Friday, April 4, 2014

Picking At GH

because this show is on my last nerve I'm going to pick, pick pick the little things today because I can't deal with the big things:

Ava's dress looks like I made it in Mrs. Craft's home Ec class. In Middle School.

Jordan's skirt is HIDEOUS. It's too damn tight and too damn white. 

Lulu. Can you like, go to the spa? For like a week? Thanks. Your voice is GRATING ON ME

Felix is on-- and getting a BLT. 

Morgan's hair. um... hey, gotta use that art gallery set a million times since you built it, right?

Nikolas 'manning the phones' ahahha..whatever.  At least his brain is churning to go and 'save' Liz.

I'm going to bitch about the stupid kidnapping stuff in Sunday Surgery. Get ready. 
WHY DOESN'T LIZ RUN!??????? why? Is this supposed to be SUSPENSEFUL? for WHOM? 12 year olds!!? WTF. ugh. 

"Your mutta is a criminal mastermind"....

AND Nikolas goes to Liz' and instead of being all cool and calm is like WHO'S HERE! Like a Cassadine would do that!? OMG lol

So, Donna Mills goes to kill Sam (KnockAmora) ..NOT Ava, she goes to tell Silas.


  1. Kelly's: Felix and Lucas's scene. Lucas said he wants to talk to Felix. Why would Lucas want to tell him that he and Brad are over? It's none of Felix's business! An Shawn leave Jordan alone and stop being a hypocrite! And I really want to know about Jordan's past. :)

    Ava's art gallery: Morgan looks different. Man she REALLY wants to get out of there! :)

    Morgan: I can't have a relationship like this. The next time you ask me to do something like this, we won't have one.

    Oh yeah!!! You tell her Morgan! :)

    Hotel room: Very interesting. :) I'm involved in this storyline now. Wait Sam you can't pretend to be the pharmacist! You have a baby! This could be dangerous! Oh oh Ava is coming!!! Wait that's not Ava!!! IT'S MCSILAS'S MOTHER IN LAW!!!! My jaw dropped to the ground!!!

    The hospital: I can't believe Britch is back to work!!! Come on!!!! Britch and Brad scene. I love it! No Britch you gotta do the right thing! Do the right thing, and you will be redeemed in my eyes! Brad and Felix scene. Hmmm will Felix want Brad back? I hope not.

    Liz's home: Dr O won the line of the day!

    Dr O: Control your insolence or I'll have to dock your pay.

    ROFL! Damn I love Dr O! :) Come on Liz don't just sit there! Do something! Hit her over the head with something! There is Nik again! He sees Dr O now!!! OH OH!

    Police station: Oh Britch is back! She is going to tell Lante the truth?!?! :)

  2. "Everyday Jane said...Is it worth watching today?"

    Yup!!! Well the trying to trap Ava scene today! Priceless. :) Britch going to the police station.

  3. Maybe not a great day, Everyday Jane, but a good enough day. Couple of surprises and Michael Easton is on. I'm especially fond of ME.

    How did Madeline find out the 'real/fake' location of the pharmacist? Was she listening in the gallery, too? Interesting. Will the detective arrest his mother? ( If she is his mother...) She was injecting something to seem like a doctor murderer? I thought Ava was finally going to get caught!! How disappointing in that way. But then, why was Ava so thrown by the newspaper story if she isn't guilty? Oh, well. She is SO guilty of SO much else. Is she in co-hoots with Madeline?

    I want Anna to be on more. As Police Commish, she needs to be on at least 3 days a week in PC.

  4. Maybe not a great day, Everyday Jane, but a good enough day. Couple of surprises and Michael Easton is on. I'm especially fond of ME.

    How did Madeline find out the 'real/fake' location of the pharmacist? Was she listening in the gallery, too? Interesting. Will the detective arrest his mother? ( If she is his mother...) She was injecting something to seem like a doctor murderer? I thought Ava was finally going to get caught!! How disappointing in that way. But then, why was Ava so thrown by the newspaper story if she isn't guilty? Oh, well. She is SO guilty of SO much else. Is she in co-hoots with Madeline?

    I want Anna to be on more. As Police Commish, she needs to be on at least 3 days a week in PC.

  5. When Jordan told Shawn that he should stick to subjects you know something about like your little BLT's, I so wanted her to continue by saying, "because you sure as Hell don't know how to prepare anything else!" Seriously, is that all that's on the menu? No cheeseburgers and fries? No soup? Just coffee and BLT's? I'm joining you Karen in the nitpicking.

  6. Jordan's skirt is HIDEOUS. It's too damn tight and too damn white.


    Unless you're a lesbian, Karen, your opinion is meaningless. On another site the guys were marveling at her splendidly divine behind and wanting to see that girl in the sheets.

    WE need LOVE in the afternoon, not Mob sheeze. That skirt was FANTASTIC!

  7. Cosmoerica..........The skirt look good on Jordan you right.Some people don't have no taste in Fashion. I see worst on the red carpet in Hollywood

  8. I thought Jordan looked good in that skirt. Then again, that blue monstrosity Ava had on this week should have been burned. Wardrobe has been consistently horrible lately. Britt looks like she slept in her clothes, which she probably did, and forgot to comb her hair.

  9. surely someone in PC is allergic to bacon, lettuce or tomato???

  10. Rumor that Maurice is taking 6 months off made my day. I will be horribly disappointed if it's not true.

  11. Soap Opera Digest has a awesome wedding issue out. I refuse to believe is this show couldn't get any worse then it was under Bob.

  12. Jordan and the skirt: girl got game!


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...