Friday, September 30, 2016

Finally Friday!

I had a big beer at lunch so... :) Not responsible for my blog. 

Tracy's still trying to talk Paul out of killing her. If it takes this long to kill someone, not gonna happen. 

Carly gives Morgan some jade, as a token of how proud she is of him. 
Ava comes in to give Avery a dress. Since she STILL HAS CUSTODY this is stupid. 
Ava is saying Morgan is unstable. She goes upstairs to 'see Avery" but really is going to replace more of his meds. 

Sam is telling Julian no one wants him there. Stay away from Alexis. He should leave. 

Anna talks to Dilly about Susan. Dillon calls Tracy...she goes to answer the phone.  She screams into it, Anna hears her. 

They needed to use the gym again, so SaSon moved into there to continue the "Jules must die" convo. OMG. zzzzzzzzzz. 

Ok, I made it to 2:34. I'm not going to finish. I'm seeing Roger Howarth tomorrow. I hope to write something up after--not sure I'll get to the blog? It will only be a giant serial killer bitch anyway so....??? 

Have a great Friday! 


  1. "Karen says I had a big beer at lunch so... :) Not responsible for my blog."

    Hahahahaha. Got drunk did we? :) Drunk blogging! Sounds like fun! ROFL!

    Carson home:

    Carly and Morgan: Love Carly's blue shirt. Did she get a haircut again? It's cute. Oh oh she gave him a necklace. What is something bad happens to Morgan and the only way to know who the person is, is by the necklace?!!?! Someone on another brought up that theory.

    Ava and Carly: Why doesn't Ava have full custody of Avery by now?! Is it convenient? Sure it is! Otherwise how else is she going to go upstairs to give Morgan the fake pills! :) That the Mommy store bag is hilarious! Hahahaha. Great funny prop. So Port chuckles has the mommy store shop? ROFL!

    Carson: Sam is right! Carly has changed!!!! So what happens if Julian dies and Carly finds out Sonny put a hit out on him? Will she divorce him? Or will they have a huge argument, and Sonny sleeps with Nelle, and Carly finds out and she divorces him..

    The gym:

    Sonny and ???? Hey it's Jaaaaaaaaarlos! Oh wait.

    Sonny and Jason: Bromance is alive and well!!!

    Julian and Ava's home: I guess Julian is back to living with Ava?

    Julian and Pete: Well Pete looks handsome.. :)

    Julian and Sam: Sam stop jabbering and kick his ass!!! Oh wait you can't because of baby Trim.. Hmmm well, grab a fireplace poker and break his kneecaps!!!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Killon: Stop talking about dumb dumb and get back together!!! :) So Kiwi is not a waitress anymore? She takes reservations?

    Dumb dumb: What?!!?!?! He is involving Spinny into his schemes? Oh Spinny can't take down Dumb Dumb's cheating work! Well you deserve that for doing something so dumb!!! Oh oh professor wants you in his office!!!! Dumb Dumb.

    Ava and Kiwi: Oh come on Kiwi! Go have movie night with your mother instead of being with dumb dumb.

    Dumb and Dumber: My IQ went down to 1.

    Dillon and Anna: Great scene!!! :)

    Condo: Paul wins the line of the day.

    Paul: Calm down.

    ROFL! You are trying to kill her Paul! How is she going to calm down?! Are you going to give her some cocoa with mini chocolate chip cookies?! And then kill her? When CrayCray Paul told Tracy that Susan is an empty shell, it made me cry! :'( Tracy don't answer the phone!!! Get Paul to trust you!!!!


    OH CRAP WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!!?! You shouldn't of answered the phone!!! No no CrayCray Paul! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! :(

    Paul and ???: Wow! Whomever that hunka hunka guy is, he is yummy! No don't listen to CrayCray Paul!!!!! Just barge in!!!! CRAP! :(

    Oh Anna used the teleporter! YAY! Oh great scene!!! Shoot him Anna! Shoot him!!!! Well shoot him enough to disarm him but not to kill him! WE CAN'T LOSE RICHARD BURGI DAMMIT! OH DILLON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :0

  2. sonya said... What if something bad happens to Morgan and the only way to know who the person is, is by the necklace?!!?

    *** Yep. And if he has to have plastic surgery that will explain why he comes back with a new face.

    sonya said...Hmmm well, grab a fireplace poker and break his kneecaps!!!

    ***Sonya, sonya, sonya...I never knew you had this vicious streak. lol

    sonya said...Shoot him Anna! Shoot him!!!! Well shoot him enough to disarm him but not to kill him! WE CAN'T LOSE RICHARD BURGI DAMMIT!

    ***I was yelling Shoot him too but I wanted the shot between his eyes. lol

    And stop saying you want RB back or the stupid writers will bring in another freaking twin! I want him gone. Then Scotty can be DA again. Fun And he at least has half a scruple.

    And you were lusting on two extras today. lol I think you have a type. PMSL

  3. "Di says Yep. And if he has to have plastic surgery that will explain why he comes back with a new face."

    Yup!!!!!!! I wouldn't be surprised if that happens!

    "Sonya, sonya, sonya...I never knew you had this vicious streak. lol"

    ROFL! Well, I want my Caaaaaaaaaaaaaarlos revenge!!!! :)

    "I was yelling Shoot him too but I wanted the shot between his eyes. lol"


    "And stop saying you want RB back or the stupid writers will bring in another freaking twin! I want him gone."

    Hahahahaha! A twin. :) Paul doesn't have a twin! :)

    "Then Scotty can be DA again. Fun And he at least has half a scruple."

