Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Quid Pro Quo

Ava looks dressed for a blood-letting cocktail party lol geesh!!  They so need to go all Game of Thrones and just make out. heh. 

Sonny and Carly..Carly's all upset about Sabby. Sonny's like "Who would kill that gentle soul"?? Carly wants the KILLING TO STOP!!  I want this stupid thing to stop. HOW many times are we going to hear about this? "Stop the killing" Stop being Mobular..stop stop

Paul and Dilly...Paul "I've done a very bad thing" --meaning Julian getting off. Zzz.

Giff and Scotty in the park. Griffin overhears Scotty saying Jules is going to get off. Scotty is like "WHY do you care"? Griffin: I'm Duke's SON. Scotty: @@ !!

Olivia is on!! Be-ratting Alexis about her testimony on the stand. Poor Lex! wahhhh

OMG So Claude says she got hooked up with a bad-guy who's now in prison. I thought Valentin? But no..it was before he got into prison I guess. She went OFF-Grid (except for applying for the Crimson Job)...and is scared. 
Oh for F sake..this is IT? 
Nathan is like whatever. She's all "I love you"!!!  I guess she can't get Griffin so she goes to Nathan. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz. 

Ok, I'm leaving at 2:30. Done I have too much to do. 


  1. Trailer for Nathan Parson's new movie (ex Ethan). He's such a good looking guy and a very good actor. Miss him.

  2. She's been playing Nathan and now Griffin since she got there. Sick of it!
    I knew Jules would get off but doesn't mean I'm not disgusted cause I am.
    When Ava went and saw Jules I was like oh look it's your brother/lover! LOL!
    I called it! Claudette has a kid! I bet it's Nathans....or Griffins.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. GH is really trying with making CarSon the moral centers of the show aren't they?

    1. They are. It's sad.

      I wonder if Griffin will start working for Sonny.

  5. Metrocourt hotel:

    Alexis and Olivia: Great scene!!! :) Poor Alexis is all lost and confused and Olivia is loud! ROFL! No but seriously great scene.

    Pinocchio's hotel room: HUH?!!!?! She hooked up with a no face no name bad guy and he is after her?!!?! GET A RESTRAINING ORDER!!!! Wait so the only way to get Nathan to help you, is to get back together with him? That is so stupid and immature!!! How old are you Pinocchio? 12!?

    Pinocchio: Please! If you won't do it for me, then do it for us.

    Nathan: There is no us!

    Pinocchio: I'm not talking about you and me dammit!

    Well gee! He doesn't know you have a daughter so don't get angry at him!!!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Carson: Carly feeling guilty, and Sonny looking for blood!!! Basically,

    Carly: No!!! Don't kill Julian! No more murders!

    *Sonny looking angry*

    Carly: I said no!!!! No more!!!

    Julian's jail cell: Ava in her clown/hooker makeup wanting her brother.. I mean wanting to help him.

    The park:

    Griffy and Scotty: Yes Scotty!!! Duke has a son Griffy! DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNNNN!

    The courthouse:

    Alexis, Olivia, and Ava: Olivia wins the line of the day.

    Olivia: Can you not be a bitch for like 30 seconds.


    Paul and Dillon: I was so distracted by Paul's beautiful blue blue eyes.. *sigh*

    The jury box: Oh the mannequin juror can speak!!!!

    1. NOT GUILTY!

    2. NOT GUILTY!

    3. NOT GUILTY!

    4. NOT GUILTY!

    5. NOT GUILTY!

    6. NOT GUILTY!

    Well congratulations Scotty you won!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) Ahem now Sonny, beat the crap out of Julian!!!!!

    Ava and Julian: They are in each others arms.. :)

    "Karen says They so need to go all Game of Thrones and just make out. heh."

    HAHAHAHAHA! Yeah no kidding!!!! :)

    Sonny and Julian: Oh boy! If looks can kill, they both would kill each other! :)

    Alexis and Olivia: Oh poor Alexis!!!!! Give Nancy Lee Grahn an emmy now!!!!! :)

    Alexis: I can't breath!

    Give her a brown paper bag!!! It's been a long time since she has breathed in one!!!!

    The park part 2: Wow Paul is just staring into space! Feeling guilty of murdering people Paul?!

    Paul and Ava:

    Paul: Your need to protect your brother. I get that. Family always has to take care of family.

    Oh boy!!!! He is definitely protecting his daughter!!! What's wrong with Susan Paul!!?! :(

    The hospital/chapel:

    Griffy: :(

    Griffy: In the end I know there will be justice.

    Hmmm. Is Julian going to die?

    The metrocourt restaurant:

    Alexis: Poor Alexis!!!!!!! :(


    Piffy: I'm sorry Dr. Hardy. We tried.

