Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Look Who's Coming..

Look who's back..
Back again...
Look who's back..
Tell a Friend...


  1. YAY! Helena is one character I don't mind returning from the dead. Maybe she'll knock off some of the extraneous cast members. Hey, a girl can dream...

  2. Yay! I know you will be watching, Karen! Always great to have her back.

  3. Slim Shady? lol Oh, no it's just 107 year old Hells Bells!

  4. Helena's rising from the dead just in time for Easter.

    There is no drama or thrill if characters never really die.

  5. so, basically, ANY character who has ever died on GH is fair game for a return appearance?

  6. I really don't know why we need more villains.

  7. maybe we'll get lucky and all the evil doers will start to off eachother....and take Sabrina and some of the mobsters with them. Glad Helena's back but I agree, way too many villains on the show.

  8. dont you know? villians are the new heroes. the writers worship them and are incapable of writing for anyone else. when is the last time we had romance on the show?

  9. Give me the GH League of Super Villians:
    Helena, Victor C, Stavros, Faison, Dr. O, and Grant Putnam. I want to see them mount an "endgame" scenario on PC and all hell to break loose.

  10. I know all the returns from the dead are getting ridiculous, but for Constance Towers I'll make an exception. Anytime I see her on TV it's a treat.

  11. it is obvious that the writers and producers of this show dont care about reality and are

    just bringing back characters from the dead who clearly died on screen. since they dont

    care about history or reality, here are my suggestions for back-from-the-dead storylines.

    tony jones - this would give Lucas someone to actually bond with instead of forcing him

    to have awkward scenes with the other gay characters he has no chemistry with. plus, the

    father/son chemistry with julian is pathetic and just sad.

    diego and lorenzo alcazar. both actors are easy on the eyes. and we have learned from the

    nathan west character that just because you look good shirtless, doesnt mean you should

    speak dialogue. and ted king has proven time and time again he can act. plus, this would

    open up the door for skye to return and who wouldnt want her in the Q mansion?

    Dominique. they are supposedly casting Serena, so having her mother on canvas would open

    up a storyline. And as much as I love Scott going toe-to-toe with Luke and conspiring

    with Heather and Lucy, I think that Scotty was at his absolute best when he was in love

    with Dominique.

    Harlan Barrett. Ok, this is obvious considering the current storyline

    Stefan Cassadine and Katherine Bell. For shits and giggles.

    Lily Corinthos. Make her Sabrina's mother. And have her come on the show for a limited

    number of episodes to take Sabrina off the canvas and into the sunset. For the few

    episodes she is here, she can let Sonny see her and drive him nuts, having him think he

    is seeing things.

    Logan Hayes. I really felt the writers at the time botched this storyline so bad. Here

    you have two sworn enemies and their children are dating. this was the ultimate romeo and

    juliet storyline. he should never had died and I thought this was a good storyline that

    got ruined.

    Georgie Jones, Rick Webber and Alan Q. Simply becuase neither of these characters or

    actors should have died in the first place. I would like Rick to bring his adopted son

    Mike to the canvas. If they are going to keep adding characters, bring on someone with a

    familiar history to the show and related to someone. (this leaves door open for Ginny Blake to return if and when Judith Chapman is available)

    Alexandria Quartermaine and Tony Cassadine. they were a good power couple back in the

    day. And since they are just frozen all helena needs to do is thaw them. would be

    interesting to intertwine the C's and the Q's again.

    Manny Luiz. Robert Lasardo is a great actor and brings every scene to a new level.

    Dawn Winthrop. Because NO parent should bury 4 of their children.

  12. Although I know this means Karen will probably never speak to me again, I do not want to see Helena return. They have squandered the character. Look how they have treated everyone else they brought back. I have visions of a nuHelena, growing lilacs, and arranging teas. Whatever. I am tired of all-out villains, too. Whoa. Maybe it's not just VILLAINS I am sick of. Got go think on this.

  13. Although I know this means Karen will probably never speak to me again, I do not want to see Helena return. They have squandered the character. Look how they have treated everyone else they brought back. I have visions of a nuHelena, growing lilacs, and arranging teas. Whatever. I am tired of all-out villains, too. Whoa. Maybe it's not just VILLAINS I am sick of. Got go think on this.


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...