves no purpose.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Michelle Latta said... Michelle Stafford serves no purpose.

    And yet they keep her and get rid of Tyler and Sabrina.

  6. I have not finished watching yet--just finished working--but I am sooo upset that it is hard to watch. I cannot stand this Alexis at the trial thing, she is intelligent enough to know she is "off" or sick or something, she would know. I guess Paul put something in whatever he gave her to drink, but it is torture for me to watch her on the stand blowing this case. As I said before, Ava and Julian get away with EVERYTHING . . . it is crazy!

  7. Nice to see Gedstern here-remember her well before Karen! So sad about Sabrina but good acting by Chad and Marc and nice flashbacks. They must have been pissed when Tyler left-would have loved to see flashbacks. Ava wasn't in court today but was there yesterday?

  8. The courthouse:

    Alexis: Yesterday when they showed Alexis's cup on the chair, I was wondering if Paul put something in it!!! Today, WOW! Alexis is all wacky woo. Paul what did you put in the water!?!?! A drug?!!?! Love how the camera was. Nancy Lee Grahn was awesome!!

    Scotty: Oh Scotty you are such a great lawyer!!!!! Scotty wins the line of the day.

    Scotty: Did you believe in violence when you stuck a steak knife in Luis Alcazar and you PUSHED him OFF the balcony!


    Julian: Okay enough! Just stop! Leave my wife alone.

    Oh what are you doing trying to stop Scotty?! Trying to be gentlemanly? GO TO HELL!

    The hospital:

    Sabrina's room:

    Michael and Tracy: Michael!!! Tell Tracy to go to hell!!!! She told you Sabrina was going to be fine working at the hospital!

    Felix and Sabrina: Felix made me cry!!! :( The flashbacks!!!! They showed the scene with Santa Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaarlos! :) They also showed when Felix said oh my God I turned straight. ROFL! Goodbye Sabrina aka Saaaaaaaaaaabrinaaaaaaaaaaa, aka Sabby, aka Ugly Betty. :( Oh why did they have to kill her off! WHY!?!?!?!?!!?! :'(

    Monica's room: Great Monica and Tracy scene! Awwww! :)

    Monica: You were just looking forward to getting ownership of my house.

    Tracy: The house my brother gave you.

    HAHAHA! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! :) Love it! It never gets old! :)

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Carly, Nina, and Nelle: Oh a new wardrobe for Nelle! I can just read her mind!

    Nelle's thought bubble: Oh wow! I feel like a princess! I get a whole new wardrobe!!! My revenge will be complete very soon!

    Carly and Michael: Awww Michael :(

    1. Sonya I agree, it never gets old. When they were talking about Monica's house I let out a laugh.
      I was sad when Sabrina died but I didn't actually get really emotional until the montage and yes the thing Felix said about her turning him straight, that was funny!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Felix made me cry too, Sonya. He and Chad were great. They both showed their grief beautifully without going overboard. I also blubbered through the flashbacks.

    I FF'd through the Alexis court scenes. I just can't watch the way the writers are portraying this strong woman. she definitely would have known that something was off.

    Nina scene...pffft. Who gets introduced to someone and says congrats on the new job but you look like sh**. Come let me dress you appropriately.

    tracy and monica are always fun together too, even in crisis.

  10. They need better wardrobe people, the dress for Nell was skin tight with folds everywhere. A wonder that it could be zipped up. Get the next size up in her "new" wardrobe.

  11. sonya said...
    The courthouse:

    Alexis: Yesterday when they showed Alexis's cup on the chair, I was wondering if Paul put something in it!!! Today, WOW! Alexis is all wacky woo. Paul what did you put in the water!?!?! A drug?!!?! Love how the camera was. Nancy Lee Grahn was awesome!!

    I must have TOTALLY missed that with the water yesterday. I don't remember that at all. Then again, with everything else, that's not too surprising, then.

    Scotty: Oh Scotty you are such a great lawyer!!!!! Scotty wins the line of the day.

    Scotty: Did you believe in violence when you stuck a steak knife in Luis Alcazar and you PUSHED him OFF the balcony!

    Scotty will NEVER change. Which is EXACTLY the way it should be! :)

    Sabrina's room:

    Michael and Tracy: Michael!!! Tell Tracy to go to hell!!!! She told you Sabrina was going to be fine working at the hospital!

    Not one of Tracy's finer judgement calls with that one. But, at least her heart was in the right place.

    Monica's room: Great Monica and Tracy scene! Awwww! :)

    Monica: You were just looking forward to getting ownership of my house.

    Tracy: The house my brother gave you.

    HAHAHA! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! :) Love it! It never gets old! :)

    Nope, it doesn't! And it never will! :)

    Di said...

    Nina scene...pffft. Who gets introduced to someone and says congrats on the new job but you look like sh**. Come let me dress you appropriately.