    Huh!?! What is all that about? Oh wait it is because the hospital is closing?!

  6. "Michelle Latta said...When Ava went and saw Jules I was like oh look it's your brother/lover! LOL!"


  7. New GH promo!

    His scheming, stalking, conniving ex drops a new bombshell.


  8. Michelle Latta said...

    I called it! Claudette has a kid! I bet it's Nathans....or Griffins

    ** Of course she is, and it's either one or the other's, duh! ;)


  9. sonya said...

    Metrocourt hotel:

    Pinocchio's hotel room: HUH?!!!?! She hooked up with a no face no name bad guy and he is after her?!!?! GET A RESTRAINING ORDER!!!! Wait so the only way to get Nathan to help you, is to get back together with him? That is so stupid and immature!!! How old are you Pinocchio? 12!?

    ** No kidding, EVERYTHING she does, is just one REALLY bad decision after another, digging herself in deeper, each time.

    Well gee! He doesn't know you have a daughter so don't get angry at him!!!

    ** Last I checked, Nathan is NOT "The Amazing Kreskin'!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Carson: Carly feeling guilty, and Sonny looking for blood!!! Basically,

    Carly: No!!! Don't kill Julian! No more murders!

    *Sonny looking angry*

    Carly: I said no!!!! No more!!!

    ** It kinda blows my mind that Carly STILL thinks that Sonny might actually not do whatever he damn well wants to do!

    The courthouse:

    Paul and Dillon: I was so distracted by Paul's beautiful blue blue eyes.. *sigh*

    ** That's happened with me, whenever RB is onscreen, for years, now! (It's also not just limited to his eyes, too! :)

    The park part 2: Wow Paul is just staring into space! Feeling guilty of murdering people Paul?!

    Paul and Ava:

    Paul: Your need to protect your brother. I get that. Family always has to take care of family.

    Oh boy!!!! He is definitely protecting his daughter!!! What's wrong with Susan Paul!!?! :(

    ** Yeah, whatever it is, it's got to be pretty damn bad. It's REALLY obvious that Paul feels absolutely horrible for having to do everything he's done, and has no control of his own over whatever or whoever is responsible for what's going on with Susan.


  10. I was impressed they had Olivia in the courtroom. Two years ago there would have been no one there. That said, I would have been more impressed if they also had Lucas, Brad, Sam, Jason, Kristina, Aaron, Molly, TJ, Diane, Max, Bobbie, Jordan, Nathan, Dante, Lomax, Kiki, Nina, Maxie, Robert, Anna, Mac, Felicia, Ric, Ned, Ms. Wu and others from the 5 families, news reporter guy from Nurses Ball, there. Of course Saint Sonny had to be there...I detest that character more and more every day.

    While GH has way too many stories happening right now, I'd like to see them bring Burt Ramsey back. Last we saw him he was in a coma in a mental hospital. Time to wake him up.

  11. The only thing that will redeem that trial for me is if Paul gets PO'd and Julian becomes the next victim of the GH serial killer.

  12. I think they should never do a court trial again. This whole shebang was so ridiculous that it was really insulting to anyone's intelligence. No police or forensic witnesses, no media at what should have been a sensational trial, and of course a pre-selected generic jury who were obviously on standby. Great performance by Scotty though. And as friscogh said above, folks that really should have been there were not. Have they never watched Law and Order much less seen a real trial? I wish Claudette had been eliminated instead of Sabrina.

  13. LSV422 said...

    I think they should never do a court trial again. This whole shebang was so ridiculous that it was really insulting to anyone's intelligence. No police or forensic witnesses, no media at what should have been a sensational trial, and of course a pre-selected generic jury who were obviously on standby. Great performance by Scotty though. And as friscogh said above, folks that really should have been there were not. Have they never watched Law and Order much less seen a real trial? I wish Claudette had been eliminated instead of Sabrina.

    ** Without a doubt Scotty was the best part of it. And as I've said before, the writers really don't have a clue as to what they're doing. I COULD see the judge having the courtroom closed to all media for the duration of the trial. That's about the ONLY way I could see the lack of people in the courtroom being feasibly explained. I would've loved for it to have been Claudette too. I think that's pretty much the opinion of the majority of long-term GH fans.


  14. "K says Last I checked, Nathan is NOT "The Amazing Kreskin'!"

    Hahahaha no he is not! :)

    "That's happened with me, whenever RB is onscreen, for years, now! (It's also not just limited to his eyes, too! :)"


    "Yeah, whatever it is, it's got to be pretty damn bad. It's REALLY obvious that Paul feels absolutely horrible for having to do everything he's done, and has no control of his own over whatever or whoever is responsible for what's going on with Susan."

    Yes he does look like he is feeling horribly guilty! Come on writers!!! Let us in on his secret!!!



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...