Wednesday, September 21, 2016

GH is Closed!

Doors are shut because of the serial killer. Epiphany says she's sorry to Dr. Hardy

Hayden is in jail, Naomi comes to see her.  Hayden is mad about her Dad not being her Dad. 

Lante comes over the Qs with food. Michael's upset. 

F'king Claude has a daughter. WHO CARES all of it happened OFF SCREEN. She had to "give her up to keep her safe" ... blahhhhhh...

Griffin tells Maxie Sabrina is dead.  Franco doesn't want Liz to know because she's too fragile.

POOR EMMA! Another Dead person! Although she'll just be like: When is she coming back to life???

I'm going to go do some work.
If anything fun happens let me know.

BTW, Jules' trial was TERRIBLE and I can't. I'll get to it on Sunday! 


  1. At the end of the show, Claudette tells Nathan that she has a daughter and claims it is his! The child looks to be about 5 years old in the photo she gave Nathan. Claudette has Charlotte hidden from a very bad man who wants to hurt her and her little girl.

  2. Metrocourt hotel

    Finny's hotel room: Poor Finny!!!!! I just want to hug him!!!! :'(

    Pinocchio's hotel room: Oh come on!!!! So Pinocchio has to hide her daughter from the big bad wolf? Oh and of course it has to be Nathan's daughter and not Griffy's! Cus they were careful! So what? Just because you used protection, doesn't mean Griffy can't be the father! TAKE A DAMN DNA TEST!

    Q home:

    Morgan: Oh Morgan isn't mellow yellow today! He is all angry and punchy punchy!

    Morgan and Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarlos: Hey idiot! Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaarlos has every right to be with his nephew!!!!

    Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaarlos and Edwaaaaaaaaaaaaaardo: They look alike!!!!!! :)And I am soooo waiting for Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaarlos's accent to accidentally pop up. :)

    Jail/RayRay's Jail cell: I forgot for a minute why RayRay was in jail. I forgot that the men in black arrested her. You see what happens writers? You don't show RayRay in a few days and people forget! If that happens, you are doing it all wrong!!!! Anyway great scene!!!! Love that RayRay's mother wants to protect her daughter so she tells the truth and now SHE is in jail! Awwwww!

    The hospital:

    Liz's room: I get why BobTodd doesn't want Liz to know Sabrina is dead.. She wants her stronger before he tells her. Friz kiss! YESSSSS!

    The lobby:

    Piffy and the reporter: Man that report is HAWT! :)

    Piffy and Griffy: Oh man Piffy made me cry!!!! Where is Milo? They are still dating right? He should be there visiting her and then comforting her. Oh oh hi Liz!!! Poor Liz!!! :(

    Maxie and Griffy: Great scene!! Love how shocked Maxie was when she hears Sabrina is dead!

    Piffy and the wall/Liz and the wall: When they showed Piffy talking to the wall, and Liz talking and then BobTodd wheeling Liz to the elevator, it felt like the last episode of GH before it was cancelled. Was very sad.. :( Wait a minute!!! BobTodd says once they leave GH will be closed, but Piffy and Griffy are in the chapel!!! And it got dark too!!!! What the hell?!

    Hospital chapel: Great scene!!!

    Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, On earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive those who trespass against us and delivery us from evil.

    Griffy: Amen.

    Piffy: Amen.


    Sidnote: Why wasn't Sam at the courtroom hearing the verdict? That was very odd.

    1. I know! It felt so final, like GH was canceled. There is no hospital in General Hospital, Jarlos has Teddy, everything just felt weird, like they are starting to wrap up...did they do that just before announcing OLTL cancellation?

    2. I must not have paid too close attention cause I thought Sam was there, I remember her going over and slapping Jules.....

  3. "Michelle Latta said...I know! It felt so final, like GH was canceled. There is no hospital in General Hospital, Jarlos has Teddy, everything just felt weird, like they are starting to wrap up...did they do that just before announcing OLTL cancellation?"

    No they didn't that on OLTL!

    1. I hope they find out soon so the hospital can open back up, and it'd have been nice if they showed Monica. Did she go home, was she transfered to Mercy, did they forget about her? LOL!

  4. The final scene in the chapel is worth seeing.

  5. sonya said...I get why BobTodd doesn't want Liz to know Sabrina is dead..

    I find he is being very controlling though. Does he plan to just move in with Liz now?

    And poor sonya. I don't think she realizes that this means that Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarlos will probably be leaving the show now too.

    I loved the scene with Piffy and Griffy too. And I always like him with Maxie.

  6. "Di said...I find he is being very controlling though."

    Well, Liz knows now! I hope she won't relapse!!! :(

    "Does he plan to just move in with Liz now?"

    I have no idea!

    1. Ladies, she needs a nurse man...:) who better than BobTodd. :)

  7. sonya said...

    Metrocourt hotel

    Pinocchio's hotel room: Oh come on!!!! So Pinocchio has to hide her daughter from the big bad wolf? Oh and of course it has to be Nathan's daughter and not Griffy's! Cus they were careful! So what? Just because you used protection, doesn't mean Griffy can't be the father! TAKE A DAMN DNA TEST!