    Someone who when she was in her early twenties who went into a coma for 20 years, thus having never experienced the maturing process that comes along with aging. Remember, she may be in her 40s physically, but mentally she's still college age. Hell, waking up from a coma of any length is confusing enough mentally. (And this is something I can speak of from experience. While it was nowhere REMOTELY near that length of time. It's still an extremely traumatic experience to undergo.), but to have that much time taken away, at such a crucial stage of life, for maturing, her doing something like that, doesn't surprise me, one bit. Remember, mentally and emotionally, she's essentially Kiki's age.


  12. K, Interesting comment about the coma. I notice that you are commenting on Sonya's comments, which is fine. As someone who doesn't have a lot of free time, however, I would greatly appreciate it if you could somehow differentiate between your comments on Sonya's, as I have to read Sonya's again to get to your comments. When I respond to someone's email this way, I bold my own comments. I do want to read your comments, I read everyone's, as I hope that others read mine, I just am asking you to make it easier for me. If you don't want to, I totally understand :)

  13. "Michelle Latta said...Sonya I agree, it never gets old. When they were talking about Monica's house I let out a laugh."

    Hahaha yeah it was great. Back then Alan would always say, the house I bought for you! hahahaha!

    "K says I must have TOTALLY missed that with the water yesterday. I don't remember that at all."

    Well, you can always go back and watch that part! :)

    "Scotty will NEVER change. Which is EXACTLY the way it should be! :)"

    Yup yup!!!! I hope he never changes!

    "Not one of Tracy's finer judgement calls with that one. But, at least her heart was in the right place."

    Yeah I know. It was. :(

    "(And this is something I can speak of from experience. While it was nowhere REMOTELY near that length of time."

    Wow!!! You were in a coma? Why?! :( How long were you in a coma?

    1. I miss Alan...and Edward and Lila. John Ingle passed away 4 yrs ago today. (I posted on it 4 yrs to my Facebook, saw it "on this day") :(

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. AntJoan said...

    K, Interesting comment about the coma. I notice that you are commenting on Sonya's comments, which is fine. As someone who doesn't have a lot of free time, however, I would greatly appreciate it if you could somehow differentiate between your comments on Sonya's, as I have to read Sonya's again to get to your comments. When I respond to someone's email this way, I bold my own comments. I do want to read your comments, I read everyone's, as I hope that others read mine, I just am asking you to make it easier for me. If you don't want to, I totally understand :)

    ** Sure Joan, that's not a problem at all. If it makes it easier for you to differentiate my comments from others. I'll just start my stuff with a couple of asterisks at the beginning, hopefully that will clear things up for you. As far as my initial comment, yeah, I am kind of more understanding for someone, real or fictional, that has gone through it. It does change a person in some ways. Anyways, I hope this format works for you. If not, let me know, and I'll try a different option!


  15. sonya said...

    "Not one of Tracy's finer judgement calls with that one. But, at least her heart was in the right place."

    Yeah I know. It was. :(

    ** I'm going to miss their friendship. Tracy really hasn't had an actual friend in so long, the friendship they struck up was very much a highlight for me, since I love Jane Eliot so much.

    Wow!!! You were in a coma? Why?! :( How long were you in a coma?

    ** 6 years ago this month, out of the blue, I got hit with an extremely potent and rare bout of pneumonia. It came completely out of nowhere, putting me into a coma for a little over one month. It seems I was having breathing issues from it, and I required a tracheotomy. There was noone at the local hospital here apparently that was capable of doing this, so I was airlifted and sent 90 miles to a hospital capable of doing so. One month later, I woke up. I had no clue what happened, and why I was there. It then took about another month and a half for me to recover enough and go through enough physical therapy that I could go home. For all intents and purposes I'm fine now. I do have some short term memory issues though, and my skin has become really sensitive to certain types of fabric. (I can't wear anything denim whatsoever anymore, and the ONLY socks I can wear have to be VERY soft and fuzzy. Which I'll only wear in the colder months. ), Due to the tracheotomy, sometimes after I drink liquids, if they don't go down quite right, I'll have a little high-pitched wheezing sound. I also lost absolutely ALL tolerance to anything spicy at all. And I can't get the tolerance back. I've talked to other people who have gone through a coma also, and there are quite a bit that we seem to have in common. Anyways, enough of me going on. I hadn't intended to go on this much, to answer the question. But yeah, that's why I responded to AntJoan's post the way I did. It is a life altering experience, and I have a tendency to explain to others who have a kind of misconception when something involves someone who has gone through one.


  16. "K says 6 years ago this month, out of the blue, I got hit with an extremely potent and rare bout of pneumonia. It came completely out of nowhere, putting me into a coma for a little over one month."

    Wow!!! Well even though it changed you, I am glad you are alive!

  17. sonya said...

    Wow!!! Well even though it changed you, I am glad you are alive!

    ** So am I! They weren't huge changes, but stuff that does have an effect on one's life. More than anything else, the short term memory issues can be VERY frustrating. Otherwise, all is fine now. :)


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  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...