Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Aw, so close... She done GOOD folks!!Love this photo Nancy tweeted.

AJ still doing stupid stuff LOL.  Drawing on Tracy's photo heehee

HEY! Skye mentions Llanview and Pine Valley and the fact that Stuart is having an art show. :)  She and  Carly start yelling then rolling on the floor. They both saw Blair's photo with Tomas and went "Lorenzo"?? "Alkazar"??  
He was an identical twin--Remember Luis?

Lante and their  Surrogacy story. Hmmmm. 

Connie tied up with no toilet. Just like  LUKE. I don't like this story at all. It's just stupid.  Sonny should be arrested for doing that. Now he's  crying...

MOLLY and TODD were priceless. She didn't utter a word!! He's so mad she's marrying Tomas--or Alkazar.

Ellie's voice is JUST driving me  insane. She knows know that they were "not married".

Gus is having an operation on a growth today-- I am waiting for the call. We are hoping it's benign. 


  1. I'm soooo on the edge of my seat about Lorenzo/Tomas Ted King thing. I literally haven't been this excited about GH since they gave me those brief months of SkyLo

  2. It would be such a shame to have story about Tomas and not let us see that gorgeous man! I really miss him. Not as Lorenzo so much, but as Tomas...

  3. Q home: AJ warns Michael about Sonny. That if he doesn't get his way, he reverts to violence, and that he will put a gun to Michael's head!!! Michael are you gonna listen? :) Did Michael have a haircut? :) I loved what AJ did to Tracy's picture ROFL!

    Sonny's warehouse: Sonny has Connie all tied up!!!!!!!! She blames him for being raped!!! Micheal shows up! Well Michael! Do you realize that AJ is right?!!?! :)

    Kelly's: Skye brought up Pine Valley!!!!!!!!!!! :) Her uncle Stuart has opened up his art gallery again! :) An AMC update!!!! :) YAY! Thank you writers!! Yes Skye Stuart IS your uncle!! You ARE a Courtland and NOT a Q!!!!! Carly shows up and it's Skye vs Carly! :) SLAPPING! GIRLFIGHT WOOT WOOT! Skye saw an article about Tomas and Blair getting married! Skye says Lorenzo!?!?! Carly says Alcazar?!!?!? :) ROFL! Is Tomas a triplet?!!!? :)

    Maxie and Ellie's home: Ellie found Maxie's non wedding picture of her and Spinny, and got all upset. I don't blame you Ellie! Spinny should have told you! Ellie gets the line of the day! She says she doesn't want to be a sister wife! ROFL! Spinny and Maxie have to explain to her. Maxie leaves, and Spinny talks to Ellie. Spinny says he talked to Maxie last week because she told him she loves him. Poor Ellie!

    Manning Enterprises: Todd is all upset over Tomas and Blair's wedding announcement in the paper. Poor Molly! ROFL! She is so scared of Todd! Starr manipulates daddy, and she finally got Todd to calm down and wants her daddy to read the manuscript. He says he is busy right now. All he is doing is playing cards online ROFL! Molly tells Todd what the novel is about cus he insists he tell her. He wants to know how it ends, and she says read the book. Todd is still in love with Blair!!!!!!!! :)

    Haunted Star: Dante and Lulu interviewing woman for being the surrogate. Apparently the woman they interviewed, smokes and drinks in the morning ROFL! This one woman they interviewed, I liked at first, but then I didn't anymore. Come on Lante! Pick either Olivia, Maxie, or Liz! :) Maxie comes in and they do pick her! :)

  4. Karen I hope it's benign too! Let us know!

  5. Anyone notice today's "Prop Du Jour": the tablet that figured prominently in at least 3 scenes in today's show? Lulu had one at the Haunted Star, Maxie was looking at one when she was giving Spinelli the silent treatment and Carly and Skye saw Tomas/Alcazar's picture in Blair's wedding announcement on one (that nearly became a casualty of the Carly/Skye cat fight.

    AJ, who's been under a rock for the past 7 years, had a tablet of the low-tech ilk, a yellow legal pad with his list of who's on what side in the ELQ war. No toilet OR no tablet for poor Connie. She can't even reach her cell phone.

    Best of luck to Gus as you wait for the results of his surgery.

  6. Michael walking in on Sonny with Connie tied up was priceless. Hmmm maye AJ has a few points. I feel really bad for Connie, why does Sonny think that tying someone up will make them come back to him?

    I would love for Tomas to really to be Lorenzo. He was one of my faves.

    The only time I ever like Starr is when she is handling Todd.

    I loved how Skye and Carly went from a slap fight to having a friendly chat about Lorenzo in a heartbeat.

    More Molly please.

    Lante would have to be insane to have Maxie carry the baby...but it is sure going to be fun to watch.

  7. Just saying... What if Alcazar and Tomas are the same person?
    I'm very excited to see where this goes.

  8. I still think Lulu will be pregnant soon. I loved the show today. I love that they are taking the blinders off Micheal where Sonny is concerned.

  9. Yes, Kelley did good. I noticed that Nancy was there for every show - what a great friend!

  10. Karen: is Gus your husband? Hope he's ok.

    Sonya: Shame on you: Skye is a CHANDLER, not a Cortlandt/Cooney!

    The Alcazar/Tomas thing has the potential to be one of the best stories in years, ala if Tomas was really a CIA agent posing as Lorenzo, because, recall, Lorenzo was never on the show when Luis was.

  11. My thoughts are with you and Gus. Waiting is so hard.

  12. Karen I was totally distracted by GH I didn't notice your mention of Gus. I hope everything is ok. <3

  13. Cosmoetica said...Sonya: Shame on you: Skye is a CHANDLER, not a Cortlandt/Cooney!
    Oh my! I can't believe I said that!!! I ment Chandler!!! Skye is a Chandler! Not a Q!!!

  14. Karen, I hope all is well with Gus. Please let us know.


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