Thursday, September 15, 2016

Bryan Craig Up and Quits General Hospital

Because..? He makes such good decisions? Why the hell would he quit now--?? Makes zero sense, imo

Image result for morgan on GH

READ IT HERE on Daytime Confidential 


  1. Oh you really need a happy dance smilie. After all the bad news of the last few days this I can take. And although I hate the character I wish Bryan well. he's probably getting thoroughly sick of the same old rehashed storylines too.

    Maybe we'll get kiki back with Dillon now. She's palatable there.

    1. Not a fan of Moron, so I'm glad to see him go. I love Killion, hopefully they'll get together.
      The hits keep coming though, Teresa out, Tyler not coming back and now Bryan quitting. Is GH in trouble and that's why people are jumping ship?

    2. Not a fan of Moron, so I'm glad to see him go. I love Killion, hopefully they'll get together.
      The hits keep coming though, Teresa out, Tyler not coming back and now Bryan quitting. Is GH in trouble and that's why people are jumping ship?

  2. OMG, this is HORRIBLE!! I always felt BC was PERFECT casting for Morgan, as he SOOO looks like the child of the actors who play Carly and Sonny. Losing 2 other important actors, and now this one--oh, I am sooo sad!!

    We have a family member who is bipolar, who has an older brother who is blonde, as I have said here before. I thought BC and CD do a great job of portraying this relationship, and also that BC does REALLY WELL as the bipolar Morgan. Why would he leave the show?

  3. While I haven't liked the character, Craig's portrayal has been consistently getting better. That said, his best exit would have been as the GH serial killer. Or, as Paul's victim instead of Sabrina.

  4. What why?!!?!?! What the hell is going on around here?! :(

  5. I agree with Di - Kiki and Moron were not a great duo and she comes to life relatively speaking, with Dillon. I won't miss the character at all but the actor was ok. Three departures in one week - a new record?

    1. Well the cast is bloated but instead of losing characters we've had, they just needed to stop hiring. I don't care about Bryan so much as I do Tyler and Teresa. We definitely don't need any newbies. I hope they don't get any bright ideas to hire 3 to replace the 3 we've lost.......

  6. Who wouldn't get tired of the wash/rinse/repeat role of playing Morgan. BC did an outstanding portrayal of a manic depressive both as someone who is taking their meds and someone who is not. They should have just left well enough alone. I don't necessarily love or hate Morgan but I am thinking that a recast may be a route they'll explore for the role. And if they do end up writing him off I really hope they don't consider a suicide situation because of his mental illness.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. "Michelle Latta says Teresa out, Tyler not coming back and now Bryan quitting. Is GH in trouble and that's why people are jumping ship?"

    Yeah that is what I am wondering!!!

  9. Yes, I thought the same thing this morning, maybe GH is being canceled??

    1. Never occurred to me until Bryan's leaving....maybe Teresa's exit wasn't so much to be a stay at home mom as it was she saw the writing on the wall?

    2. Never occurred to me until Bryan's leaving....maybe Teresa's exit wasn't so much to be a stay at home mom as it was she saw the writing on the wall?

  10. I'm not fond of the character and always had a hard time warming up to the actor, as well. This action seems to imitate something his character would do. I've been out of the news loop for a couple months for medical reasons, I had no idea they were killing off Sabrina. I assume this is how Hayden aka Rachel will escape charges for the diamonds. Since the dead person last possessed them, they'll come up with some bogus story to blame it on her. How convenient. Sorry to hear about Theresa leaving :(

    1. Sabrina turned them in to the cops before Paul killed her. Everyone knows it, including Liz (since she sent her there), Hayden and Franco.

  11. natasha_jax said...

    I'm not fond of the character and always had a hard time warming up to the actor, as well. This action seems to imitate something his character would do. I've been out of the news loop for a couple months for medical reasons, I had no idea they were killing off Sabrina. I assume this is how Hayden aka Rachel will escape charges for the diamonds. Since the dead person last possessed them, they'll come up with some bogus story to blame it on her. How convenient. Sorry to hear about Theresa leaving :

    I've never really cared for him or the character, either. From what I've read/heard about the way he is, suddenly quitting out of the middle of nowhere, doesn't really surprise me too much. So I'm okay with his leaving. I do wish him all the best though.

    As far as Theresa leaving though, I think that pretty much surprised everyone. No one really saw it coming, until the last couple days.


    1. Not sure why, but I was never a fan of Bryan or his character. With the bloated cast, he was one I wanted gone and yeah!

  12. Pray they don't recast the role. If I have to hear DID YOU TAKE YOUR MEDS??? One more time I am going to need medication to watch the show!!!



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...