Friday, November 30, 2012

Real Life General Hospital? Um. NO

ABC is supposedly shooting a "Real Life GH" for daytime next year according to the New York Post. 

ABC is developing a real-life version of “General Hospital” — with actual doctors and nurses filmed at an LA hospital — as a daytime show for next year.
The show quietly began taping recently at the famed UCLA Medical Center, a spokesman for ABC confirmed.
The show is in its “earliest, pilot stages,” said the official and is intended “either for syndication or maybe cable.”
The show, according to sources, will follow the private as well as working lives of white coats at the hospital. 

This better not be any BS to try to replace our show. ABC should know better after it's other disasters. LEAVE THE SOAPS ALONE!!



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...