    ** She really should go talk to the Qs, since they can tall her all about even when being careful and using protection, doesn't always work!

    The hospital:

    Liz's room: I get why BobTodd doesn't want Liz to know Sabrina is dead.. She wants her stronger before he tells her. Friz kiss! YESSSSS!

    Di said...

    sonya said...I get why BobTodd doesn't want Liz to know Sabrina is dead..

    I find he is being very controlling though. Does he plan to just move in with Liz now?

    ** He is being controlling, yeah. Remember though, this is all pretty new to him. Finding someone that he loves very much, someone that he would do damn near anything for, that actually loves him back. His heart is definitely in the right place, even if he doesn't always go about things the best way. Like he said to Liz several weeks back: "I promise you, I will never deliberately hurt you." She's just been through hell, and he just wants to do whatever he can to make it better for her, even if he doesn't go about it in the right exact way, all the time.

    sonya said...

    Piffy and the wall/Liz and the wall: When they showed Piffy talking to the wall, and Liz talking and then BobTodd wheeling Liz to the elevator, it felt like the last episode of GH before it was cancelled. Was very sad.. :( Wait a minute!!! BobTodd says once they leave GH will be closed, but Piffy and Griffy are in the chapel!!! And it got dark too!!!! What the hell?!

    ** That definitely make me feel like suddenly deep in my stomach things got really twisted up, and then gut punched. I don't know if you've ever seen the sci-fi series "Babylon 5" or not. But, this scene reminded me of the final scene of the series. When it was being closed down, the last person turned off all of the remaining lights, and walked off into the darkness. It was well known that it was supposed to be the end, anyways. It was plotted out by it's creator to be 5 seasons. So, it was expected. With the way things have been going with GH over the last year, the onscreen closing of GH makes things appear to be, and actually feel like it does, MUCH worse. :(

    1. Well said on all points.
      My favorite was telling her to go talk to the Qs. She'd better stay away from Sonny though, he can look at a woman and make her pregnant.

  8. Why close GH. Do they not think the killer will just begin killing at a new hospital? And geesh, how much capacity does Mercy hospital have that they can take all the patients from another hospital?
    YES, Monica should have been there for the hospital closing. Perhaps have had her there with Liz looking at the pictures and have her, not killer Franco, wheel Liz into the elevator.
    Bobbie should have been there too.
    Hell, I would have even taken Dr. O being there. She should have been running around talking about what a travesty it is and blaming Monica.
    General Hospital - they will shut down the hospital but never shut down the mob.
    I suspect somehow Saint Sonny will come to the rescue to have the hospital re-opened. Make a big cash donation in honour of Sabrina or some contrived shit to make Sonny the hero again.
    If they wanted a real storyline about the hospital re-opening show Tracy and Monica teaming up. Show them having meetings with Liz, Epiphany, Bobbie, Lucas, Brad, Felix, etc. Bring Robin and Patrick back for short storyline to help. Have Alexis provide unofficial legal advice. Have Diane somehow have Spencer declared heir of the Cassadine fortune; have Alexis and Laura as his estate Trustees donate a large sum to the hospital in memory of Nicholas. Bring Jax or Ned back to help with the corporate side of it. Show confrontation meetings with Lomax until Anna steps in and spills the beans about Lomax not really being Mayor. Have Felicia sworn in as Mayor and work to have the hospital re-opened. Have Tracy run for Governor. Have Lucy organize some sort of gala fundraiser.
    PS: What happened to the clinic Michael was opening? What happened tot he Emily Quartermaine Clinic that was opened years ago

  9. I agree with Di-well said friscogh. If the hospital in any way resembled a real one as far as security, cameras,police presence, etc. they wouldn't have had to close it. I still find it incredibly disturbing to see Franco with Liz and being involved with her kids. He seems to have been wearing that same shirt for a week, too. Teddy should go to Uncle Joe. Michael wasn't even engaged to Sabrina. It's not like we will ever see him again anyway. Most of the kids have been absent forever. I was also wondering about the clinic and Michael was supposed to be working at the non-existent ELQ office.

  10. Right at the top of the list of things we could do without under Sonny's name is a daughter for Claudette and Nathan and then a recast of Morgan.

  11. I read this blog every day, love you guys! Very rarely comment, but i just have to say wth! I think at this point i would rather watch a riduculous "fluke" storyline! The writing is all over the place, and none of it makes sense! The last week at the end of every episode all i can say is "Ugh!" I think Morgan off his meds could write a better story line lol

    1. Welcome!!
      Fluke was awful, it's not much better now but no Fluke, that was the worst. LOL!
      I'm ready for Brian Craig's character to be gone. I wonder when his last day is?

  12. "jessica stephens said...I read this blog every day, love you guys! Very rarely comment"

    Welcome to the blog!!!! :) Glad you decided to post! Hope you post more often! :) When did you start reading the blog?

    "I think Morgan off his meds could write a better story line lol"


    1. Thanks for the welcome! I've been reading for a couple years!

  13. "jessica stephens said...Thanks for the welcome! I've been reading for a couple years!"

    Hey you're welcome! :)



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...