Sunday, November 25, 2012

Sunday Surgery: Semper ad Meliora

"Always Towards Better Things"

Well, let's get this glowing blog over with!! You know I loved GH this week! Find a nice bright scrub outfit and sip the we go-go.

I don't even know how to start this other than to say I'm glad I DVR'd the three days this week so I can watch it over and over again. *sigh* Perfection.
The show had family and history at the heart which is what EVERY soap should be. The actors had dialog that could make them shine and let's face it, we all teared up a bit.   
I've said just about everything there is to say in all my posts this week--and my "Thankful" post on Thursday. It's so refreshing to not have to bitch or make suggestions to make it better. 

SCENE OF THE WEEK: Lila and Edward going up the Q Stairway to Heaven. :sobbing: The last scene of Edward and Lila walking up the stairs could have been cheesy or just plain wrong, but Ron pulled it off with stunning accuracy and grace. It was perfection. Kudos to the doubles and wardrobe for putting it all together.
 MOST TOUCHING: "Edward" reaching for Danny's fingers before dying.

BEST ACTED: Jane Elliot at her Daddy's bedside.
RUNNER UP: Anna realizes something is off with NonDuke and tells him to back off with tears in her eyes.  AND Robert and Patrick. There was great stuff to be had ALL around! 

 MOST FUN: Thong Strangulation
MOST MISSED: Q Squabbling before dinner, wasn't it a wonderful noise to be heard again!? 

 PROPS OF THE WEEK: All those glorious pizza boxes piled high at the front door 
I'm wondering if Heather is still married to Edward...hmmmmm. (2004) That could be what "she knows'... and if so..VERY INTERESTING!

Hope you all had a fabulous Turkey Time with your family/friends. Monday night has BRENDA herself on "Hawaii 5-0"!!! Adrienne Barbeau is on "Revenge" tonight and Balkin Henchman Massi Furlan is at the beginning of "Liz and Dick" on Lifetime. Glad he's at the start so we don't have to suffer the whole show!! I may have to live tweet that train wreck a bit  heh. 

Here's to GH: finally coming back to the history and fun and glory we knew it could be!! 


  1. I also said Heather is likely still a Q. Otherwise, her cackling seems pointless. If she is still Mrs. Q the Edward's will is meaningless, although a court fight would brew.

    Karen: I know this was Ingle-centered, but don't you think a nod to the great David Lewis (as Edward the First) was due? His work was stellar and often a frontline lead, whereas Ingle was a great supporting actor.

  2. I missed parts of the show this week. Was any explaination given as to where Dillon, Brooklyn, Lois, Mia or Keesha were?

    Any word on how long Skye and Ned are sticking around? I know Skye is sticking around for round three of the Screaming Banishee and Carly Clone returns. As much as I like Skye I will not be watching any scenes with Tea or Blair.

    If Anna and Robert do not reunited I'd like for them to explore a Robert and Olivia pairing.

  3. It was great to see Wally Kurth again. Holy crap has he aged well or what?

    When I think of where this show was a year ago and how truly entertaining it is now, all I can say is wow.

  4. Cosmo, I thought the same thing but then realized it was all for John, not for David. At least that's what I think that Ron/Frank were trying to do. David Lewis was awesome. I did love the recast though as JI was more "twinkling" lol.

  5. Frisco..yes Olivia and Robert, I could support that! OlBert!

  6. Yes, Ingle teddy beared Edward up a bit, and he was great.

    Frisco: I think it's inevitable that real Duke and Anna hook up. I liked Robert with other actresses, but you have to recall his Anna tale was all backstory, it never played out in real time- they never had any real sexual chemistry. Watch their old Youtube scenes vs. those of Holly and Robert when Luke was presumed dead and it's NO CONTEST that Holly was Robert's love of his life and Duke was Anna's.

    I hope the Tomas from OLTL as Alacazar rumors are true cuz I'd love Robin Christopher to stick around. I could be wrong but she is the only character who was contract at AMC, OLTL, and GH.

    I'd love to see a cameo guest appearance from David Canary as her dad, Adam Chandler, and see whatever happened AFTER AMC died.

    But, Robert and Olivia would be interesting. Perhaps Robert could do a mercy killing on PJ Lars and set Heather off on an all time fun rampage of revenge?

  7. @friscogh Ned said that Dillon was off somewhere directing a movie and that Brooklyn was on tour and Lois was with her. No mention of Keesha.

    I'd like to see them bring back Holly, repair Guza's character assassination of her, and put her back with Robert. They were the very first soap couple I fell in love with as a teenager.

  8. Fabulous week. Very well done by Ron/Frank. The Q's have been greatly missed by fans.

    I as well am hoping Skye (LOVE HER) stays and Alcazar/Lorenzo/ Would be great storytelling!

    I also saw the chemistry between Olivia and Robert and liked it very, very much!!

  9. Britt is staying around, since the actress signed a 2 year contract.
    There should be a league of evils: Helena, Faison, Heather, Jerry(who likely isn't dead)and Alcazar(if he is returning...?).

  10. Bookworm: I also loved Holly. She and Robert were my all time favourite couple back in the day.


Let's Try this AGAIN!

  I'm going in a bit blind today because I've only seen online recaps of yesterday's show. Didn't feel like turning it on to...