    Oh yeah fun times!!! :) Scotty used to have a lot of scruples!!! He used to be a golly gee type guy! :) Well, until he read Laura's letter to Luke way back when, and then it completely changed him. Which I think made him more interesting.. He became angry and bitter. Remember after Luke and Laura got married, and they had the reception, and Scotty showed up? He caught the bouquet and then punches broke out! Hahahaha! Ahhh memories. :)

    And you were lusting on two extras today. lol I think you have a type. PMSL

    ROFL! I guess I do have a type! Hahahaha!

  4. sonya said...Hahahahaha! A twin. :) Paul doesn't have a twin! :)

    *** Neither did Caaaaaaaaarlos, til he did. :)

    1. Yeh but hopefully Jaaaaaarlos is gone now. That was a really pointless recast. Kill the reason he comes back and then send him off screen with her baby. Haha!

  5. "Di said.. Neither did Caaaaaaaaarlos, til he did. :)"

    Hahahaha true. :)

  6. GOD no more babies or twins and oh yeh no more back from the dead peeps. LOL!

  7. Di said...

    sonya said... What if something bad happens to Morgan and the only way to know who the person is, is by the necklace?!!?

    *** Yep. And if he has to have plastic surgery that will explain why he comes back with a new face.

    ** From what I've been reading/hearing, it looks like they actually don't plan on doing a recast right now. Which I am VERY okay with!!

    "And stop saying you want RB back or the stupid writers will bring in another freaking twin! I want him gone."

    ** I don't! I just want him to be better written for! Ever since Jelly took over, all the original plans for him that SHOULD have been used, were thrown out the window, and we were subjected to this crap. :(

    "Then Scotty can be DA again. Fun And he at least has half a scruple."

    ** I've got no problem with that, whatsoever. :)

    Oh yeah fun times!!! :) Scotty used to have a lot of scruples!!! He used to be a golly gee type guy! :) Well, until he read Laura's letter to Luke way back when, and then it completely changed him. Which I think made him more interesting.. He became angry and bitter. Remember after Luke and Laura got married, and they had the reception, and Scotty showed up? He caught the bouquet and then punches broke out! Hahahaha! Ahhh memories. :)

    ** Thank goodness for YT, we at least have the ability to go back, and rewatch all the great stuff in the past again! I am SO glad ABC hasn't done with it's soaps on YT, that Sony did with theirs. (They've made people who posted anything substantial, and isn't just a clip here and there that is only a few minutes, take everything down, for Days, Y&R and B&B.)


    1. So glad they aren't recasting...for now.
      I would love if Scott were DA and Anna the Commish. Nothing against Jordan but we don't need her.

  8. K said...** From what I've been reading/hearing, it looks like they actually don't plan on doing a recast right now. Which I am VERY okay with!!

    *** Me too! I hope he`s sent away or goes away for a while and when he comes back he`s stable and maybe even finished school or able to be gainfully employed. ( And not a put up job from mommy or daddy)

    And Michelle, I would love Anna to be commish again. And Felicia should be mayor. they need to finish that story line.

  9. "K says From what I've been reading/hearing, it looks like they actually don't plan on doing a recast right now. Which I am VERY okay with!!"

    Oh! So they are just going to kill dumb dumb off?

    "Thank goodness for YT, we at least have the ability to go back, and rewatch all the great stuff in the past again!"

    YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

    "I am SO glad ABC hasn't done with it's soaps on YT, that Sony did with theirs. (They've made people who posted anything substantial, and isn't just a clip here and there that is only a few minutes, take everything down, for Days, Y&R and B&B.)"

    That sucks! :(

    "Di says Felicia should be mayor. they need to finish that story line."

    YES!!!! Felicia NEEDS to know she is mayor!!!! Someone tell her since Anna won't! GAH!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Yeh that storyline fell apart kinda like Rosalies did. Nothing against Shari Belafonte but I want Flea to be mayor.

  10. Michelle Latta said...

    I would love if Scott were DA and Anna the Commish. Nothing against Jordan but we don't need her.

    Yeh that storyline fell apart kinda like Rosalies did. Nothing against Shari Belafonte but I want Flea to be mayor.

    ** I'm all for all of that! I've never really cared for Jordan. As far as characters go, there really is no point in having her around now. She's also a really bad cop. Embarrassingly bad. I'd definitely be for Anna getting her job back. Or having Robert come back full time and run the PCPD. It's never really been the same since he, and then after him, Sean ran it. As much as I love Mac, I really do think he's better doing the bar thing. Felicia should DEFINITELY be mayor also. I have no idea why the hell that hasn't been rectified.

    sonya said...

    Oh! So they are just going to kill dumb dumb off?

    ** I have no idea on this one. After watching the promo for Monday's ep, and looking at the descriptions for next weeks shows on my cable box, I'm kind of leaning towards the thought that they'll either have to have him committed or he may face jail time, due to his actions. Or, he'll go on the run. I kind of doubt in this case they're gonna kill him off. (But, then again Jelly's logic (or lack there of) when it comes to writing this shit, could do just about anything.) I'm just glad he'll be gone. I've never been able to stand him, since they brought him back.


  11. I caught up on the last week and a half of shows. I really think they just need to do a reset on GH. They need to show Monica in bed and Alan step out of bathroom and Monica tells us about crazy dream she had. Bam Jason is a doctor about to become Chief of Staff. AJ is running ELQ. They can keep some of the storylines/history and get rid of the ridiculous stuff.



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...